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Laser temps


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Are laser temperatures related to variance in color (colour for all non-Americans ;) ) ?


Like with fire, a blue flame is one of the coldest flames where a white flame is about the hottest flame there is.


I have never seen a white light saber (assmuning a white laser would be the hottest temp) and wondering if the same color/heat relationship applies to light as well.

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I understand your point, but blue is not the coldest, it is hotter then the orange. And I was doing an experiment in a science lab, and we change the flame colors by putting diffrent chemichals on something and putting it in the flame. So im assuming the color is just what chemichals are mixed it with it, or if its bruning etc.

Dont flame me, im taking crappy science, and im little LOL


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you hit it hoowl, a lights color is due to its frequency. now when you say lasers color, are you refering to a sabre or a blaster? because the color of a sabre is based on its focusing jewel, as for blasters.. hmm, well, i guess i have never seen anything but red...

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I have never seen a white light saber (assmuning a white laser would be the hottest temp) and wondering if the same color/heat relationship applies to light as well.


umm lightsaber colors aren't based on temperature...they're based on the nature of the internal crystal(s)

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Originally posted by Belgirion


umm lightsaber colors aren't based on temperature...they're based on the nature of the internal crystal(s)


Which isn't really all that different than reality, in which the natural harmonic frequency of the laser crystal defines its resonances which in turn define the lasing wavelength (i.e. bandgap), which of course is the color of the output.


... sorry, I'm an optics guy ...

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I forgot about the crystal.




Anyway, you know what would be a pimp saber? Using a crystal like Alexandrite which reflects many colors. That blade would be cool as it changed colors depending on the direction you looked at it.


Other multicolored blades would include these stones:


Blue and green blade



Purple and Blue blade



Yellow and Green blade


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In the SW universe, the light given off by the laser is only a harmless by product. The pure energy it fires, however, is anything but harmless. The color of the blast is determined by the type of Tibanna gas used to "supercharge" the energy and get it to focus into a beam.


Of course, ion cannons are normally blue, they are not lasers, they are "packets" of ionized energy.

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No... a rainbow saber would NOT be cool, actually.


Nor would a BLACK saber


Nor a transparent saber with lightning around it...



Man people pissed me off in JK with those kinds of mods, the beauty of the saber is tarnished when one strays outside the standard type.


This includes using 2 sabers and a double bladed saber...


Why can't people just respect the classy, simple and elegant awesomeness that is a single bladed... standard saber of one of a few colors?


Respect it!

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

the beauty of the saber is tarnished when one strays outside the standard type.


I think the beauty of the sabre is not it's color/colour (your choice) but it's ability to slice and dice better then those sold on t.v. knives. The apperance has no great impact on the victem. I feel that those who create the ultimate sabre color/colour will get slashed by the ones with a ungle green sabre made from a speeder bike trotle assembly. (please pardon the spelling):)

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Someone on these forums, forgive me I can't remember who, stated that the color of a saber is related to the midi-chlorian count of a jedi or sith. I've never heard in the EU of a Jedi searching for or using a certain colored Jewel in order to attain a certain color, granted that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


As far as white light sabers go, I am fairly certain that's what Corran Horn uses.


And since lasers, or blaster fire, aren't actually lasers they are gas then the color is probably directly related to the type of super heated gas is used in the carbine.

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