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No Moldy Crow??????


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I was just suprised the moldy crow isn't back.. it had so much character..


kyle is such a fool for retiring it.. that would be like han solo without the falcon... just shouldn't have happened..



i think that is the first mod in order.. get the moldy crow back...

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Retiring it? As I recall in JK...he crashed it. :D


So unless someone went around picking up all the pieces and handed them over to an expert mechanic...that ship's dead.


But we get the Raven's Claw instead...and that's another great name for a ship. ;)


Welcome to the forums, BTW. Here... *hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* :)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Well, I've seen a picture of the Raven's Claw, and it doesn't look too bad.


You can see this picture too if you borrow my Dictionary.


Just look up the word misnomer and you'll find a big picture of the RC right by it.


hehehe :cool: oh well.

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Of cource I am, glad some one finally notice that...


And the really bad news is: Taiwan would not have JK2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in March 29, anyway


Because the market is too small(or a few hardcore SW fans) and the big EA decide that they wouldn't ship any JK2 until May(after EP2 come out).....

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Originally posted by Antilles

Of cource I am, glad some one finally notice that...


And the really bad news is: Taiwan would not have JK2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in March 29, anyway


Because the market is too small(or a few hardcore SW fans) and the big EA decide that they wouldn't ship any JK2 until May(after EP2 come out).....


My fellow countryman!


You know what Taiwan is good at, right? *cough* c-o-p-y *cough*


Try going to Gwan-Hwa Shan Chuan (try pronouncing it and if you know what i mean) and get a copy of it...


Taiwan shouldn't be aware of SW, more aware where China's nukes are pointing towards :(


Run, Luke, Run!

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Sorry, but please, "PLEASE" don't mess Us with that big fat China.


And I have to say that, your pronounce is good....wonder where you get the name.....and that just some damm people doing damm things.....


Please, I'm trying to be a good sample for my country, don't just look at some bad guys and say" Ah....all people live there are the same..."


I always buy legal SW games.....both in respect and preasure....and I will get JK2 from my uncle at US.

I love SW, as much as all of you here (maybe not all)....I read novels to learn English......get online, chat, forums...trying to stay with all other SW fans.....

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Originally posted by Antilles

Sorry, but please, "PLEASE" don't mess Us with that big fat China.


And I have to say that, your pronounce is good....wonder where you get the name.....and that just some damm people doing damm things.....


Please, I'm trying to be a good sample for my country, don't just look at some bad guys and say" Ah....all people live there are the same..."


I always buy legal SW games.....both in respect and preasure....and I will get JK2 from my uncle at US.

I love SW, as much as all of you here (maybe not all)....I read novels to learn English......get online, chat, forums...trying to stay with all other SW fans.....


I lived there for 12 years :) so I've been to the place so I know the name :) (Taiwan Forever! China = icon13.gif )


Oi...wait for your uncle..? That would probably be some time...


Oh yeah I always BUY (no not warez, damn sometimes I impress myself) Star Wars games...even though my parents got pissed last time when I bought JK...oh well JK Forever! :)

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Its a not-so-subtle joke i think gg.


oh, and when you pass a level that cutscene becomes available to u. skip through levels but kill civvies, and go on the dark side path. just skip levels and get to the end.



i liked the dark side ending more than the light side one. lots of people dont agree with me....

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Sorry finally found a way to see all the videos (anyone know how to convert them to avi ;) ). After watching all the videos, I just remembered an anoying problem with JK. The level designers (and modelers) didn't seem to comunicate much with the guy(s) doing the videos lol.


Well technically, the Moldy Crow had two endings. One where it gets destroyed, and another where it escapes unscathed.






Well heres to hoping for a DF and a JK/MOTS mods for JO. For memories, a good time, and to fix all the problems the first three had ;).

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Originally posted by Graphicsgod

Sorry finally found a way to see all the videos (anyone know how to convert them to avi ;) ). After watching all the videos, I just remembered an anoying problem with JK. The level designers (and modelers) didn't seem to comunicate much with the guy(s) doing the videos lol.


Well technically, the Moldy Crow had two endings. One where it gets destroyed, and another where it escapes unscathed.






Well heres to hoping for a DF and a JK/MOTS mods for JO. For memories, a good time, and to fix all the problems the first three had ;).


To see the movies you only had to get 'smacker' from http://www.smacker.com its the program who runs smk files :D




the Moldy crown crashes when kyle's on the light side


whre i can see the Raven's claw?

Maybe its like a modified Moldy crow? Taking parts? you know raven=crow are almost the same bird (one bigger than the other), so a claw is a part of a raven or a crow... so it can be the 'reedited moldy crow...

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