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Ideas for Expansion Pack

Genetic Misfire

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What would you want to see?


Personally, I'm not sure what I would like in an expansion pack. I would definately want more out of it than the Elite Force expansion gave us (not that I hated the EF ep, just thought it was kind of tiny). Maybe something to exploit more of the lightsaber combat, more multiplayer options, etc.



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Originally posted by Kurgan

Jedi Knight 1: Kyle as a Dark Jedi.


Or another "Dark Side" themed SP campaign. ; )


Hehe that'd be nice....:) But it counts as an expansion pack for JO?


Oh...btw, in JO do you choose your own path, the Light or the Dark, or you are forced in choosing your path?

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I'd rather have something that expands the existing game... not another whole SP adventure.


Things like different types of MP games, definitely LOTS MORE MP skins, more MP maps, maybe a couple mini SP missions as smuggler Han Solo or Luke Skywalker or assasination missions as Boba Fett.

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Something I'd like to see is a level (or rather a couple of levels) set on an imp Star Destroyer, a bit like what Raven did with Voyager in the EF expansion pack. Of course, I'd prefer to have proper missions rather than running around the ship doing pointless work that the rest of the crew should be doing whilst collecting pointless "action figures" etc. like in the EF expansion. I just think it'd be rather cool to be able to run around an accurately recreated capital ship from the SW universe.

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theys should do an expansion pack using the same engine and stuff but with a young padawan learner at the academy being sent out on a mission to prove himself

they should reapply the whole darkside/ lightside choice thing in it too with 2 endings and stuff



maybe no dark jedi though just pirates or something


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Originally posted by Antilles

Oh, there were many story to have:


Maybe an adventure of Morgan Katarn and Rahn? which will be around the prequel (so maybe we can have DorF.....^_^)


Or maybe Mara is back again?


But Morgan Katarn ended up getting killed...sad ending?

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Whatever, just so long as the expansion pack isn't the old standby "two new weapons and a couple of new monsters, plus some mediocre levels slapped together" type of thing that you'll finish in a day and then never play again.. (like the Unreal Expansion).


MotS is probably the best expansion to good FPS I've played ever...

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The Elite Force expansion was too overhyped and had nothing really great about it, but tour mode was kinda ok. I hope that Raven does the good job they did with the Hexen II expansion pack where they extended the single player story and added a whole new class. Also, with Heretic II, Raven released a free Enhancement Pack where they added a lot of stuff to multiplayer. So I hope they do a combination of everything they've done for their previous games for JK2.

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Hmmm...I'm kind of torn, here. While I agree that MotS is probably the best Expansion to a game that I've ever seen...I don't think I would want something like that done as an Expansion for Jedi Outcast... :eek:


You see, I always felt that if they had spent more time on MotS in fleshing out the story, adding more levels and making it into something really cohesive...that it would have been a worthy full sequel game to Jedi Knight. They could have switched the focus for Mara completely around...so that she was tracking down a missing Kyle from the point where he left to investigate Dromuund Kaas - instead of just trying to help out the Rebel Alliance. If Dromuund Kaas had remained a secret, you could still have had the same (and additional levels) as part of Mara's quest to find information regarding Kyle's whereabouts...


Anyway...I'd rather see a full sequel game with a cohesive story.


Having said that...yes, I would also like to see an Expansion pack for Jedi Outcast...just not on the same scale as MotS. Perhaps one or two additional missions for Katarn in SP - maybe including the ability to use a custom skin in SP as well (like the Heretic II Enhancement pack), and some additions to MP, including maps, skins, and possibly another MP mode of play. :)

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Originally posted by Harbinger

Or maybe the ability to drive or fly a limited number of vehicles in MP. That would be awesome.


Imagine a multiplayer game, landing the Millenium Falcon, and four Jedi jumping out the hangar doors.



Would it also be sacrilegious to recommend contemporary terrestrial weapons, i.e. AK-47, M-16, UZI, or maybe something weird right out of Space Soldiers 3? I get a kick out of that stuff, especially in a JK surrounding.

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An ideal expansion pack would be a bunch of cooperative missions such as "destroy the shield generator on endor's moon". You could still play solo assigning bots to the "empty roles". Then many skins, a couple of new weapons and items (grappling hook?) and maybe another multiplayer mode.

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