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force rage in the trailer


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in the trailer is shows Jan Ors as multiplayer spinning around all crazy with red stuff allover her

im guessing this is force rage which i thought was a darkside power but it say's next to her portrait thing in the top right hand corner "Jedi Master"

in the mp u choose light or dark don't you?

so how come a Jedi master has force rage?



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must be a DARK Jedi Master.. ; )


Or maybe it's Holocron Deathmatch (if there Light/Dark doesn't even apply)....?


A Raven person in another thread confirmed that that is Rage that we see being used.. but not sure if it's Dark Rage or not (the "enhanced" version of that power, according to the Zone descriptions).

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thats a weird concept. The goal of the game is to kill the bad guys. Its just a matter of how complex u make it for yourself. For me...I never really read the manual unless its a really complicated game. But most of the time you can figure it out. There is probably a training mission as well.

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There's a MP mode called 'Jedi Master' quaintly enough. There's 1 person who is the jedi master, obviously jan in this case.


This person is the only person who can use the saber and force powers I believe, which makes sense because we dont see anyone else using sabers at this point.



Anyway, in Jedi Master, everyone goes after the jedi master WITH GUNS, and I believe whoever kills them becomes the new jedi master, and uses the saber.

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From what I've heard of Dark Rage, it basically makes you fast, take less damage, and incapable of dying(!) for up to 30 seconds, then makes you weaker up to 30 seconds after that. Does this sound ridiculously overpowered to anyone else? Use Rage, swing like mad and kill people, then run into a corner and hide until the weak period wears off...

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Originally posted by Zek

From what I've heard of Dark Rage, it basically makes you fast, take less damage, and incapable of dying(!) for up to 30 seconds, then makes you weaker up to 30 seconds after that. Does this sound ridiculously overpowered to anyone else? Use Rage, swing like mad and kill people, then run into a corner and hide until the weak period wears off...


Dude, everything will be adaquately ballanced... Raven obviously knows what they're doing... :evanpiel:

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Either way, you can use it when you're about to die and add 30 ass-kicking seconds to your lifespan, probably getting a kill or two in in that time before it wears off and you get killed. Unless Mind Tricks or something cancels it, it just seems like a huge advantage to give Dark Side players.

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From what I heard, it reduces the amount of damage you take, and you can't die during that 30 seconds. If you were about to die in one more hit anyway, what difference does it make if you have 1 hp afterwards?

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Duration 10-30 seconds


Effect Fire 33% faster; move 2x faster; decrease damage taken by 50%; can't die. Recovery after Dark Rage: Fire 50% slower; move at 75% normal speed.


Level 1 10-second Rage; 10-second health recovery


Level 2 20-second Rage; 20-second health recovery


Level 3 30-second Rage; 30-second health recovery Theres an explanation: I heard it takes you down to 1 hp to and im guessing that if your level 3 your health might go up for 30 seconds after you do it but ya know firing 50% slower aint gonna win ya any battles

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Rage does sound very powerful but if you're skilled enough you can probably dodge/block it. If they don't manage to finish you off when using it you should be able to take them out during their recovery time.


I think people will make most use of it when they are just about to die so that they can try and take so other people with them. Anyhow, it looks damn intimidating.

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