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Dedicated Server FAQ


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Jedi Outcast Dedicated Server Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


--Will be updated as more details are revealed--


How do I set up a dedicated server?

1. create a batch file that will actually start the server

2. create a configuration file to configure the server


Where can I get a server configuration file?


What hardware do I need to set up a dedicated server?


How do I set my server name?


How do I set additional public server information?


How do I set the server Message of the Day (MOTD)?


How do I list my server on a master server list?


How do I list my server on the Zone?


How do I set a player limit?


How many players should I host?


How much bandwidth is required to run my server?


How much bandwidth is required per player on my server?


How do I restrict player bandwidth?


What maxrate should I use?


How do I restrict player ping?


How do I get a player's IP number?


How do I kick a player?


How do I ban a player?


How do I unban a player?


How do I limit the number of times a player can reconnect to my server?


How do I automatically balance the number of players on each team?


How do I set the timelimit for a level?


How do I set the kill limit for a level?


How do I change to a new level?


How do I change game types?


How do I reset a server?


What is a 'pure server'?


How do I create a 'pure server'?


How do I host a modification on my server?


Where can I find Jedi Outcast modifications?


How do I host a custom map on my server?


Where can I find additional Jedi Outcast maps?


How do I host custom skins and models on my server?


Where can I find custom Jedi Outcast models and skins?


How do I enable/disable client downloading from my server?


How do I set the server administrator password?


How do I send messages to all players on my server?


How do I send a private message to an individual playing on my server?


How do I monitor my server remotely? (rcon)


How do I connect to a server remotely? (rcon)


How do I use the remote console?


How do I configure a server for use with a firewall?


How do I password protect my server?


How do I reserve slots on my server for players?


How do I set up a reserve slot password for my server?


How do I set up a server map cycle?


How do I log the server?


How do I compile player statistics?


Where can I find log parsers/statistics compilers?


What kinds of gameplay adjustments can I make for my server?

e.g. speed, gravity, availability of force powers, etc.


How do I set up a pre-game warmup period on my server?


How do I enable/disable friendly fire on my server?


How do I add bots to my server?


How do I remove bots from my server?


How do I configure bots on my server?


Where can I find custom bots to host on my server?


How do I enable/disable player voting?


Where can I find a list of console commands?


Common server administration console commands

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Here's what I've found so far:


You CAN run dedicated from the game, but for those of us who don't have a 3D card in the box, that's impossible. To run a dedicated you have to add the


"+set dedicated 1"


tag to the jk2mp.exe shortcut.


One problem I found is that it still requires the CD when it's running dedicated! Don't understand that one. This is all using Windows 2000 Adv. Server.


If you run a server from the game, you can go into the "base" directory and look for the "jk2mp.cfg" file. This file as a list of the commands it loads. I would say look through that file and find tags. A lot of them are Q3 tags. Need a map list too.

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i really need the full server command list, such as ban ip couz there are some annoying souls out there f**king with my servers


and how to get a player list of all connected players




to run a dedicated server do somethin like this



put somtin like this in a shortcut

"c:\blab\bla\jk2mp.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec config.cfg



where the 2 means Internet dedicated


but i havn't got it working yet :mad:


i hope i get some help here, ive tried to put together a cfg of all the server commands in my cfg but it doesn't work





well i hope this faq can help me as soon as it gets filled


edit: i just made a discovery!




check that link there are some nice q3teamarena commands, should be something like the jk2 commands

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I can finally get the dedicated host to run from the command line using:


"E:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2mp.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec dedicated.cfg+set


The Dedicated.cfg I copied over from EF and modified the map rotation....


But....while the server has launched to the dedicated console screen, and the game has initlaized and started, I see the following every time it attempts to send a heartbeat to the Raven master server:




Is that why I can't see my server in the server list?


Here's my dedicated.cfg that I brought over from EF:



// Server Information //



seta g_motd "The utlimate sickness"

seta sv_hostname "The Fart Star by SICK"

seta Administrator "[sICK] Vomit"

seta Email "Sick_vomit@hotmail.com"

seta url "We fart in your general direction"

seta Location "USA"



// Server Configuration //



seta g_needpass "0"

seta sv_privatePassword ""

seta rconpassword "Wouldn't you like to know! :p "

seta sv_maxclients "8"

seta sv_minclients "0"

seta sv_privateClients "0"

seta sv_maxRate "6000"

seta sv_maxping "700"

seta g_ghostRespawn "3"

seta g_forcerespawn "0"

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta g_warmup "20"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta sv_master5 ""

seta sv_master4 ""

seta sv_master3 ""

seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

seta g_allowvote "0"

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

seta g_friendlyfire "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"


//Enable IP banning

set g_filterban 1


//seta g_gravity 800



// Game Settings //


seta fraglimit "0"

seta timelimit "20"

seta capturelimit "8"

seta g_quadfactor "4"

seta g_knockback "500"

seta g_weaponrespawn "0"

seta g_adaptrespawn "1"

seta cg_forceModel "0"

seta cl_run "1"

seta cg_autoswitch "0"

seta cl_noprint "0"

seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"

seta cg_footsteps "0"

seta cg_drawFPS "0"

seta cg_drawTimer "0"

seta cg_thirdPerson "0"

seta sv_cheats "0"

seta g_logSync 0 "1"

seta g_log "logs\games.log"




// BOT Settings //


seta bot_nochat "0"

seta bot_fastchat "0"

seta bot_grapple "0"

seta bot_minplayers "1" // 2 BOTS added because you selected add bots but no minimum players!

seta bot_thinktime "100"

seta g_spSkill "2"




// MODE Settings //



// Set one line for gametype and one for PMOD


//Normal CTF is gametype 4


seta g_gametype 4



// Map Stuff



// Maps for Normal CTF


set d1 "map ctf_ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map ctf_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ctf_Yavin ; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1

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Rats, I thought you were onto something. Same error after it sends the heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com.


I wonder if I need to add a few things to the cfg in terms of game type and JKO related items. I'm surprised Raven hasn't posted a basic standard dedicated.CFG file to get us started. Or did they and I'm just out of the loop?

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well ive made a new cfg now that should be working but isn't...

everything starts up and seems to work fine


it even says sending heartbeat to masterserver "raven...."

but when i look for it in the ingame browser it won't list my server

very odd....


i added a few lines that were in my mp cfg to.


this reply is big i know, sry


seta g_motd "!"

seta sv_hostname "testing"

seta Administrator "!"

seta Email "!"

seta url "None Yet"

seta Location "Sweden"



seta g_needpass "0"

seta sv_privatePassword "!"

seta rconpassword "!"

seta sv_maxclients "4"

seta sv_minclients "0"

seta sv_privateClients "0"

seta sv_maxRate "25000"

seta sv_maxping "200"

seta g_ghostRespawn "3"

seta g_forcerespawn "0"

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta g_warmup "20"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta sv_master5 ""

seta sv_master4 ""

seta sv_master3 ""

seta sv_master2 ""

seta sv_master1 "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"

seta g_allowvote "1"

seta cl_allowDownload "0"

seta g_friendlyfire "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"


//Enable IP banning

set g_filterban "1"

seta g_banIPs ""


seta fraglimit "0"

seta timelimit "20"

seta capturelimit "8"

seta g_weaponrespawn "0"

seta g_adaptrespawn "1"

seta sv_cheats "0"

seta g_logSync "0"

seta g_log "games.log"

seta g_gametype "3"

seta g_timeouttospec "70"

seta g_statLog "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "0"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta g_friendlySaber "0"

seta g_friendlyFire "0"

seta g_saberInterpolate "1"

seta g_weaponDisable "0"

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000"

seta g_forceRegenTime "150"

seta g_autoMapCycle "1"

seta g_maxGameClients "0"

seta ui_gametype "3"

seta ui_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta ui_freeSaber "1"

seta ui_rankChange "0"

seta ui_opponentName "Rebellion"

seta ui_teamName "Empire"

seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"

seta ui_ctf_timelimit "20"

seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"

seta ui_team_friendly "1"

seta ui_team_timelimit "20"

seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"

seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"

seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "50"

seta ui_ffa_timelimit "20"

seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"

seta g_blueTeam "Rebellion"

seta g_redTeam "Empire"

seta sv_minPing "0"

seta sv_maxRate "30000"

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531"

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0"

seta duel_fraglimit "15"

seta g_maxForceRank "7"

seta g_saberLocking "1"

seta g_privateDuel "1"

seta timelimit "20"

seta fraglimit "1"


// Maps rotationcycle


set d1 "map duel_bay ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map duel_pit ; set nextmap vstr d1"


vstr d1




this cfg is now working?!

but doesn't show up on my ingamebrowser... but there was ppl connecting to it any playing so it worked for them but not for me?


hmm isn't that wierd?

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Ok, I just got my friend to check for me, and he says he did find my server on the master list. So here's my server.config if it helps anyone at all;



set net_ip

set net_port 28070



set sv_hostname "www.grammarrangers.com"

set sv_maxclients 16

set sv_zone FFA

set sv_timeout 15


set sv_master! "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"


set rconpassword *******

set timelimit 15

set fraglimit 30

set logfile 1


set g_motd "Computers are cool, but ****ing suck too"

set g_gametype 0

set g_forcerespawn 0

set g_weaponrespawn 15


// Map Rotation

set d1 "map ffa_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map ffa_deathstar ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map ctf_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map ns_hideout ; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "map ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "map imperial ; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "map yavin ; set nextmap vstr d1"


Ok, notice I used this line that one of you guys suggested;


set sv_master! "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"


But also notice that I DID NOT use the other ones (gamespy, q3). So maybe the fix is only using ravensoft as the master? Really not sure, but that's the only change I made, and it works now ;)


To launch the game, i just made a shortcut to my desktop of the jk2mp.exe This is what my command line looks like;


"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2mp.exe" +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg


I hope any of this helps. I know what a pain in the ass it can be to not get a server up and running.

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For some reason I just can't set a password on my dedicated server, it's got no 3d Hardware so I can't bring up the interface.


I've got:


seta g_needpass "1" in my dedicated.cfg (made from the posts here)


but it keeps staying as g_needpass "0"


I try and change it "inflight" and it says it's read only.


Why won't it it read g_needpass "1" from my cfg file and set it!


HELP!!! Tearing my hair out here.



// Server Information //



seta g_motd "May the force be with you"

seta sv_hostname "MyServer"

seta Administrator "Me"

seta Email "a@a.com"

seta url "http://www.starwars.com"

seta Location "UK"



// Server Configuration //



seta g_needpass "1"

seta sv_privatePassword "starwars"

seta rconpassword "!" - What is this by the way?

seta sv_maxclients "20"

seta sv_minclients "0"

seta sv_privateClients "0"

seta sv_maxRate "25000"

seta sv_maxping "200"

seta g_ghostRespawn "3"

seta g_forcerespawn "0"

seta g_inactivity "0"

seta g_warmup "10"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta sv_master5 ""

seta sv_master4 ""

seta sv_master3 ""

seta sv_master2 ""

seta sv_master1 "masterjk2.ravensoft.com"

seta g_allowvote "1"

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

seta g_friendlyfire "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"


//Enable IP banning

set g_filterban "1"

seta g_banIPs ""


//seta g_gravity 800



// Game Settings //



//Free For All is gametype 0

//Holocron FFA is gametype 1

//Jedi Master is gametype 2

//Duel is gametype 3

//Team FFA is gametype 5

//CTF is gametype 6

//CT Ysalamiri is gametype 7


seta fraglimit "0"

seta timelimit "20"

seta capturelimit "10"

seta g_weaponrespawn "1"

seta g_adaptrespawn "1"

seta sv_cheats "0"

seta g_logSync "0"

seta g_log "games.log"

seta g_gametype "3"

seta g_timeouttospec "70"

seta g_statLog "0"

seta g_teamForceBalance "0"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta g_friendlySaber "0"

seta g_friendlyFire "0"

seta g_saberInterpolate "1"

seta g_weaponDisable "0"

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000"

seta g_forceRegenTime "300"

seta g_autoMapCycle "1"

seta g_maxGameClients "0"

seta ui_gametype "1"

seta ui_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta ui_freeSaber "1"

seta ui_rankChange "0"

seta ui_opponentName "Rebellion"

seta ui_teamName "Empire"

seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"

seta ui_ctf_timelimit "20"

seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"

seta ui_team_friendly "0"

seta ui_team_timelimit "20"

seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"

seta ui_tourney_timelimit "15"

seta ui_tourney_fraglimit "50"

seta ui_ffa_timelimit "20"

seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"

seta g_blueTeam "Rebellion"

seta g_redTeam "Empire"

seta sv_minPing "0"

seta sv_maxRate "30000"

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531"

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0"

seta duel_fraglimit "1"

seta g_maxForceRank "7"

seta g_saberLocking "1"

seta g_privateDuel "1"

seta timelimit "20"

seta fraglimit "0"



// MODE Settings //



// Duel Maps rotationcycle


set d1 "map duel_carbon ; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "map duel_bay ; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "map duel_jedi ; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "map duel_pit ; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1


// CTF Maps rotationcycle


// set d1 "map ctf_ns_streets ; set nextmap vstr d2"

// set d2 "map ctf_imperial ; set nextmap vstr d3"

// set d3 "map ctf_bespin ; set nextmap vstr d4"

// set d4 "map ctf_Yavin ; set nextmap vstr d1"

// vstr d1

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seta rconpassword "!" - What is this by the way?


it should be


seta rconpassword "whatyouwant"


the rcon is for remote administration

so you could actually launch the game and put

rconaddress <serverip:port>

and then

rconpassowrd <yourpassword>


then you do whatever you want for example changing map


rcon map duel_bay


then the server changes map


simple isn't it?

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I'm starting to rip my hair out. By default, I have a pw setup on the server


g_needpass "1"

g_password "whatever"


it works....BUT..what i want to be able to do is rcon while in the game and disable password when i feel like letting pubs in.


it won't let me alter needpass beacuse it says its read only, and setting g_password to "" won't work.


any ideas? can i not disable the pw from within the game?

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What's the trick to getting a server to show up in the in-game browser?


I have masterjk2.ravensoft.com listed, and the heartbeat is being sent, but neither I nor my friends can view it. The server is behind a firewall with only UDP 28070 open to the server. My friends can add the IP address to their favorites and connect to it just fine. I just can't see to get it to list in the browser.


Are there any other ports that need to be open?

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hey is there any standard ffa like the ones u get in the game using the gui config things out there for a cfg file with a full ffa maplist and all default settings? cuz im having alot of trouble here :( that is getting a dedicated ffa server with everything default running from command line :(

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I am setting up a couple of duel servers on my machine, but I've run into 1 small problem, I can't get them to advertise at all. I also have an RTCW server running which advertises fine, and uses a very similar set up with .cfg files. The one thing I've noticed on this forum is in the command line some people are not specifying a port, where as others are, and there seems to be variety in how people are setting up their servers. I added in the master server line but no luck, I can't even join the game by IP. I've tried adding the IP to the command line, leaving it out, changing the port, several different things but no luck. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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