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Hey.. whats this?


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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

Well, when you have a gun your ammo will be therre, well, a saber has no ammo heh



So, i think it shows that your saber is on....


(yes you can turn your saber off)


Yes I know you can turn it off.. but why waste Hud space for something like that when you can just see it plain as day.. normally I'd think Jedi could hear or see, or feel possibly if their saber was on...


And while Im at it.. what kind of gun is that sitting on the console there?

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BTW I Think it's a great idea with the saber OFF/ON...Just imagine a large CLAN JEDI BATTLE...Jedi's and Dark Jedi's are standing in front of each other with sabers OFF...then all of them at once get's them ON and MASACRE!!!!! BUAahahahahhahhaaha...ekhmmm....sorry...got a bit carried away..:D

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The Gun is an E-11 (that is, stormtrooper rifle for those non-spods reading this!)


Or rather, the guns are E-11 - there are two on top of each other. Looks like the physics engine sucks and the collision detection for objects is lacking too.




<that was a sarcastic, joke remark before anyone thinks that I'm *seriously* criticising the game about the lack of reality!>

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Originally posted by Belgirion

I think that blue bar might be how much power you have left in your batteries for items (binoculars, IR goggles etc)


I dont think so.. why would they change the location of that? Hrm... Its probably in the same location as before we just cant see it.

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