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Corran Horn is JK2????? Maybe

Chiss Lord

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I thought that it looked like it when I first saw the picture. I have crossed my fingers since that day. But I have a feeling that it is Kam Solour or however you spell it. I hope that it is Corran as you can tell by my forum name, he rocks! I hope for a silver saber..though I doubt it.


Lets hope that it is corran.


heres hoping....

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Corran is cool. And if they don't get the silver saber some modder probably will.


BTW, if you are looking at this and you can't tell what I'm talking about pull out the book (or go to Amazon) and pay attention to the beard and the hair.


Especially since this is the beginning of the academy, there weren't a lot of other Jedi students.


Yes, he did bleach his hair or something but it is hard to tell with the lighting.

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Michael Stackpole is good. He is my second fav EU author. But I'm sorry....no one beats Zahn. Timothy Zahn is the best EU author no questions asked. :) You can't get any better than the Thrawn trilogy or that duology (Spector of the Past, Vision of the Future) that he wrote. While I'm thinking about it, Corran Horn is a cool character....another one of my favorites. But I think my absolute favorite EU character is Talon Karrde. Talk about a smooth character!


General Theros

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Just so this thread doesn't start smelling too much of swamp gas.....I do believe that the guy circled looks a lot like Corran Horn. Good eye.....it would be great if all of those academy jedi were in JK2!


General Theros


P.S. Except Kyp Durron.....grrrr.....I never liked him at all..... grrrr

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Originally posted by General Theros

Yeah the Thrawn Trilogy was by far the better...and an amazing piece of work. The acadamy trilogy was good, except for the whole 3rd deathstar and the sun crusher.....I thought it was kinda lame. But well written yep! The Maw Cluster...what a cool idea. :)


General Theros

About them deathstar and sun crusher.. yer right, how many more superweapons has the empire got hidden anyway lol. But besides that I found the trilogy to be good. At least he didn't go OOC with the characters.

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The Thrawn trilogy was great, but I still like the Stackpole ones the most, I guess because I read them first. And I didn't really like what Allston did to the X-Wing series, although it was nowhere near as bad as the books written by Barbara Hamly. Now THOSE were bad, you know, Children of the Jedi and that other one? I hated them...so NOT Star Wars.

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