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who thinks this game is gonna suck?


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I dunno. I'm looking at the screen shots again and it looks like quake. There doesn't seem to be anything you can interact with (except maybe a few buttons). Can you break glass in this thing?


Also, the laser shots aren't coming out of the weapons. They seem to be a bit off. And there's alot of clipping going on. I see dead storm troopers that have fallen half way through walls. Now that's not right.


I guess I've been spoiled with games like Deus Ex. Hopefully I'm wrong and the game will be immersive. How long was this game in development for? Two years?

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Sometimes I think peoples' expectation have risen too high. I think people who are most excited about this game are those who played the original Jedi Knight. Too say, "it looks like quake", as far as I'm concerned means nothing. Ok, they ended up using approximately 10% of the code from Quake III: Arena, but besides that I see a bad-ass brand new sequel to a classic predecessor. To say there seems to be hardly anything to interact with is a statement that comes from no gameplay and only a small amount of video footage. Don't judge about something you know little about. You mention how lasers don't seem to come from where they should, storm troopers that have fallen into walls, and a lot of clipping. I just watched each trailer and went frame by frame. Throughout this I noticed none of the thing of which you speak. The only thing that I notice perfrom any clipping was the lightsaber. However, thanks to Raven, they have come up with the scoring of the walls because of the lightsaber. It seems to me that maybe you are speaking of things that you have not paid as much attention to as you have thought.

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Originally posted by Angrysquirrel

I dunno. I'm looking at the screen shots again and it looks like quake. There doesn't seem to be anything you can interact with (except maybe a few buttons). Can you break glass in this thing?


Also, the laser shots aren't coming out of the weapons. They seem to be a bit off. And there's alot of clipping going on. I see dead storm troopers that have fallen half way through walls. Now that's not right.


I guess I've been spoiled with games like Deus Ex. Hopefully I'm wrong and the game will be immersive. How long was this game in development for? Two years?


Ran out of stuff to discuss? Screenshot isn't everything! Try the game, THEN decide if it's a horrible game OR it's a nice game :)


Heh Deus Ex....:)

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To be honest no one can say whether this game is going to be a success or a failure but what we can do is look at the facts that we have right now. Who's developing the game? Raven, Do they have experience doing this sort of thing? YES, How long have they been doing this for? The first game that comes to my mind is Hexen. Also Lucasarts is behind all this too and I don't think that they are going to hand a game over to a developer who is not up to the task! Taking all these things into account not to mention seeing the trailers and hearing from those who have seen the beta versions of the game and I think the worst possible rating of this game is good. We can all judge in a little over a week now :)

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Originally posted by Bowen

To be honest no one can say whether this game is going to be a success or a failure but what we can do is look at the facts that we have right now. Who's developing the game? Raven, Do they have experience doing this sort of thing? YES, How long have they been doing this for? The first game that comes to my mind is Hexen. Also Lucasarts is behind all this too and I don't think that they are going to hand a game over to a developer who is not up to the task! Taking all these things into account not to mention seeing the trailers and hearing from those who have seen the beta versions of the game and I think the worst possible rating of this game is good. We can all judge in a little over a week now :)


A very logical statement/argument :thumbsup:

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I swear this ALWAYS happens near the release of a game, and a little while after the release.


People come on fan message boards and rip games apart like there is no tomorrow. I've seen it many times before and it is no different for this game. There will be an influx of idiots, morons and degenerates coming to give crap to the game when it is released. I pray the Moderators. (gonk, digl, stormhammer and wilhuf) will just ban them straight away, or delete the posts. I don't believe in censcoring information, but when so many people start up new threads with negligible complaints (like those of angrysquirrel) they should be deleted.

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Actually I think it's best to start playing a game (or watching a movie for that matter) with low expectations. I don't think any game has truly completely lived up to the hype, so if you do end up getting swallowed by the hype you'll most likely be disappointed. However, if you don't go into a game expecting too much, most of the time you'll be pleasantly be surprised, even to the point of enjoying games that get slammed by reviewers sometimes.

I remember the game "Sin" a long time ago, which was swallowed alive by the media. I borrowed it off a friend just for the sake of it, and actually enjoyed it quite a lot. Had a lot of innovations in that game such as locational damage and animations, pretty good scripting (though surpassed by HL), and some cool levels such as one of the first stealth levels in an action FPS and manning a MG on a heli right at the start.

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I agree with milestone. I didn't get sucked into the hype surrounding Deus Ex or Max Payne. When I got those I was blown away... well, with Deus anyway. I'm trying desperately not to get sucked into the hype surrounding JO too... it ain't working.


I don't think by any means this game will 'suck'. It may not live up to expectations but it won't suck. Hell, i'm just happy that I get to play with a lightsaber... and online too... greeeeatttt!

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yeah basically its just ignorance, your judging a game by 1:30 to 2:00 minute trailers? and a couple screenshots? the reviews are high I dunno wut your really talking about, if your plan is so scorn the game then leave, developers cannot make games perfect, they really cannot, there will always be some dumb glitch some idiot will notice and say the game sucks about it, I always look at the positive aspects of the game, like wut is good about it, not wut is bad if you look at what is bad then you get the notion the game sucks. which is wut your doing.

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Also, the laser shots aren't coming out of the weapons. They seem to be a bit off. And there's alot of clipping going on. I see dead storm troopers that have fallen half way through walls. Now that's not right.


Eye candy comes second to gameplay

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thats so true. I have many friends who think that graphics are what make a game. I say no, if the game has awesome graphics but bad play control, and bad story line. I WON'T PLAY IT. I mean, Red Alert 2, it uses an older game engine with not the greatest graphics but ITS FUN! the story line for it is pretty good, and TANYA is HOT! (Which is a plus ;) ) All my friends make fun of me for playing the game. I say screw you, if all you think about is the graphics then your missing out on a lot of games!

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there is no possible way this game will suck, imo. i mean this IS jedi knight II. and its gotten good reviews. even if it was the old jediknight with better graphics and slightly differant levels it would be amazing. if the boses are good (and surprising) i think that points to a good plot. oh my, there is no way that this game could suck- NO WAY at all.


maybe it won't live up to the hype (i think it will) but it will still be amazing

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regardless of how ignorant anyone posting on this topic is, i feel that i might like to respond =)


first of all, on the quakiness of it (heh thats a fun word), well, what do you expect??? Obviously the way that the engine renders the textures and such is quake3, but the gameplay is the determining factor in games such as these (unless of course it is based on a new engine, and then all bets are off)...from what ive heard about the sabering and force powers, the sabers at least are completely independent from anything you people have seen in a first person shooter or melee combat game...and that combined with average graphics (who is kidding who here; q3 is old) will give it a great following, and i will definitely play it religiously as i did jk...


however, other games will quickly take it over in terms of graphics and gameplay...im not going to mention any, but if i were to mention any, i MIGHT say that ut2 or u2 will kick its arse...hehe...


regardless of all that, this game will be fun, more than just q3 with gaybers and force powers


thats my input....

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