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Ruining the Saber fun


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lol.. the new breed of "Saber-snipers"!!! ;)


I don't know. Yeah sure, you'll probably get loads of this to begin with, as people will be experimenting with it and stuff. And I spose it's a covering attack in a way; letting you get closer as the thing is hurtling towards your opponent. Even then it's a distraction for them, forcing them to block or something.


Of course it's dependant on mana consumption. You can't do that continually I take it? And there's a clip in one of the trailers, I forget which, where a dark jedi throws his lightsaber at Kyle, but he blocks it successfully enough.


So.. not sure. You're not going to continue throwing it when you are forced into melee by your opponent.

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I don't think it will ruin it to much becuase in multiplayer mana regenrates alot slower and that should handle most of the problems. Just be glad that they replaced secondary attack with saber throw. I was growing tierd of figure-8 swings being the only saber attack used. In jk2 i am positive that it will not be a matter of who can throw there saber the most.


Anyway like the other have said its going to not be to hard to counter.




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It's a newbie trick... A thrown saber is obviously less powerful than a good blow from heavy stance. It's just one of those cheap strats that takes a few days to learn an easy way arround.


Remember when we were all JK newbies and were obsessed with force destruction? Cheap strat, no real skill involved. Easy for a saberist to deal with.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by Zek

Where did you hear force power regenerates slower in MP?


It's been said before. Not sure where though. But I can collaborate that there have been many threads on it.

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Easy, when they throw their saber at you force jump over it and land near them, then since they are practically defenseless chop them to shreds, or shoot them since they won't be able to deflect your shot with their saber 20 feet away from them :)


The saber throw might work at first but then after a while people will learn of ways to get around it

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Do you think a jedi with force speed turned on is faster than a thrown saber? Because that would be the coolest thing in the world. Sidestep a saber thrown from far away, turn on force speed, beat the saber back to the thrower and kill him before his saber even returns. Oh god...that would be sweet...

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Originally posted by Legacy_QuEsT

Every good game has to have at least one cheap trick :D



<- You're looking at the next saber throw champ


omg legacy actually posted...heh...haxxxxxx


actually i dont think that the throw will be cheap at all i think it will be gay for the user, not the receiver (translation for newbies: it won't be that good)

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe


omg legacy actually posted...heh...haxxxxxx


actually i dont think that the throw will be cheap at all i think it will be gay for the user, not the receiver (translation for newbies: it won't be that good)


I am sure that the throw will be affective in some situations, but I wouldn't want to be defensless even for a few seconds in a fight online. I will probably use it more in the SP game.

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hmmm, what I wonder is if you can block it and then force grip the thrower before he can catch the saber....would the saber hit him? or would he still catch it?...would it fall?? This game is going to seriously OWN if every possiblity has been thought of!!! Well it'll prolly OWN anyway but you know what I mean...

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