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Weapons that seek the enemy---bad idea


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I've been worried about the 3rd level saber throw and the seeking rocket as seen in the trailer for sometime now.. and I honestly was hoping that closer to the game going gold Raven would have decided to remove the "seeking" Option from the game. The best I can hope for is that servers can turn off Level 3 saber throw and seeking missles cause we're all gonna lose out in the long run..


If they are easy to avoid like by force pushing rockets and saber blocking someone elses saber throw then eventually they'll become more of a newbie trademark much like Rocket Jumping everywhere in quake3.


and if they are really difficult to avoid then that takes away from the skill people need to get frags. and everyone would rely on them alot.


I just don't like the idea of something else controling my stuff for me even if it does a good job and especially if it does a bad job.


the only way I can think of to set this straight is to allow such actions to only take place in single player but as from the second trailer we've seen evidence of it happening in multiplayer...


it comes down to this. can we turn them off if we make servers.


these attacks will be fun at 1st, but after a while if they are easy to avoid or difficult the end result will be IMO that they will be anoying


Im hoping for the option to turn of level 3 saber throw and seeking missles on server configurations.

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3 peices of advice


if you dont like it dont play it


if it annoys you dont whine cuz its proably just you


if you can defeat it, then n00b you are



Im sure a lot of you are just anticipiating this game so your trying to find something about it to talk about, but spare us the details of your search, its pointless and to a lesser degree annoying. Save your breathe on something more important, after all we are at a war you know.

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I'd imagine that you can limit the sabre level. But that would be more of a "set max force power to level X" server function. As for the rockets, I really doubt you can turn off the homing feature.


For the record, I agree homing weapons, in general, are lame. At least they included a way to defend against them. But I like the homing sabre. I mean c'mon, we are Jedi. We can move people around, why not a 2-3 pound (0.9kg - 1.36kg for our metric friends) lightsabre?


As for it being anoying, there are annoying things in every game. That's just something we all have to deal with. I don't think the homing rockets will be an issue after you get comfortable 'blocking' them, and the 'n00b' who keeps spamming guided rockets will be killed easily. If you're good, that is, like me.;)




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tell me if you honestly think weapons that do the work for you are good? are going to expand the games multiplayer lifespan?

and yes If I don't like it I won't play it. Thats obvious


I started this thread with hopes that maybe a Raven member could clear up the issue and settle some resolve.. but with the release of it in Austrailia tommorow I can get answers from them.


Silent wolf you have a right to your own opinions but you didn't discuss any of the issues which makes you look like the blind sighted fan boy in my eyes..

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In EF the alt fire for the photon is a homeing photon......although it's useful at times it never really hits it's target, unless it's some standing still. You can easilly run circles around it so it hits a wall or something. But i agree...there's little point in them.


Anoying things happening in games...well like HBK siad we all have to deal with it, most of us get a bit anoyed when someone pulls a cheap shot at u....or when someone has a moan at u for being to good ;) just ignore it and play the game...althought sometimes thats difficult to do :p



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Homing weapons aren't a guaranteed hit. I'm willing to bet that any of them(particularly the blockable saber throw) will be easily avoided by a competant Jedi, probably even a no-force target. The rocket launcher isn't a cause for concern, since you have to find it in the level first and it'll get pulled from you pretty quickly if you abuse it.

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Silent Wolf...I'll reiterate what I said in another thread. Everyone is entitled to raise issues and concerns about the game in these forums. What better place to air your concerns and issues with the game than these discussion boards? If you find people's questions annoying...then why view the boards at this time? You know that there are more and more new members joining the closer to release we get, who often ask questions that have been raised in the past...


In this case, Saient is raising a legitimate issue for discussion.


You do not have to reply to such posts if you do not wish to.


Personally, I do not mind the 'homing' type weapons, as long as there are counter-measures, and we know there is...Force Push being the key one. At least there is that option in JKII...whereas some other games do not give you a counter-measure. If it can help to balance the game a little, then I see no harm in it at all.

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Originally posted by Saient

If they are easy to avoid like by force pushing rockets and saber blocking someone elses saber throw then eventually they'll become more of a newbie trademark much like Rocket Jumping everywhere in quake3.


what the heck is wrong with you, rocket jumping isn't a newbie tradmark in quake 3, why dont you go to quake con and see all the pros there rocket jumping?


rocket jumping takes skill (to be good at it) and practice, its not newbie trademark

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Yeah all of you have points about the force push issue and yes these things might be anyoying or it might turn out fine


i dunno I like the idea of saber throwing to a location on the map where my oponent would walk right into it. sounds fun and the same goes for rockets ( its prediction ) it adds that depth that had been seen in practically all FPS games from the start.


having to contiune avoiding a flying projectile after I've dodged it might end up being distracting.


about pulling the rocket launcher if someone abuses it.?

I'd try and pull any weapon from everyplayer because they use it and I want to have the advantage..but yeah good point


force absorb in JK1 pretty much let you keep your weapons.


also thanks for the input..I think maybe Im just getting more paranoid before I get the game.. I've got some high expectations like everyone else. and maybe Silent Wolf did have a slight point just a igronant way of laying the text on the page..


We'll all have to play it then we'll know.


I just can't help but feel the option to turn off seeking weapons would be a good option to have in the long run


maybe it will turn out that I'll love force pushing rockets..

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Yoda: Rocket Jumping when playing with good players is dangerous.. it doesn't take much for someone to flick aim or predict someones RJ'd arch to get a very easy rail..besides its only usful in places where you can "get away with it" it takes skill in that respect. but most Pro's like you must of seen at quakecon rocket jumping all the time arn't pro's unless they are messing around with newbies.

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One of the major things I'm looking forward to is the acrobatics. I have found that homing things are very over rated and can be douged very easily. With the addition of acrobatics to force push homing rockets should only be a problem to those that aren't paying attention, and if you're not paying attention, you can get hit by anything. I'm looking forward to trying my still at dodging rockets for as long as I can.

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fanboy i am not. not in the least. I just like lightsabers :) I was irritated earlier, bad day sorry for the negativity. As for the saber throwing, i really dont think its gonna be much of a force to be recokoned with, it seems that for every offensive manuever in this game there is a very acurate defensive manuever. Im sure youll adapt to it saient. If you dont, u and me can team up and well just destroy whoever abuses it ;)



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The sabers home? As in change vectors mid flight?


If it does, I would say that isn't a good idea. If it just "auto aims" though I think that's okay, it seems as if the saber isn't as fast, just a bit faster then the one in MotS.



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ya those missiles don't look like they go too fast- it'll probably be harder to get a kill with the homing off then with it on. i'm guessing secondary will home and primary not? i'm sure its easy to dodge and ravens thought of that already


i haven't seen the homing saber, but that won't be hard to dodge/deflect/push away either, i think. i think if they just launch it at you and your half expecting it you'll be able to go in for the kill seeing as how they'll be defenseless :)

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I don't think the homing will be that easy to dodge, as we saw in the trailer, the person was trying to dodge it, and they were trying quite hard, but it still got them. Seems that either getting it to hit a wall or force pushing it is the only way to go.

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Originally posted by dazilla

I don't think the homing will be that easy to dodge, as we saw in the trailer, the person was trying to dodge it, and they were trying quite hard, but it still got them. Seems that either getting it to hit a wall or force pushing it is the only way to go.


I think that it got them becasue there was such a large open space for the missile to turn and keep on them. I don't think that it will be that hard to lose those missiles. You just have to stay alert and if you don't do that anyway, you'll die from some other weapon.


edit-Just had a great idea. That's rather a good tactic. Shot a homie then sit back, watch them jump around, push it, avoid it and use that time to line up on them with a non-avoidable weapon and blow them to peices. :D I like!

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In the E3 trailor i think he blocks the homing lightsabor like he would a laser shot....... he didnt force push it. So i imagine the homing sabor wont be worth using all that often unless the person has his back turned to you. otherwise it leaves u defenceless.



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