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Question about force grip. . .

Dark Bob

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Here's my question: A while ago I read that with the full powered grip you could pick up your enemies and toss 'em against walls and such. So, if you throw them against a wall, will it lower their health, or is it just for show. Also, if you hit them against a wall, do they fall or remain in your clutches. Thanks!

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I have to imagine that if it would do damage to throw them against a wall, push does at top level. You would though, lose your grip, IMO. The cool part would be to throw him into other people, and damage them. Someone tell me if that will happen, or will I just have to wait till Friday.

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i read somewhere that you could throw them into people, i'd guess that would either hurt everyone that fell or at least give you time to run over and slice everyone with your lightsaber. what i really hope for is that force grip 3 won't stop if you throw someone into a wall. it would awsome to hold a guy and continually ram them into the wall again and again and again ....... (is that too much of the darkside, oh well)

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My question is, how would you throw them forwards? do you go "up" with the mouse and let go? because i thought it said you cound't move while you choked them.


Also, i think it'd be really funny to f. pull someone, and then force push them right back, so they'd be all confused, "wtf just happned?" heheheh toss em high!

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I think half the point of level 3 grip is it's a more controllable push: you can pick someone up, spin around to dangle them above someplace and throw them away(supposedly). The grip damage by itself will rarely kill anyone if it's like JK, and you can't use a weapon to finish the job while they're gripped this time around, so I'd use it more for throwing people off nearby cliffs regardless of where they're standing.

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I hope it doesn't become a ***** like it was in the first one. Poeple grip you then have to counter it someway and repeat eventually getting warn down. Got annoyin especially that lighting flying everywhere. Is destruction still in I hate that attack as well. I prefer just neutral attacks like speed and jump push and pull.

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