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Something That Made me MAD


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I walked into my local bestbuy (dont tell anyone about this). I saw a personal come out of the area marked (Personel Only). I quickly ran in. I saw tons of boxes filled with games. Then I the JEDI OUTCAST, filled with games. Then I went to the guy that helps you with stuff, and I asked him if I could buy Jedi Outcast, he said we Dont Have it. Then I said, are you sure? He said we arent getting it until the 26th, the same thing the manager said!

I hate lyers, those *******, I shoulda took one and showed em LOL, tell me your opinions.


[Edit - Stormy - swearing ]

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Sounds about right. to meet a global release date they would ship them early. and yes, they are required by law not to sell them until the specified date.


now. is it easier to say no, we dont have it yet, or is it easier to say, yeah we have it, but you cant have it yet and then put up with a flood of people begging and whining to be sold a copy early.


the people who work there however, will get their copies early.

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You must have gotten real lucky to get back into their security room... Most places that I have worked for have a special security room specifically for electronics which include but not limited to, video games, computer games, music CD's, televisions, VCR's (you get the idea.) Getting into such a room is not an easy task, considering the fact that the door usually locks automatically once a person leaves that room (at the Wal-Mart I was at you had to have a key to get in and OUT of the room). Not saying you are a liar, but if you did manage to get back there... kudos to you. You are lucky that the security cameras didn't see you enter however, cause they would've been on you in a second had they seen you in there.

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One time I was touring the White House and I got lost and found myself in George Bush's office. Next to his desk is a copy of JEDI OUTCAST. I took it and brought it home. When I was installing the thing, my mom came in the room and asked what was I doing. I told her that my friend got this game and gave it to me. She didn't believe me and brought me back to the White House and told me give it back and to apologize to President Bush. The Secret Service guy told me that the president was in a secret UN meeting. He told me to wait a week untill I give it back or he'll have to knock me out, put me in a box and ship me too the building where the meeting. I told him that I'll wait a week but my mom insists that I give it back to the president right now. So the secret service guy brought me to the shipping room. There he told me that I'll fly 1st class so I thought that was kinda cool. Then a group of 3 men or so came in. They hit me, made fun of me, and knocked me out and put me in the box then nailed it shut. When I woke up I noticed that I was still locked up in the box. The only thing inside the box was myself and about 20 tarantulas. I was pretty hungry so that was the only thing I ate. 5 trantulas and 2 hours later the opened the box and showed me the lobby of where the meetng was being held. There I was supposed to walk in the Conference Hall, interrupt the meeting, give the president his game back, then apologize. When I entered the whole UN members look at me if I was a Helloween freak. I pretty much was since I had spider guts all over me. I gave the game back to President Bush and said that I was sorry. Then I was forced out of the room because I 'smelled bad' and 'a Presidential health hazard'. They pushed me out of the room, there they beat, made fun, and knocked me out and threw me into another box of trantulas. When I woke, I found myself in my local post office. They got me out of the box and drove me to my house. There my mom told me to apologise to the post office people for all the trouble I put them through. They went away then my mom grounded me for a month.









That was my story

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As someone who works in retail, I can tell you that it is necessary to not tell people when you have something in stock that you're not allowed to sell until a certain date. As was pointed out, people would be camped out trying to get you to sell it to them early. Don't forget, you're not dealing with the company while you're at the store, you're dealing with individual employees who may or may not have the companies' best interests in mind. The companies know that, so they protect themselves by not allowing their employees to tell you when they have that item in stock before release. Of course they have it early... it's a precaution, in case of delays. They DO have a guarantee to live up to...


As for security cameras... *scoffs* ha! Lots of security cameras aren't manned, and even if they are they have screens that constantly switch between various cameras. So he MIGHT have made it in without them seeing him. I see no reason why he'd make this up, folks. It's frusterating, I know. I've been waiting for this for five years, just like most of you. Ever since I finished JK the first time... We'll make it until later in the week.

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Think about it this way: JK2 was only started what, 15 months ago? JK1 was delayed longer than that from the original release date. Not to mention that the first release date they set came (I think) a year after they announced it.


I won't even mention Duke Nukem Forever. :) And don't even think about Team Fortress 2.


It could be worse.


As long as we don't get another Daiktana, I'll be happy.


(It's true, but I really need to convince myself of this more than I do anyone else :) )

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The reason they cant sell till a certain date has to do w/exclusion laws... toy's R Us got in trouble a few years back for selling toys early and only, if a company such as LEC gives another company such as Best buy the ok to sell a game early they can be fined big time by the gov't so they could very well have the game in stock but arent allowed by federal law to sell it.



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It sounds like you're lucky they didn't just throw you out of the store, for entering a restricted area (I sound like a Stormtrooper).


You were not authorized in there.. (doh!)..


Anyhow, maybe those were just display boxes you were seeing, or perhaps they just have to abide by certain rules, even if it means lying to customers (perhaps they'd be fired if they admitted "the truth").


Then again, I've met plenty of software store clerks who knew nothing.. for example at one store I won't mention, a clerk told me (when I asked) that VCD playback on a Dreamcast was impossible. Months later the same store was selling the Dreamcast VCD player on their shelves.. oops!


But then that was just one person's ignorance.. if you really did see the game, then they must really have had it, assuming it wasn't just an empty box. ; )

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