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vBulletin server is busy, please try again later


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is anyone else getting this message like WAY TO OFTEN when trying to enter lucasforums?


or any other similar messages?


i get them all the freaking time....


it really beats the hell out of wanting to come here.

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It sucks! Every time I try to post one of my songs, it says that it is too busy. It's like the internet is laughing at me. Sometimes I just wanna beat the sh*t out of my computer. Don't you, or am I just completely insane?



(I'm setting myself up for a diss :D)

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I don´t get those messages too often, but i guess i´m online at differnt times, in the morning, not much people are online, and i never get that message, but in the evening, more perople are online and i can´t read particular topics.


i hoped i spelled it right




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all the f*ckin time. i tried to post something really long the other day, by the time i'd tyoped it in and clicked on send, it gave me that message, when i went back i couldn't get my message back and had to re-wright it all over again. it sucks!

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how ironic


just for posting THIS post here, i had to try over and over 18 times....


can some one in charge please take care of this little problem please?

(i dont think anyone in charge is aware of the problem yet)

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i dont understand much of vb, but i think we r cannalizing too much info through one way. instead of linking the topic to the forum, and the forum to LF, the forums are linked to LF as well as the topics.


now it is:


when it should b:

http://www.lucasforums.com/forumid=172/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32921 or something




now, ppl that understand vb, am i just talking crap here?

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im black, and proud of it. any racists out there, prepare to feel the wrath of Neils Stare!!!


scroll down for the stare.


































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whoh, i'm not saying anyone here's racist. i'm part indian, part african and part english. this is cause i was born in england, both my parents lived theire childhood in africa but their parents were indian. i also have the blood of some people from different planets, but it's probably best not to talk about it.

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