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Rise of Nations


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It looks alot like Empire Earth's ideas were poured into the melting pot.


"This goes a little beyond similar. I might have a hard time convincing a laywer that the UI for the games you mention is essentially the same, but the Rise of Nations UI *is* exactly the same as AoK for all practical purposes. If you hadn't noticed, they even use the same font!"- "SSSI_Eggman"- EE developer (lead designer, I think)


You have to admit, he gives a valid point.

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Some take from this month's Computer Games Magazine

It's obvious that this game has elements form Civ III, AOK, EE, and Kohan. But what is unique (and we can hope this comes true) is the way these elements will all fit together when the game is finished in 2003.


If you want to see this issue of Computer Games and this preview of the new Rise Of Nations game then pick up the May 2002 issue #138 at your local store...



Also a cool feature to this game is the formations. Each unit will consist of 3 men. You can then order those men into small formation or order the whole bunch of them (like say 20 units) into a formation. The coolest part of formations now is FLANKING!!! It has been a LONG time since flanking was a factor in a good RTS. I'm glad to see that it's added, personally.


Also I really like the territory concept. You have to expand your territory to get more resources and you can not build outside of this territory (NO TOWER RUSHES).

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