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Official: Lightsaber combat thread *SPOILERS*

Silent Wolf

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hey Silent wolf, i should be getting the game on thursday, and will hopefulyl be visiting that saber school thing. Might be able to catch up with you guys then :)


I have a question though, well, two actually:


First, can the saber block the disintegrator rifle? if not, how does the level three seeing "avoiding snipers" work?


second: do the bots ALWAYS go after the human players only, or is that just a setting, i mean, shouldnt they fight each other too? :)

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The bots fight each other yes, i had it on team deathmatch and me and my buddy were the only persons on my team ;) . When i first got the game i actually put 2 bots on jedi master mode and watched how they played, i learned a lot like that.


The force sight level 3 "dodging" of the sniper fire is one of the coolest things ive seen in a game. I really dont want to tell u how it works because you have to see it to belive it. But ill tell you this, there is nothing and i do mean nothing like running towards a sniper, who has insanely good aim and proably sniped u in the middle of a battle with someone else earlier on in the match, and "dodging" his fire to his dismay then ramming your saber down his throat. it usually resorts in the sniper wailing about HOWD U DO THAT!?!??!! hehe, its a nice touch.


The game features alternate binding, you can bind anything u want to it, and i hear the joystick support is quite good. :)



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Those bot battles sound so cool.


Just so I sound like a complete idiot for my first post, I can set up a local MP game with just me and a bunch of bots? Don't need to be online at all?


Is there a limit to how many bots you can have?

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Silent Wolf and ChangKhan:


First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer people's questions, and sharing your stories. I'm drooling over every word! :p I have a few questions of my own that I don't think have ever been fully clarified...


1) How does toggling the saber on/off work? Is there a special key for it?


2) I know that Force Jump is bound to the same key a regular jump, but how do you chose one or the other?


3)In SP when you deflect a blaster shot back at a stormie, does it do the same damage to him as shooting him with a blaster? One of my biggest problems with JK1 is that you had to deflect back like 8 shot to kill one.



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1) How does toggling the saber on/off work? Is there a special key for it?


Press 1 to turn it on, press 1 to turn it off ;) you can also turn it on by pressing the fire button, whatever is more dramatic.


2) I know that Force Jump is bound to the same key a regular jump, but how do you chose one or the other?


Tap the jump button and you jump regular, press and hold the jump button and its force jump. Its quite ingenious really, besides most of the jumps in this game are insanely high, so youll be using it alot ;) . plus its just damn cool!!!


3)In SP when you deflect a blaster shot back at a stormie, does it do the same damage to him as shooting him with a blaster? One of my biggest problems with JK1 is that you had to deflect back like 8 shot to kill one.


yes, same thing in multiplayer. If u deflect it back, same amount of damage :)


4.) Just so I sound like a complete idiot for my first post, I can set up a local MP game with just me and a bunch of bots? Don't need to be online at all? Is there a limit to how many bots you can have?


Yes u can set the bots up while offline. If there is a limit i havent found it yet. :p

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Excellent thank you.


All i need now is to know how it will run on my system and i just might pony up the cash that i don't have.



pentium 3 500

Diamond Viper v770 ultra 32 meg (video)

592 (or is 596) megs ram.

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Originally posted by Jacen

Those bot battles sound so cool.


Just so I sound like a complete idiot for my first post, I can set up a local MP game with just me and a bunch of bots? Don't need to be online at all?


Is there a limit to how many bots you can have?


Indeed you can just make a local MP game with you and some bots, no internet conn needed...


Limit to bots? Well, depends on your computer, but i woulth think same as MP, 32 or so, 64 theoreticly? But you computer will probably have a tough time with so many...



But, i dont have the game yet, so i cannot tell for sure about the limit, only i know for sure you dont need internet connect to play with some bots

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i am gonna end up useing this config: wasd movement, x jump c crouch mouse in right hand with button 1 fire1 right button fire 2

and i am thinking i will use the wheel for the force powers and click the wheel to use. idea? problems? i miss anything?


oh i know the acrobatics: is it like in sbx wheres theres a key for it? or somtheing new?

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Night night Tomcat. ;)


Heh Silent Wolf, your 2 vs 15 deathmatch reminds me of my sparring practice on Soul Edge on the PSX, where as Mitsurugi I used to just have the opponent on the very highest practice difficulty, and fight each other. Usually against Cervantes or Siegfried. Seeing how many times I could take them down, as well as timing stuff. Was cool fun.


For 2 hours! Ha! Superb. :)


Great stuff. Thanks for sharing!

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You guys are making me fiend for this game! It's been a while since i played the original JK, so i know that im gonna need to face the bots in order to stand a chance in lightsaber combat with anyone. Silent, you should right books or something. You've got a very descriptive style that helps me envision these battles. Frankly, i can't wait anymore for this game.




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It sounds like you guys are having fun. Would it be possible to show some screenies of the film locales? I'd love to see some of them. The official ones of the CarbonFreezeChamber are a bit limited.






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For Zek:


Jedi Master mode: There is only one saber, the holder of the saber has access to all force powers. Everyone else in the server hunts you.


While in Jedi Master mode late last night, i found myself surrouned of course by 5 people. Up until now i had been picking them off one by one. Now, they had teamed up and were hell bent on taking me down. With incoming blaster fire from all sides i noticed in particular a little storm tropper in the distance crouching about to shoot a rocket launcher quickly i bum rushed the group of 5 and tore in. At that momment, the rocket fire i took down 2 of them in one blow, one was in front of me while i spined in the same gesture to effectivly cut the one behind me. As i noticed the rocket homing towards me, i force gripped the nearest enemy halfway out of desperation and directed his body towards the rocket. SUCCESS, he took the rocket in the back and it killed him. 2 to go. As i recoverd from this feat, i noticed the 2 enemies i had left were circling me. I did 2 back flips and in the middle of the second threw my saber out as far as i could, i brought it back so that it "ran thru" the back of one of the opponents, putting an end to him silently. The last enemy and i remined in the now deslated wasteland, he shot aimlessly at me as he ran for his life. I casually walked towards him, my saber dragging on the ground leaving sketch marks as i walked. with each blaster shot at me, i would deflect it off with a light twitch almost effortlesly. I could almost feel his fear. he simply typed .."ooo sh#*!" as i broke out in a all out run with force speed. The last thing he saw was a flash of light, as i gutted him.




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Argh I feel like I am spamming. :(


But I really have a question this time.


SilentWolf, I remember Hannes (german giga guy) saying that JKII is a bit like RtCW in that it had 2 icons for single player and multiplayer. I was wondering if again like RtCW you didn't need the disc when you played, or if it had to be in the drive. :)

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Thanks Wolf for your info earlier on your key setup. I just tried playing RTCW using a WASD setup but I found that keys under WASD were clumbsy to select, I could not press them without taking my thumb off precious space (jump) or a directional key. I'm sure if I practiced I would become less clumbsy with the WASD setup, but it has just as many, if not more access troubles than the standard arrow key setup. After 4 years using arrow keys for CS I am far more efficent that way.


Anyway, I have made key layout plan for Outcast. I'm sure outcast has many more keys than your average shooter so have I missed any vital keys out?



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try these keys:


A=foreward (pinky finger)

D=backward (middle finger)

S=Strafe left (right finger)

F=Strafe right (index finger)

E=Jump (middle finger)

C=Crouch (thumb)

R=Force [insert power here] (index finger)

W=Force [insert power here] (ring finger)

Use=Spacebar (thumb)

Shift=Run (hold down with pinky...use ring finger on foreward)


anyways, try that set up. I use it for all FPS games.

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That's a very strange setup to say the least.


Personally, I use the Numpad 8, 4, 6 and 2 for movement. 0 for jump, Enter for Use, and everything else depends on the game(12 easily accessible keys for customization). Pagedown/Pageup is usually weapon switching. The rest depends on which functions I need fastest access to.

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