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Recommended 3D/Video Card?


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Is there any especially good 3D card (Ie, Radeon, Geforce2..) for this game? I'm going to have to buy a new one anyways, so I figure I might as well get one for a game I like. (I'm a 15 year old teenage female. Ha. -_- I gotta get a job this summer..). But I was simply wondering if one brand had a head over others in this respect. Thanks ^^ (Yes, I'm new, so if I did something dumb, please, let me know. No beating with the n00bsticks +5. I'm still getting over the bruises...)

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How much are you looking to spend?


If you want overpriced go with one of the Geforce 4 ti's.


The top mid price cards are the Geforce 3 Ti 500, and the Radeon 8500. Both are good cards, I own a Radeon 8500 with no probs. They are about even in speed and ability, the Radeon does have a few more features though. You should be able to get either card somewhere between $200-$300, get the cheaper one, you will be fine with either.


Then a good cheaper card is the Geforce 3 Ti 200, not quite up with the Ti500 or Radeon 8500, but good product for the price. Don't know much else about it but I'm sure someone that owns one here can tell you about it.

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I am on a budget, you know. I guess at that price, I might just as well opt for a new PC. I am running-733 Mhz, 64MB RAM, 20 GB HD..Thanks though. You are very kind ^^ Last time I asked something like this, I learned new words for female night workers.

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Ah. Of course I need more RAM. Evil Black & White ruined my 3D Card (A bit of burn out I think.) so now all I can run is older games. Oh well. :sweat: Lots of oldies, but goodies. Yeah, I think a 64MB would do if they recommend a 32MB ^_~

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You can always just get a TNT2 for 50.00 and that should set ya down. I mean the game uses the q3 engine, its not like its the unreal 2 engine, where you need a geforce 3. Thats what I love about lucasarts, they make games for every type of computer system.

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If you are looking for a great graphics card, and you can't spend 200-300 dollars, go with the geforce 4 mx card. Yes, I know that it doesn't have the titanium gpu, but I've got one and I paid like $110 bucks for it. You will not notice a difference in performance...

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Be careful with a geforce 4 mx, it has speed but not much else. Not as many bells and whistles that even the Geforce 3 has. The creator of the new Doom also stated that the card wont support the advanced features of the game. Just thought I'd warn you.

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any modern card will work fine(a tnt2 is streaching it a bit i think though...) i have a geforce2 mx400 64meg agb and i can run rtcw and st:voy:ef demos fine, very nice quliaty indeed;) i think a geforce 3 is overkill if you are on a buget.


oh btw hear: *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*

AND just for you 1 (one) special order jkii.net fourms n00b-stick. :D welcome the the fourms and enjoy your stay:)

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at TNT2 will suit you just fine. I have one and have no problems whatsoever and my computer isn't even that fast. Honestly, a lot of these newer video cards are merely for bragging rights and not necessarily that much more power. If you're on a limited budget, go with the TNT2. I guess if you have tons of money to spend then buy the most high end card possible.

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i still think a geforce2mx400 has more lasting power then a tnt2.


yes its 40$ less, but if it needs to be replaced in 6months.....


i upgraded from a voodoo banshee 16meger. gf2mx400 is sweet, but you can do what evr you like, no one is makeing you do anything.:cool:

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Originally posted by Shark747

Be careful with a geforce 4 mx, it has speed but not much else. Not as many bells and whistles that even the Geforce 3 has. The creator of the new Doom also stated that the card wont support the advanced features of the game. Just thought I'd warn you.


I know I know!!! geez!! I can't believe I bought a geforce mx.... damn it! it's too late now I guess!!

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IMHO.. The ATI Radeon 8500 retail is the best bang for the buck so to speak.. It is cheaper than the GF3 Ti 500 and it benchmarks higher now (so i've heard) with the new drivers.. Alot of people have been a little upset about the ATI drivers but from what I have been reading on the amdmb.com forum is that with the new drivers the 8500 retail blows the Ti 500 out of the water..


go here and you could get the ATI 8500 retail for 155 bucks..








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