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Listen to this warez crap!


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I was talking to a guy over the internet. He was talking about JO. I said where do you live, he siac America, so I was like 'wha?'

HE was like well I got a wareZ version. I told him off, and was like no, listen to my reasons, so of course I stayed, he said:

Well Warez is fine, as long as you buy the game when it comes out. (him talking) I am going to buy the game when it comes out, Im just testing it to see if it will run well on my computer, and to tide me (him talking) over until the real game comes out.

(him done talking)

Then I thought, and I mean as llong as he buys the real game when it comes out right?

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I'm no lawyer, but if I understand copyright law, you are only allowed to make a backup copy of software you already own, from your original copy, for your own personal, non-commercial use.


So downloading somebody else's copy while you're waiting for a pre-order would still be illegal, and yes, you don't know if the guy was just bsing or not. People have all sorts of reasons to justify warez, but that doesn't mean they can't get in trouble for it.

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i'm waiting patiently for a demo. if they don't release one soon...it'll be a year before i play jedi outcast...depending if i can find it for $30...it is lame to pay $20 more for it. unless it comes with a t-shirt or another game.

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Originally posted by Razarblade

If you can't justify spending an extra $20 one a game that will give you months or years of enjoyment, you sir, are a cheapass.



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Now I am sure that more than 90% of people on this board has committed some type of copywrite crime, I know I have. Either downloading an illegal copy or installing the same program on more than one computer, and yes that is illegal. But no need to talk about illegal or not, who wants to end up in a cell as Bubba's biotch

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Do you know you can buy a cracked version on ***** for 10 pounds? ALREADY!!!


here's the description/quote from seller (spudsteruk) :

Full Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast. Single CDR copy of game. Fully functional. Great Game. It is against the law to bid on this cdr copy if you don't own the original copy of the game. If you purchase this from me, you've performed the crime not me. Cd comes in jewel case.

This clown even knows it is illegal.


I am currently trying to find the link to report him to the site for selling pirated software.





MODS, if I went to far please edit or delete.

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Full Jedi Knight 2:Jedi Outcast. Single CDR copy of game. Fully functional. Great Game. It is against the law to bid on this cdr copy if you don't own the original copy of the game. **IF YOU PURCHASE THIS FROM ME, YOU'VE PERFORMED THE CRIME NOT ME.** Cd comes in jewel case.





Yikes, talk about rationalization!! What is this guy on?!!

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