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What makes the world go round?


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Angular momentum.


The world spins because (presumably) the cloud from which it condensed had some rotation. As it condensed, it spun up because something called the angular momentum is conserved. So, I guess you could say the sun's gravity initially made the world go 'round.


Or, you could say inertia. If a body is spinning then it must keep on doing so forever, unless some force acts on it. That is why the world keeps going 'round - you don't need a force to keep it going.


But, the answer to your question actually starts way back with the Big Bang. Matter spun off of this original expansion (much like water spins in smaller circles when you swirl your hand through it). Everything naturally spins because of that event. So it is the physics of the Big bang that makes the world go 'round.


Not that I look for easy scapegoats, but you could say that the Big bang is the reason for everything that you know.


( 167 words Kjølen ;) )

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Originally posted by raVen_image

( 167 words Kjølen ;) )


*Slaps face* Oy......


Are you sure? You must have copied it to Some word program and had them count the words.... You didn't count them yourself did you? What kinda person would do that? Let's see how many there really are! 1...2...3......

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life makes the world go round! Cuz as long as there's life there's consciousness and as long as there's consciousness there's awarenessthat there is a world and that's when the world going around matters an iota and... oooh philoosophy >_<

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Oh you want philosophy, eh? I’ll give you philosophy.


So philosophically speaking, the world goes round because of our belief that the world goes round. Don’t believe me. Well listen to this theory created entirely by me.


The world goes round because we believe it to. Because we listen to the lies. Yep that's right. Lies are what makes the world go round. Some people could go to the theory that the world stays in the exact same place and that the universe revolves around it, but where's the logic in that. You see, the world doesn't exactly go round. All that happens is that a huge sperical rock spins on its tilted axis like a rotisserie chicken. Does the sun come up in the morning? No, a mere ball of flaming gas illuminated the world. You see, these names and beliefs we give to everything is what makes us human, we have learnt at an early stage to believe in the small lies, so later we can believe the big ones, such as justice, mercy and duty, grind the universe down into the finest powder, sieve it through the finest sieve and show me one granule of justice, one molecule of mercy. You see people have got to believe these things, or else what’s the point. So what makes the world go round?


Our continuity of belief, otherwise a mere ball of rock will just spin on it's axis, and all life will be gone from the world, we will be left with nothing, but what is there.

So remember, the world goes round, keep on believing.


If anyone got any of that I would be happy to know with a private email, because I sure can't figure out the damn thing.:D



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Well done Neil! I agree, but here is my way of explaining it...


This means that it isn't LIES that makes the world go round, it's simply awareness. Because if there are lies there must be truths, and the whole point of awareness is that there is no such thing, there is only what you are aware of, what you percieve. There is no such thing as true and false, because there is also no reality, there is only perception of the world around you. So your truths are another's falses. So maybe the world goes around, and maybe it doesn't. But if you have already taken the step to believing it turns then you may believe that it turns for some kind of self ordained reasoning known only to yourself. Perhaps the world doesn't turn. Maybe it turns because a giant green alien with seventeen toes decided that it should. Who knows? Scientists believe that they know, but another may have found perfectly possible reasoning that a giant chinese flying fruitcake smacked the side and sent it spinning, and momentum just kept it going. We may be convinced by either side.


Philosophy ahoy :) Keep it goin pplz.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

my philosophical ideas about earth can be summed up in four words.


"Turtles All The WaY!!!"


someone out there has to know what that means, because for once, I actually know what i'm talking about.


Ooooh, I know! It's a reference to Great A'tuin,. the star turtle, who on his (or her) back sand 4 elephants, but I can only remember one name (Great T'phon) of the elephants...and on the elephants backs is...THE DISCWORLD!!!!

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wow, that's better than me, ive read over ten of the discworld books and can't remember a single elephant. but i was refering to that in a way, but in another way i was refering to and old hindu woman whose explanation of why the world doesn't drop out of the sky is becaue it rests on four giant elephants who in turn rest on a turtle. when asked what the turtl stands on, she replied, another turtle asn that is was turtles all the way. this became the structure for many scientific explanations of space. this was also where Pterry got his ideas from.

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