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Top News:Death and Besiegement

Commander 598

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I specially went to the internet to read more about the Queen mother, I didn't think i'd read about it here...


And about that problem in the middle east, the way it's going there won't be any peace there before a very long time and, sadly, after many people have been killed by the endless violence....

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The bat-cookies are certainly hitting the fan over there.


The problem Arafat faces, IMHO, is that he simply can't stop what is happening. The Palestinians are pissed off at the Israelis for coming down on them, and the Israelis are torqued by all the suicide bombers. Since each is happening in retribution for the other, both sides are caught in a spiralling chain of cause and effect.


The emotions involved are way too volatile for peace to happen as the result of any diplomatic effort. Only defeat of the other side will end this.



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The only problem with that is if Israel really does try to completely defeat the Palestinian movement, it will require wiping out a rather significant number of them to do so, perhaps bordering on genocide, and finally coming out and claiming all that land as their own. Which, of course, will only serve to make things worse with the terrorist activity.

And if they do choose to go to that extreme, then they are pretty much guaranteed the prospect of all-out war with the entire Arab world, who have been waiting for the opportunity for decades. That is the only reason Israel hasn't done that already, (although there are plenty of hard-liners who have been advocating it for years.)

It's a lose-lose situation. If they can't figure out how to live together, then there's not much hope of things sorting themselves out otherwise.

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Arafat can stop the Terorists he has yet to say in arabic that he condemms terrorism as a tool for the creation of an independent state, he will only say it in english, a language most of his people don't even understand, in a sense he has never even bother to ask them to stop. and as long as the morons keep blowing up those darn cafe's that are such a threat to security the israelies will have to keep defending themselves. if someday the arabs people realize that blowing themselves and young stundents/people up is not a good strategy maybe they will deserve there own country. until then independance would not be something they deserve.

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There will never be a Palestinian state, mainly because the major Arab states dislike them. The Palestinians want the West Bank to be part of Palestine, but the Jordanians would rather have Israel next door than the wacky Palestinians. It is because of reasons such as that that there will not be a Palestinian state anytime soon.

I propose something radical: a complete turnaround in the US-Iraq relations. We get all buddy-buddy with Iraq and let them walk all over the Middle East. Ever notice how old Saddam isn't always hootin' and hollerin' about Allah and only calls us the Great Satan when trying to get someone on his side? Aside from Turkey and Israel, Iraq is the only non-Islamic government in all the Mid East. We let Iraq grab everything they can get their hands on and we solve the Islamic terrorist thing because, well, Saddam will deal with them <i>quite ruthlessly</i>. Then we *****slap super-Iraq into the next dimension and wipe out Israel too (just in case something goes horribly awry) and grab the oilfields for ourselves.

Problems=solved (note: thousands upon thousands of new problems will then emerge)

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