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Duel of the Fates level for Outcast


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I can bet my mothers life that within 1 month of the level editor being released there will be at least 3 different versions of this level available. I personally think it will be fantastic when the duel map comes out with the Duel of Fates track playing in the background.

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Thanks =]]]]]]]

The only problem with the level is getting good R_speeds (LAG)


How to make a room as big and complex as the main one and stop fps from dropping really low when you open hanger door ?


Raven says JK2 can support this better

but if its to laggy i may make the level into a kick ass multiplayer =]]]]


Hey D'akt Sangwar i was reading that ATAT forum

i was wondering if TEMS wants to see a map that i made for EF where the atat fires

dont know how it would work in jk2 but it fires towards a set point.

even got the guns to move when it fires =]]]]]

i used the model of the atat on http://www.effiles.com site

I found carbing the inside out a pain so to make it walkinable =] i made a transporter on the door that took you to the inside =]

then a tv monitor showed you the view from the cockpit


so i can imagine how hard it is for Tems to make the atat walkinable


Ive half made a hoth map with three of these atats and i can just imagine them firing all at once :D :D :D :D

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Oh yeah the force fields =]]





2. At the moment they close like in film 1 after the other


3. BUT they dont rotate first then close

ive asked raven and they said its not possible to do WAAAAAAAA

YET but eventually they would release it in a patch but that might be 3 months or more

so do i really need the rotating bit cause it dont look like it will happen unless theres a mad patch maker out there LOL


4. ive put a door at start of red doors . now its not in the movie but it helps the Frame rate ALOT so who thinks it should stay


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Don't know if you thought of this yet, but are you going to add the "Duel of the Fates" song to the level?


You CAN add that song to the level to replace the normal one.


Please please please do that.


I am sure you can find a long version of it on Kazaa or somewhere.

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for those asking for the screenshot, all you have to do is remove the http://www. from the http://www.geocities.com/darthvader575/pitroom.jpg (not sure if that is the EXACT address,but you get the idea)... Geocities tries to prevent direct linking, so all you have to do is remove the http://www. and you can check out LDJ's awesome eyecandy!!!



so it should read http://geocities.com/darthvader575/pitroom.jpg

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