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So, is JO good?


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personally, JO and agent under fire (for the gamecube) are my two favorite FPS games rite now.


JO is just splendid! rite in the opening mission, you can already see the graphical advantage this game has over the first jk. i don't know, i'm biased towards star wars but i already think this game is better than counterstrike...btw i purchased the special edition and that lightsaber glowing is sooooooooo cool...

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I have installed JO, but it says I don't have any 3D hardware on my system. I have a Nvidia GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro video card which should be supported by the game. I have installed the driver for it, but it still won't run. Does anybody know what the problem could be?


BTW, the OS is Windows 98SE, and everything else seems to work.


Thanks in advance.

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Well I was kinda hoping a statement like that might get a few fans of the game to defend it and prove WHY it was so awesome;)


Now I'm sure the single-player game is really cool, it is something the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games have always done well. And yes it will have a huge mod community. But to be honest, I always thought the original Jedi Knight was boring in Multi-Player, even with the mods. I was hoping they did something really different but to me it just sounds like they improved the graphics and left it to the mod makers. I'd be glad to know I was wrong, but nothing I've read so far has made me think that (yes, there's your opening to defend the game).


I just think the FPS genre is moving on from the type of game that Jedi Outcast is, and that Raven is saving their really innovative ideas for whatever their next non-licensed project is.


Let's be honest, in recent times it's more like it's an honor for LucasArts to work with Raven than the other way around. If people had any confidence in LA's ability to put out a decent game they wouldn't need to license the AOK engine for GB and they wouldn't have to hire Raven to make JO.


JO still looks like a game worth buying to me, just that I was kinda hoping for a lot more. Still there's Galaxies to look forward to, licensed or not it seems a lot of effort is being put into that game to make sure it's a stand out in it's genre.


Heck, I bought Obi-Wan for Xbox and enjoyed that, so I'm certain I'd enjoy JO;)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

JO is awesome. I went to play MP I love it!! I got my butt kicked though but it was freaking cool. Like Darthfergie said the saber is just downright awesome. I was not happy one time that I lost my lightsaber. I was mad...Then I started sneaking around with a big gun in my hand that I have no idea what it does. I manage to kill a few then a butthead snuck on me and slash me to death. :D


It is a great game. It is a thrill to see another Jedi game created!!! BUY IT PEOPLE!! I want to beat your butt in this game lol!


oooh one more story. I was playing with my force power online and I press "F" to use a power and someone was in my sight and all of sudden he was jumping up and down I was like what the heck...I realize that I was force griping him. He died and I was like awesome. Then he came and killed me...It turn out that he was on my team...whoops hehehe:D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

LOL! How do yall beat the second mission of JO? I am trying to cripple the mining operations...I cant figure out how to do it. I already got into that stormtrooper trap. DARN STORMTROOPER! it was fun though hehehe:D a fight for your life :D

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It rules I couldn't for the life of me figure how to get out of the second half of the frist frist level ;( me feels stupid.


So if fired up multie player and statred kicking butt their I raraly come out a game with less then 15 kills and may games I win.


As to a post about how it would have been cool to have class god their are to dam many games like that for my tastes. It's like if a game has no class it can't be good in MP. first of all classes are for TEAM games jedi outcast is played alot in FFA mode classes would be usless. And second theirs already a curde class systems theirs a sniper rifle and with force jump you can get in some nice spots. Theirs team heal/energize medic. Their are bunch of bombs demo guy. And theirs plenty of full auto weapons grunt. You can still do what you like just no ridged system. Also given a chocie how many guys would be a snowtrooper over a jedi :)

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Originally posted by captain_drake

DUDE the game is a major find


nothing like cutting stormtroopers in half


and force griping them till thay DIE!!!!!!!!!



The best is level 3 gripping people and then flinging them across the room into a wall or off a cliff. Its also fun to grip them and then throw them high in the air by quickly moving the mouse down and then they die from the fall. :D

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Beat the game...:)


Desann is easier than I thought he would be. Just time your moves right and he's dead in a split second. I'll admit some of the hardest levels in the game come EARLY on. No force powers and you are forced to do some serious jumping...GAH. I HAD to use the guide on some of the earlier levels. The latter levels mostly explained themselves though. Although one or two had a stupidly hard puzzle. (grate is hidden under bunch o' boxes and you have to destroy the boxes to find te frigging grate instead of force push/pull) (beaten on Jedi Knight difficulty)

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Guest Supreme Warlord



*Fanfare breaks out. the entire room is change to a disco like room. Out of one door dancers cames out. the other door batenders with food came out.*


Warlord: LET DANCE!!!!Congrat darthfergie *shakes his hand*


*start dancing with the other girls.*


:D :D :D :D :D

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