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depends how the resources were at the beginning, on high resources


tech 2 - 5

tech 3 - 18


on resources low I'm not so sure - it took about 15 minutes yesterday for me to get to tech 2, no idea how long for 3


That's in the demo

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Reaching the techs quickly isn't the be all and end all really, I played a game on Monday where my opponent reached tech 2 first, I followed about 3 minutes afterwards, but because I had concentrated mainly on workers harvesting resources & research I was able to reach tech 3 before he did and was able to maintain a decent lead to eventually beat him.

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Playing with high rescources isn't gay. i know it sounds doubtful but it can be done. No offense to you duder but maybe you're just not fast enough. You could roam the area and put the facilities around all of the rescources. That would be quick, but thats just me.











:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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My speed demon record (I wasn't tring to research everything but I was just advancing levels)


Tech 2- 5 min. 13 sec.

Tech 3- 12 min. 45 sec.

Tech 4- 23 min. 52 sec.


I didn't research anything exept the next Tech level and I was only making villies. So if the times seem impossible to do in multiplayer...they are...I would never go that fast because I need to research and expand...but I did it just to try it out...

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I don't usually pay attention either...I just thought I would time myself in a quick game:) speed demon but in a real game I usually struggle to get to tech levels before my oponents do...


Rommel if only I was at home...you've been playing so many games and I havn't been near my copy of GB...well exept that one time that you decided to log off right when I asked you to play...oh well...

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Guest Destroyer Droid

Galactic Battle Ground Trial Low res etc


Tech level 2

10:42 with 21 vills + scout


Tech 3

17:43 with 29 vills + scout

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