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Sheaday6 goes insane!


Read my post than choose an answer  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Read my post than choose an answer

    • Curl into a fetal position in the bathroom, muttering: "the moon, tHe mOoN, THE MOON!..."
    • Call that girl I have a crush on, and explain at great length how cruel the moon is being until she hangs up. then call again.
    • Break into a missle siloh and launch a nuke at that mother ****ing excuse for a planet!
    • Stand in the front lawn throwing a "nuke" I made out of a tin can and mice skulls at the moon, until I p*** out from exhaustion
    • Protest in front of the Capital Building with a sign reading: "Guns don't kill people, the MOOOOON kills people. hahaha" (with "hahaha" actually written out)
    • Twirl ... twirl like its the last day of my life

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Originally posted by sheaday6

Why is everyone choosing twirl, i don't wanna twirl:(

Then you should never have put your fate into our hands! Or at least never offered it as such an appealing option.


That'll teach you a lesson.

Now,.. twirl for us, ya' varmint! Twirl till ya' vomit! And then some.

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