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I Got It !!!!


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you're listening to a very happy man...


I just got GB !!!!!


The local store had it in, and since a friend of mine will get it too, i already picked up a copy. Should my ordered copy come in, i'll sell that to my friend...


Pandemonium... I got it earlier by going to a store than by pre-order...

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Leon, where did you bought it????

I have been trying to find it for 3 days now, but all i here is the infamous sentence "No, Try it Next week....."




I thought it should be out right now in the netherlands....

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Guest DaRk_EwoK

You lucky bastards


I live in mexico and went to a local software store ,they told me it would be out about 1 month AFTER the US relase :(


also when games ship here cost a lot more than in US, AOK was at the equivalent of 80 dollars in the first month !!!!!!!!!



i want to introduce myself, im from mexico (as you read above) and im a fan of star wars, and ewoks ;)


I have only played the demo and i think it is going to be a great game... but i have to wait


well see ya :ewok:

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Sherack; I was under the impression that simply announcing you bought a game was far from discussing the actual game itself... so i posted it there.


fergie: I sure hope so. Haven't been able to install it on our internet-pc at home (it is on the other one; look for a first play-review this morning), but as soon as it is, i'll try to hook up with you people.


I got it from a local store here in .... where I live. :D (come on, you didn't expect me to give THAT away with all those dutch people around here, did you ?)

I had been nagging the guy there for the past four days; he kept me up to speed on when it was sent, when he received it and when i could pick it up. So i got it fresh from the box..


:D Excuse my shakiness. I've waited 7 months for this.

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Guest DaRk_EwoK
Originally posted by darthfergie

HOLA! DaRk_EwoK:ewok:


Welcome to our forums...Rhett will be by here tomorrow to give you one of our exclusive gift baskets...:)



What do you mean with that:confused: :confused:


anyway i feel important:cool:

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

thanx alot.......:mad:


No reply, none at all.


Well if any one has manners they will tell me, it is out in australia?


And by the way, when i read these forums, you are all probably asleep. So feel free to reply, cause i will be there in the night eagerly waiting.

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Originally posted by Darth_Nixon42

thanx alot.......:mad:


No reply, none at all.


Well if any one has manners they will tell me, it is out in australia?


And by the way, when i read these forums, you are all probably asleep. So feel free to reply, cause i will be there in the night eagerly waiting.


It should be out in Australia about now ;)

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