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Poll: Which skins/mods/levels would you like to see?


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For models how about jabba the hut, lol

han solo , the rancoor keeper complete with big belly!, gamorreon gaurd, yuuzhan Vong model from the new jedi order books, ryn..hansolos new side kick in thhe new jedi order books,

leia in the bounty hunters outfit.

the hammer head guy (Ithorian), watto from eps. one:fett:


for a level ceasers palce from the jedi knight game.

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Instead of recreating the wheel, let's use what is already available.


If any of you play Unreal Tournament then you may (or may not) have seen the awesome Star Wars maps made by Pat-BadKarma-Fitzsimons. There's the simple awesome Death Star map with ultra reflective floors (not sure if the Quake engine can handle this) with the Falcon is one of the hangars and you can go inside the Falcon. There's the Naboo map with palace and underground Jedi battleground. Hmmm, the AT-AT barge is stellar! You are inside the hangar bay of a Star Destroyer - in the bay is a barge, so you go in the barge - in the barge is an AT-AT, so you go in the AT-AT! Truely awesome! And of course there is Mos Eisley.


Ok, so these maps are done. They just need to be convertes to whatever format JK needs. Maybe we can persuade BadKarma to do this or at least allow someone else to.


Well, anyway you can check out some pics and DLs here.






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How about redoing the mots swamp/sith temple infiltration. the mood and atmosphere still scares the snot out of me. I would love a good sp level, or sp story throughout mutilple levels.


Reason being is that saber combat better in sp, imo. I would love some good sp levels with good sw atmosphere. no more random mazes, with just killing. a little bit of story, and a little bit of atmosphere can go a long way to having the player feel like he's ...in... a sw movie, not just a rat in a maze.


I love the way Raven did combat in this game!

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How about just letting us use the models that are in JK2. I'd love to play as the Death Star Droid, C-3PO, or even an R2 or R5 unit w/ a lightsaber. It would be great to be a jumping droid with a sabre. I wonder if there isn't a way to use R2's jets from EP 1+2?

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I second Rogue9_dlb, deffinately need some Yhuzun Vong skins. I would also like to see some skins of Anakin,Jacen,Jaina and most of the other Jedi and characters from the new books.

Deffinately would be cool to have Ewok village map and possibly a map of the Sacrifice Chamber that the Vong use to kill Jedi.

Mos Eisley would be cool too, would definately need to do something like higher or lomer levels of Coruscant, I think that would be great.


Would be cool to have a SP or MP level/Map of Darth Vaders flagship the executer or was it the executioner?

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Actually an ewok village would be quite nice, lots of pitfalls, something like an extreme ns level.


Anyway, I would like to see a mod that gives a sense of teamwork to the whole thing. All the multiplayer maps asside duel end up with a light saber mosh pit. Light saber mosh pits get boring.


A system like counterstrike, with near 1 shot kills, and longer spawn times would make kills more meaningfull for teams. Slower running, cover positions, and meaningful objectives would make the game more fun. JK2 can never make a counterstrike clone; the force, and the nature of blasters make it too different.

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Personally, above all else I'd like to see models of all the "classic" (Eps.1 thru 6) characters come out first, then after that some of the EU characters...


as for maps, anything playable works for me, I'm sure some cool things will come out. I'd love to see BadKarma's UT maps converted (especially his original ATAT Barge map- flying in atmosphere with TIEs escorting, and you could even shoot the TIEs down... very cool effect).


Mods; I'm planning on working code for a RtCW/MOHAA hybrid type of gameplay- limited class-based Alliance vs. Imperial objective-based... just need the SDK for those purposes (and I can let someone else do the mapping :thumbsup: )

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Hey peeps... any of the original JKers ever remember the Boba Fett Trilogy? I'd love to see an updated remake of that!

and also how about the Sarlacc pitt scene? Chewie, Han, Luke, Leia, Jabba, and Lando are all in that! u would only need to make a leia, han, fett, chewie and Jabba skin too! the skiffs might be a little hard to create seeing as how they need to be big enough to fit a gun turret and a huge canopy, but i think it could still RAAWK!!!!

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My Model/Skin Wishlist would have to be:


Episode 1


Darth Maul (without hood)

Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi Wan

Mace Windu


Amidala (Battle Gear)

Battle Droid

Jar Jar Binks


Episode 4/5/6


Darth Vader (animated cape)

Obi Wan


Leia Organa (Battle Gear & Bounty Hunter)

Han Solo


Emperor Palpatine

Admiral Piett

Boba Fett


Ewok (various skins)




Mara Jade


Kyp Durron


Admiral Daala

Exar Kun


That about covers it ;)


My list will no doubt match up pretty much with any other fan of the Star Wars novels..


Hope most of these can be turned into a reality.. I might even take up modelling myself..

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skins are easy, my favourite part of the starwars universe must be the huge diversity of alien races.


beedo and ree yees are just two of the hundreds of alien characters used in starwars, just look at all the creatures in the cantina or jabba's palace.


beedo and ree yees are by far my favorite mp characters, just think about playing with the mos eisley cantina band, the weird creature luke bumps into at the bar (walrushead?).


jawa's, tuskenraiders, gamorean guards, all of the max rebo band, the bountyhunters from empire strikes back and all the other background characters from the movies.


perhaps a lot of these would need new models cos of their weird bodystructures but ít's all the weird aliens that make starwars so cool.


oh yeah, Nien Numb, he only had one or two scenes i think but he rocked

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There's already one of the ESB bounty hunters in JO..


The Trandoshan model.. one of the bounty hunters, Bossk, was a Trandoshan.. they hunt wookiees for sport and their pelts.


The others would be Boba Fett, Dengar, IG-88 ( all of whom i have in my wishlist :D ), and the bounty hunting team consiisting of Zuckuss and his bio mechanical droid, 4LOM ( who thinks he can learn to use the force ).


I think i will put IG-88 at the top of my model wishlist for now, since it would be fairly difficult to make a faithful model for him, and whoever does it, will most likely do it right.

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-Bespin Mining Station from original JK...Still my favorite

-Definately the "Infiltatrate-the-Imperial-Base" ala Dark Forces

-I like the Endor Map idea

-There was this one user-made level for Dark Forces that involved a Gamorrean castle. It absolutely rocked.

-Come to think of it, we need an entire port of Dark Forces, hehe

-Jedi Night Club



-Ever seen BFP2? Thats what we want




-SP Co-op

-MP RPG(like Barons Hed RPG for JK)


Thats all i can think of right now. but these would be cool.

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I have an Idea for an MP Duel map set on the roof tops of corusent. As with corusent streets there are moving vehicles that race between the buildings. Small Gantry's link together the roof tops and these have no barriers so it's easy to fall to your death. Add a little extra to the skill needed to play the map.


The other FFA map I'd like to see is the Sarlak Pit scene from ROTJ.

with the 2 smaller barges just a full force jump away from the main barge with the sarlak pit just waiting underneath for a tasty morsel.


Oh and of course I want the Duel of fates. Who doesn't.



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