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Toybox units: Missing In Action


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Okay Generic Imperial Officers would be good for Imperial scenarios where you come across one and you have a dialog chat then kill him(it'd be cool). And Jar sucks in the Gungan mission where you send Amidala and Co. to the Sacred Place,Jar Jar was the one in my company who almost died (like a bar of hp this small |==|==============| yes he was almost dead). And someone else was right that Jake Lloyd's voice was too deep,he sounded Anakin as of Rogue Planet.

And has no one read the NJO order yet?! They need to put in Yuuzhan Vong troopers in there and a few Yuuzhan Vong air units(maybe even their few mechs,they've had scouts,and assault mechs so far that I know of). They're strong versus Jedi(VERY strong) and would provide a good challenge,plus plenty of people allied with them so far. Comeon everyone it's time for Vong(and include Supreme Lord Shimrra he'd rock and his Palace could be a monument). Heck let's make them a Civ while we're at it lol.

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