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Guest Imladil

Two answers for that. Scientific: 'Life is that which reproduces, consumes fuel and manifests consciousness.'


Mystical: 'We are God's way of knowing the universe.'


As for '42' and 'What is 6 times 7,' the identity of question and answer are interchangeable. In the total '42' we have an isolated number...one whose creation is implied by factoring. What caused '42' is the question, with the first factoring coming to '6 times 7' as an answer.



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well.. first i was wondering what Redwing alwayes meant with 42. But then i remembered that cartoon of I Am Weasel. and there was this stupid fellow that asked weasel what the meaning of life was. and weasel answered. it is surounded by a number and that number is............ 42. everybody: Yeeeeee.


so there is your question and answer.


@ Tall guy Y :D : at the top of the screen there is this little button "user cp" click it. then there is another button "Edit Options" click it. Than the last option you can select an avatar by simply clicking "change avatar".


hope that helps..

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well.. first i was wondering what Redwing alwayes meant with 42. But then i remembered that cartoon of I Am Weasel. and there was this stupid fellow that asked weasel what the meaning of life was. and weasel answered. it is surounded by a number and that number is............ 42. everybody: Yeeeeee.


so there is your question and answer.


It originated in the excellent sci-fi comedy book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which it was revealed that the world is run by mice. The world started when the computer Deep Thought, the second greatest computer in the universe, discovered the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. The answer was forty-two. Naturally, this confused everyone...but Deep Thought told them that there problem was, that they didn't know what the question was! So Deep Thought designed the greatest computer ever to exist in the history of the universe, which was Earth. Earth was intended to calculate the mysterious question to which the answer is 42. However, it was destroyed minutes before completing this project to make way for a hyperspace bypass. :D A survivor later discovered that the experiment had already been compromised by the fact that Neanderthals were supposed to become the dominant sapient race, but were displaced by alien arrivals---humans! But Arthur found that a distorted version of the question was hidden inside him..."What do you get when you multiply six by seven?"


I really need to find those books again and finish the series...:D

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