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Official Unofficial Naboo campaign [Read all]

Com Raven

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I was curious about the lack of a Naboo campaign (anyone know why?) and found this thread interesting. From what I gather, everyone's been focusing on a Naboo-Gungan-TF related story line. There could be another angle that could play out.


First off, I'm assuming that Naboo still would be in existance after the rise of the Empire (it IS Palpatine's home planet). I'm also going to make the big assumption that the TF would still be in existence, but in a very much-weakened form.


Campaign could start out just as Palpatine dissolves the Senate and the Imperial Navy and Army start to control various systems, including Naboo. First mission could be some Naboo resisters attempting to free prisoners from an Imperial prison camp. Next mission could be defending those newly-freed prisoners from an Imperial counterattack. Third could be a search for allies kind of mission (like Starcraft used to have) where the Naboo would have to find the Gungans and convince them to join the fray. TF could come into play as an ally of the Empire (kind of like hired mercenaries - if they want to keep their trade franchises they gotta help destroy the resistance - and the Empire's all about having someone else do their dirty work for them) in the fourth mission. Fifth could have Naboo launch an attack against the TF droid control facility, guarded by both Imperial and TF forces. Sixth could be some sort of final battle against the Imperial stronghold on Naboo. Some sort of sub-plot on how the Naboo managed to gain territory and resources would have to be woven into the main plot, but that would be easy. It could also be possible to make the third mission an initial attack on the Gungans but then at the end of the stage the Imperials and/or TF come in and then new mission objectives would be to ally with the Gungans and destroy the Imperials/TF. It is also possible to work some sort of sup-plot where Naboo has to get Amidala off the planet and away from Vader.


I dunno, it's just a thought.

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No facing Gungans guys...remember that Gaber originaly had the Gungans fighting the Naboo, but decided that they never fought too much...


I personally think there should be a fight over the kingship of Naboo...Remember in Cloak of Deception, written by James Luceno, that the King of Naboo had a 'sudden' death and the Planet of Naboo was in choas...and somehow...out of the choas...emerged the young Queen Amidala...I think that if we make a campaign that it should show her rise to power...


Scenario 1= The King has died...Captain Panaka (i think he is a hero) finds him dead and he and his guard force search out the traitor...(kill a few people nothing major)


Scenario 2= Several factions of 'potential' canidates fight it out...you/Panaka are on a quest to desern the best heir to the throne. You and your small task force are attacked several times by the waring factions...you find Amidala/Padme...end scenario


(continued in next post)

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It could go about the recistance of the Naboo against the TF.


Some mission will be about transporting information and raiding TF setlements (this could be a link to the 3nd TF mission)


One mission contains the rescue of Sio Bible. He has been captured and forced to record the famous line "You must contact me!"


One mission let's you escort the Queen to Theed. The recistance has been approached by a Gungan Tribe with the news that Queen Amidala has returned to Naboo and needs an escort to Theed.


The last regular mission contains the commando type operation like in the movie. A Full Theed map with the Hangar and the palace, the heroes and a lot of Trade Federation forces.


The What if:

Sio Bible send a transmission to the Queen. Sabé replies and comforts them. The Trade Federation sends troops from a nearby system to Tatooine and start their search for the queen. With the help of R2-D2 (rebel worker droid) the queen and her people make a small camp to defend their ship.


In the meanwhile Qui Gon and Anakin need to make their way to the camp when they run into a Tusken Raider camp

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(continued from last post)


Scenario 3= Amidala anounces her intent for the throne...and is attacked by most of the waring factions...she has but one ally (I forgot his name...the advisor to amidala in the movies that stays behind) They fight together and defeat several factions...


Scenario 4= Amidala is now put up against the strongest faction...the faction of the king's nephew...fight it out...


Scenario 5= Amidala is being crowned queen and rules no military action will be taken against the TF...She is captured...Qui-Gon and Obi-One rescue here...oh and Jar Jar too...you have to get her to the hangar alive...


Scenario 6= Infiltration of the Palace after they come back...capture Nute Gunray...


Scenario 7= *bonus scenario* You get to defend Theed from the TF invaders with the small skeleton force that Naboo holds...


Scenario 8=*bonus scenario* face off with the Gungans...Panaka vs. Boss Nass...

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Guest ReaperFett

I'm willing to help out. Not expert in anything, but could still help.


One thing to remember is the Heroes. Will you add others(Like Ric Olié)? Or stay with those known?

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Hey, I've got storyline for the Naboo campaign. We could have the 1st mission where the Naboo civ are transported forward in time. To the time of the Galactic Empire. Then the 2nd mission would be where they meet the Rebel Alliance before the battle of Hoth. Just before they find Han Solo. Then we could have all these missions where the Naboo aid the Rebel Alliance in thier fight against the Galactic Empire.

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Well, continued from my last reply, one of our missions could be where the Trade Federation comes in through through the same time portal and they come in with a huge army right next to a major Imperial Outpost, heavily guarded and very strong. Then the Gungans would come through with a medium-sized attack force and together you would have to destroy that outost. I think this would make an interesting stroyline. Oh, and another thing, I have some map experience so if you'd like me to help out with some map making I'd be happy to once I get Galactic Battlegrounds.

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Well, If you don't like my previous suggestion for the story line then her's another one. The first Scenario would be where you're in Theed and your on a scouting mission to the country side of Naboo. Then when you're about to go back, a portal appears and a huge Imperial Army comes and starts attacking you. You get a new mission objective which is to get back to Theed. The 2nd scenario would be where you would go back to that location and you must find out what that is. You have a medium-sized attack force and must destroy the portal.:evanpiel::atat::band::bdroid1: Then, the 3rd scenario is where you find out portals are appearing everywhere around Theed. But 4 out of the 20 have Rebel Alliance armies coming. You've got to help the Rebel Alliance get the to the Imperial portals and destroy them. Then you would have to destroy the Imperial Armies. The 4th scenario would be when you find out the Imperials have made a base. A big one for that matter. Then you get word that the Trade Federation has joined forces with the Imperials. They're all at that big outpost. Then your sensors pick up that they're launching a massive strike force at you.:atat: You're objective would be to hold them off for 20 min. while the civillians escape through the Rebel Transport ships. The 5th scenario would be where you've decided to take the offensive. But you know that you and the Rebel Alliance can't fight the TF and the GE. So you must journey to the Swamps where you hope to find the Gungans and make an Alliance. You must make sure you don't run into any Imperial forces or maybe even some unexpected creatures or you're suprise for the enemy will be ruined. The 6th scenario would be where you are controling all the 3 races and you have to wipe out the threat. Though this won't be easy. You will have to destroy thier portal generator before you launch any major offensives or they will just summon reinforcements. The What-if mission would be what if you didn't destroy the portal generator and they shifted it to another place in Naboo. You wouldn't have as big an army and you would have to find some way to summon the Wookies namely by taking over the Portal Generator and getting them.

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Couldn't Fergie's concept of a battle for the throne be resolved in the first 2 scenarios (the pre-episode 1 part of the campaign). The introduction could be the death of the king and the rise of rogue Nubian factions. Scenario 1 could be a race to get Amidala to the palace before the rogue factions get there. Scenario 2 could be a search and destroy mission to rid Naboo of the rogue faction.


Scenario 3 and 4 could cover the Episode 1 part of the story line (I'm loath to take liberties on what will happen in Episode II and I don't want to know until I see it). Backstory for this portion of the campaign could be that after Amidala and co. defeated the rogue Nubians free elections were held and she won. However, the TF saw the recent instability as an opportunity and invaded. Scenario 3 could be a build the monument game where Amidala's forces have to build a beacon to establish an independent communication link to the Republic and then defend the beacon from TF attack until help (read: Qui Gon and Obi Wan) arrive. Scenario 4 could be the assault on the TF stronghold on Naboo.


Scenario 5 and 6 would be an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" kind of deal where the TF is gone but the Empire steps in. A lot of storyline options here. Get the Queen off the planet, help a Nubian Jedi rid defeat the Empire, Gungans and Nubians team up, etc...

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Guest Chet Dakota

I can help play test the proposed Naboo Campaign if you need the help. That way, I can give an honest review from those who are doing the design.


I have been a Beta Tester for a major design studio since 1997.



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Guest Chet Dakota
Originally posted by PT4414

Couldn't Fergie's concept of a battle for the throne be resolved in the first 2 scenarios (the pre-episode 1 part of the campaign). The introduction could be the death of the king and the rise of rogue Nubian factions. Scenario 1 could be a race to get Amidala to the palace before the rogue factions get there. Scenario 2 could be a search and destroy mission to rid Naboo of the rogue faction.


Didn't they say in Ep 1 that Amidala was "voted" to the throne? Or elected? I remember Panaka saying it to someone.


Originally posted by PT4414

Scenario 5 and 6 would be an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" kind of deal where the TF is gone but the Empire steps in. A lot of storyline options here. Get the Queen off the planet, help a Nubian Jedi rid defeat the Empire, Gungans and Nubians team up, etc...


I like this idea...Have the Empire move in and destroy the Gungans and have the Naboo and remains of the Gungan race defeat the Empire. You could do a major battle sequence that you just watch, kinda like the Joan of Arc Campain in AOK2.

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I am sure you can help us as soon as there is something to test :D


Till then, all input is appreciated as well...


ow about this :the campaign (whatever the actual storyline may be ...) is narrated (in written text) by a young officer of the Royal army !

Could begin like this


Naboo. A peaceful world, inhabited by peaceloving people ! Or at least that's what the galaxy thinks about us and our world .

But even the most peaceful people must sometimes take up arms to defend their freedom .

This is the story of our struggle for peace ...

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Guest ReaperFett

Can I just point out that a resident of Naboo is NOT a Nubian. Nubian's are from Nubia, a planet with strong ties to Naboo. THINK Naboo people are Nabooians

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I still like my full Idea back there...call me biased if you want to but still...


Scenario 1= The King has died...Captain Panaka (i think he is a hero) finds him dead and he and his guard force search out the traitor...(kill a few people nothing major)


Scenario 2= Several factions of 'potential' canidates fight it out...you/Panaka are on a quest to desern the best heir to the throne. You and your small task force are attacked several times by the waring factions...you find Amidala/Padme...end scenario


Scenario 3= Amidala anounces her intent for the throne...and is attacked by most of the waring factions...she has but one ally (I forgot his name...the advisor to amidala in the movies that stays behind) They fight together and defeat several factions...


Scenario 4= Amidala is now put up against the strongest faction...the faction of the king's nephew...fight it out...


Scenario 5= Amidala is being crowned queen and rules no military action will be taken against the TF...She is captured...Qui-Gon and Obi-One rescue here...oh and Jar Jar too...you have to get her to the hangar alive...


Scenario 6= Infiltration of the Palace after they come back...capture Nute Gunray...


Scenario 7= *bonus scenario* You get to defend Theed from the TF invaders with the small skeleton force that Naboo holds...


Scenario 8=*bonus scenario* face off with the Gungans...Panaka vs. Boss Nass...



(you can think up your own Ideas for the bonus missions...they were just quick thoughts the rest were thought out and planned)

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Who are we going to select to make it??? And how???



Would we have a small team of maybe three creators who:


1) The first creator lays out the basis for the game and makes the campaign


2) The first creator then sends the campaign to his two partners and they tweek it adding a few personal touches and double checking the triggers


3) once done they then have an official "Beta" testing copy...


4) They gather a few gamers to test it and they test it themsleves


5) Once tested bugs are found and the campaign is once again tweeked and then tested by creators for anymore bugs


6) decide on a "final" copy of the campaign and release it on site as one of the better campaigns designed for GB...


That would be the effecient way of doing this at least...(we might even set up a small private forum for the game designers to post to other game designers and testers about the updates to the campaign and bugs found)

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