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Favorite Forum Memory?


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This will probably apply more to the older members of the forum, but since there's a lotta reminissing going on- well what the hell? :D


I'll always remember when Frenchy went from a pop-loving sweety to a punk-loving bytch (in a nice way of course) all thanx to NFGB which in turn resulted in numerous accusations that there was something going on between them ;)


Then there was the touble-makers, GuybrushStupidNumbers, ThomasFellas, Kate Fellas and numerous other people, who in the end just appeared funny rather than irritating


The games, Survive On Monkey Island was probably the funniest- poor NiKo, he tried so hard to get the game to work and all people could do was interupt his game


I'll always remember the downtime in August last year I think it was- I dunno about anyone else, I was having withdrawal symptoms.


Of course there was Brighty, who went from a fun loving guy who everyone loved coz he was so funny, to an annoying twat and a complete jerk. While sometimes I miss him, I only miss him coz he was the old Brighty, the Brighty that people adored. Besides, he apperantly blames people like me and Feral for him leaving- sheeeesh get over it. Still life is too short, I don't care really


Those were the days, the memories :( I wish we could have them back- still people change *sniffles* I just wish people would come back

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My favorite memory was when I was young to the forums. Everyone was warm and nice to me even though they were older and I had a stupid name. They were so nice. I have my own forum now to be able to BE those people that were nice to me. But now, people seem to just ignore me. Not like the fun Ignore Neil Joshi game... like ignoring me because I start to think I annoy them. I mean I'm really young you know compared to you people, my 14th birthday is in October this year. I hope I don't annoy people.

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Ill always remember when I came here and started a huge fight between Natty and....forgot who, it was so long ago! Im sorry, but a fight never hurts, it helps us realize things! anyways u guys changed me alot, thought me how to act in forums and learn not to spam. Also loved our Wrestling talks, even though me and G122 didnt see the same way, cuz i know i was right!! lol..

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i dont remember, but I got in a fight with someone, like the day I got on, then the whole forum got involved, then like it was getting big, so I just apolagize and got out of it....mmm...I wonder if I could find that topic...ill check out right now



OH!!! I remember!!


Cuz I got here when u guys were named Mod. and like I was saying u guys to shut up cuz I though it wasnt a big deal...then like all of u started to argue and ****, then it spilled verywhere and started a mini-civil war...Do u think its why brighty left?


Ill still try to find the topic though..

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Originally posted by Griswold

a fight never hurts

I think you´re wrong there pal!

My best forum memory was.....

hold on.....

I wasnt here under the Fellas period...

But i miss storken, shame that he flied away!

His humuor really rox!

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i'll miss all the times fellas came back with a new stupid name,

i'll miss the times when every thread was funny cause of our combination of humor we all had toghether then...(gone now)

i'll miss the times the harbor were filled with topics like "whats your age?", "where are you from?" and all kinds of stuff when we didnt quite know anything about each others,

hell i miss every moment! the magic is gone....

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My favourite was the "Who" era, when myself, among other, would post topics such as "Who is most likely to win a fight between LeChuck and Indiana Jones?", or "Who is the coolest forum member?". This was also around the time that NiKo returned, Natty joined the forums, NFGB became mod, etc...the biggest compliment I can remember was from NFGB, who said...

Originally posted by newfoundgloryboy

I think Feral and Tunamurray account for 99.9% of the humor around here

That may not be exact, but it was something just like that. These were the days when I'd make about 10 posts every day....I was also voted 2nd coolest form member, which was veryy pleasing.

Those were the days...

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Originally posted by Griswold

Ill always remember when I came here and started a huge fight between Natty and....forgot who, it was so long ago! Im sorry, but a fight never hurts, it helps us realize things! anyways u guys changed me alot, thought me how to act in forums and learn not to spam. Also loved our Wrestling talks, even though me and G122 didnt see the same way, cuz i know i was right!! lol..


Maybe it was Admiral? Or Mek?

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i remember when i first got here, all those months ago. ah! it seems like yesterday, everyone was soo nice to me, everynoe welcomed me. oh wait, no they didn't, i don't think anyone took any notice of me much


Ignore Neil Joshi game


that was a game?! i thought you guys didn't like me. now i'm all confused, do you guys like me or not?

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I got another memory- remember when we went through the period of writing MI stories but including forum members? :D and I did a Jerry Springer type story? :D I think NFGB and Frenchy were together, but Frenchy was having an affair with Storky, and NFGB and NiKo we're having an affair, but at the same time NiKo and Storky were together or something like that :D

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Originally posted by Griswold


u obviously didnt read my second post


i couldnt, the page load completely, and i couldnt see the rest (at first i though that was all the topic, when i realized my mistake it was too late)





anyways, nostalgy is something i have a lot. i miss when i was a little kid, like 8. i remember that, by that time, i just wanted to grow up and have more freedom, but now i know that i should have stoped worrying about that, and wait patiently these 10 years that passed, just having fun, cause back than, i had almost no responsabilities, it was all fun and games. That plus the fact that the soccer team of my town, São Paulo Futebol Clube, haven't won anything big after the Toyota Cup in Japan in 1992 :D




anyways, by that im trying to say that i miss everything in the forums, so it would b useless to list them out.



but im gonna change the rules a little bit:

the EARLIEST forum memory i have is the discussion about wheter Niko should be unbanned or not...

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