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Patch On The Way

Guest Garry_M_Gaber

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Guest Garry_M_Gaber

I hope you all are enjoying Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds since it's debut a few weeks ago. As a team, we've been watching the forums to hear from you about what elements of the game you think are and are not working well for you in the time that it has been available.


Importantly, as part of our continuing efforts to deliver the best experience and support for you all, we are currently planning for a patch -- which should be available within the next few weeks.


Amongst the more notable issues in this update would be modifications to some unit behaviors -- particularly those which most effect gameplay balancing. For example, the Wookiee carbon collection upgrade rate at tech level 3 has turned out to be too high, and the Rebel Alliance farming bonus increase has turned out to be too low. We are also in the process of fixing an issue which relates to the effectiveness of upgraded Heavy Artillery units.


The patch will also address several other lower level issues (i.e. relating to some fairly rare installer and registry issues, readme notes, etc.)


Please keep on eye on LucasArts.com for information about update availability and details shortly.


As we have indicated, we highly value your input and the quality of your gameplay experience and will continue to keep a close eye on forums like this one on an ongoing basis.


Thank you for your continued support,


Garry M, Gaber


Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds

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Guest Spidersymbiote

Awesome! I am so happy to see that LA is going to address issues that need patched on a timely basis. I hope acertain few people on this board will stop the flaming now.


It is fantastic to know that we have an awesome game that is going to be supported by the company that made it!

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Guest Datoupee

Hey Gary thanks for the great news ! How about some info on if more civilizations will be available ? Maybe something related to Episode 2 ??? ........an ewok here and a jabba there....you know the routine.:ewok:

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Guest WC_heavyarms

Hey gary, nice to hear from ya!



Did you notice how much the game lags online? I played a 2v2, me hosting with 56k, which I can in AoK, but I can't here! It lags so bad! Planning to change anything?

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Guest TieSolo

Thanks for letting us know that you are keeping an eye on the players' wishes to improve the game. Let me just say that I think you did a fantastic job. The artwork and sound is incredible, and the campaigns are well thought out.


I have one issue I'd like to bring up though concerning aircraft. They are too powerful against troopers and mechs, and not powerful enough against buildings. Bombers work well, but fighters should be able to do more damage on buildings. Also, if you have a fleet of ships, they can ambush and take out dozens and dozens of troops (not to mention how fast they take out at-ats, which should really be impervious to fighters :atat: ) . It might make sense in the game world, but in Star Wars "reality" I don't think fighters could take out an entire invadin force of stormtroopers and mechs. i mean, look how hard it is to target troops in other Star Wars games like Rogue Squadron II. They just seem way too efficient. Obviously this is a result of the engine in many ways, because it is hard to simulate a dogfight, but a fighter should miss sometimes.


Any consideration you can give to this issue would be appreciated. thanks!



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I doubt they will be able to address issues like lag. They are using the ensemble AOK engine and I doubt they are going to go mucking in the ensemble code just make some insignificant netplay improvements.


Until someone makes a real client -> server RTS, lag is going to be part of the game.


I do notice quite a bit of out of syncs though. I wonder if there may be a bug causing it.



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Garry I would like to see a differant sound for the tie fighters as they are created at the Air Base of the empire. It sounds like you are being attacked. Other wise the software is exceptitional in AI, Map design, Art, music, and most important game play.




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((((((((((((((WHERE IS MY BLUE SWIRLY ENERGY SHIELDS)))))))))))))))))))))


That's my only grip, even with some of the gameplay issues I have learned ways around it, however I am VERY happy to see LA posting HERE, and letting their fans know their are working on issues.


Somethings that were not mention that I feel are worth noting, is:


- Path finding in heavy Assault mechs and heavy artillery is oftern poor.


- At Ats are not strong enough, they are chewed up by repeater troopers (not talking about speeders their natural enemy). I feel they should be a tad bit stronger, but then again their pathfinding may be why they die before they get their powerful shots off. Someone once mentioned firing while shooting? Maybe an attack walk? i dont know, sounds like good ideas to me though.


-Bombers are good, but empire's air force is strong. It seems as if in the movies the Empire could produce lots of ships cheap, but they were all very very weak, a Tie Defender can almost go toe-to-toe with a shielded Xwing, maybe others will disagree with me, but maybe it would be more "movie" accurate and still game balanced if Tie's dmg were reduced by -1 in every development stage, and 20% cheaper?


Thanks for listening!:cool:

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Guest Stryder

Thanks a heap Garry...


Besides the Wookie carbon bug could you make the AI use transports on island and asteroid maps (or maps where players are isolated)?


And if it doesn't wreck the balance of the game maybe allow AT-ATs to shoot air units with a ten percent chance of hitting the target?

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Guest Stryder

Oh one other thing... Could you possibly make the aircraft not hover and then shoot I mean make strafing runs sort of. If they just hover while shooting it's like weak mechs 50 feet above everyone else... Also make the aircraft miss a few times too...

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Guest General Crespin

Thats an awesome idea Stryder


I love patches they make good games better and with less crashing!


:jawa: 20 creds for the :c3po:


:fett: go to hell

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Guest X_MasterDave_X

could you fix the bug in the stored (Video) file. :(


If you try to watch your last game (stored), there is a bug, that the "faster"-Button dont works. Slow motion, Stop or Normal motion is o.k., but "fast forward" works in the same way as normal speed.


I have a PIII 800 System. AoK was o.k. with this system (even the "faster"-Button.


Thanx for trying.



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