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Baseball Season......


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Ahhh Baseball season, my favorite time of the year. The time where I can go hating the Yankees with a vengence, where I can enjoy getting in barfights with people about relief pitching... *Puts on D'Backs cap* Now is my chance to rub it in again to all those people who thought the Yankees would win last year: HA!

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Lets compare our favorite teams:


Hmmm Won World Series, Lost 100 games.. Which do you think is better? The Pirates really haven't done anything to improve in the off-season so they'll finish close to last again.

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*Blinks, then shrugs*


Well at a Spring Training game last year, Cory Patterson (Obscure player for the Cubs) Almost gave a friend of mine his glove.. Of course he was just kidding, but it was pretty cool...

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I pity all of you, since none of you are Yankee fans. I Bronx born and raised, and I've been going to Yankee games since before I can remember. I even went to a few Yankee games before I was born. Anyways, I digress, the Yankees are the best team in baseball, end even if the D-backs can even make it back to the World Series, they're going to lose the series. But I think this year will be another Yankees-Mets subway series, which is sweet...

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Originally posted by Kylilin

the Yankees are the best team in baseball


Of course they are...they buy up all the best players. All the other teams can't afford to compete with 'em.


I don't really follow baseball either, just kinda playing devil's advocate here :D

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So by that rationale, the teams that spend the most money should do the best? It doesn't work like that. As a matter of fact, 4 of the top ten highest slary teams didn't even make the playoffs last year.


Lots of teams can buy the best players, the Dodgers, Orioles, Braves, Mets, Cubs, and a few other teams can all buy players. What people get mad at is that the Yankees have such a high payroll, and up until last year, most of the team was on the Yankees for at least 5 years or came out of the farm system!!

of the 2001 Yankees starting lineup, these players did not come out of the Yankee farm system: Paul O'Neill, Tino Martinez, Scott Brosius, Chuck Knoblauch. All of these players came over in trades, not in Free Agency. of the rest of the starters: Jorge Posada, Alfonso Soriano, Derek Jeter, and Bernie Williams all came out of the farm system. Thats half the starters on the team, which is more than any other teams can put out. As a matter of fact this was the first time in a while that the Yankees have signed some key free agents, like Giambi, Rondell White, and Steve Karsay, and last year with Mike Mussina.


People are just mad that the Yankees spend their money wisely. They get exacty what they paid for.

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if we want to, we could say the Pirates "farmed" most of their players as well.


They farmed Mike Williams, Dave williams, mark Villione, brian Giles, Aramis ramirez, Mike Benjamin, and Jason Kendall. There are more, I know, but I can't remember them all.

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Hey Heavyarms: The Pirates suck, the Yankees don't...


Hell, look at the playoff teams from the last few years.. I'll bet you almost NO ONE on any of those teams was drafted by the team they were playing for in the playoffs...


Simple: The more in your pocketbook, the better you are...

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