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Daylight Savings Time (AKA the Root of all evil)


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well, i think it's dumb and lame too.




cuz u know, you'd be able to know what season it is more easily instead of just knowing what month it is and the season that the month is in....


no wait!!!!!


I KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT US TO SEE THE GOBLINS AND MONSTERS THAT COME OUT AT NIGHT!!!! THEY WANT US TO BE AFRAID! AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! well, a little kid wouldn't be so afraid of a monster under their bed while sleeping during the day, would they?

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Pfff you blow it out of proprtion some clocks I belive and all computers change by themeleves at daylight savings. Meaning that you can't whine about changing the clocks. And who cares I frankly don't notice the change and people who do are to obbsed with time IMO.


I haven't a clue why they made it then again since I don't care im not going to try and find out.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

It has to do with how much daylight you get. Ben Franklin (I think) came up with the idea. In the Fall we set our clocks back so we have more time awake while there is daylight out. In the Spring we set the clocks forward to take advantage of the longer days. These changes also helped save money since it caused an extra hour of light available for people so they didnt have to buy candles.

But now its fairy useless and is just tradition.

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