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Killing Dessan by Accident? *SPOILERS*


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I fought my way through the Jedi Academy to the final confrontation with Dessan, and I've been studiously avoiding spoilers of any sort. He was kicking my butt over and over with the nast little combination of force powere he wields. Even the beam in the center which grants temporary protection didn't seem to be helping.


So I was fighting him around one of the pillars in the corner of the room, and it was getting whittled away by both of our hits when it suddenly collapsed on him, barely missing me....and poof...game over, Dessan defeated...and I don't think I laid a blade on him the entire fight. *LOL*

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When I fought him I turned the fountain on and jumped in it, then I jumped down to fight him, and he hit me a couple times then through his saber and I used Force Speed to run in and hit him. Somehow he couldn't recall his lightsaber and started running around to get it and I just started wailing on him using strong stance. I didn't know you could make the pillars fall though!

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Originally posted by WanderingKnight

Even the beam in the center which grants temporary protection didn't seem to be helping.

Didn't know this existed :) Am I the only one who actually beat him by figting? :confused: Personally, I thought he was quiet easy to beat.

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When I got to the end to fight lizard head, I just used force lightening and strong saber style - killed him in 3 seconds with the jumping/finishing move. I was kinda bummed.


So I tried it again a few time - and got my ass kicked everywhere

moral of the story - don't look a gift lizard in the mouth :)

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The easiest most simple way i found out is just to turn on speed... its so easy, he won't even get a swing off by the tiume you kill him. If you are using light swing you can get 3 shots off before he does anything at all.

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I didnt know about the red light thing either when I beat it the first 2 times. I was watching my roommate fight him and when he first got into the room I saw that light spewing up and I was shocked, my cut scene didnt even show him sitting in a beam the first 2 times. He was just sitting there in an empty room, wierd.

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I beat him the same way I beat Tavion and most of the Reborn/Shadowtroopers... Fight with them until you see an opening, then push them to the ground and chop through them with the strong stance(or Medium if I didn't have Strong yet). Two of those took down Desann.

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it musta took me 10 times to beat him the first time, then i realised... DUH, use speed, after that it was so simple :D yea, grip is a bad idea, heck even some of the reborn and shadow troopers kill me with push just because i grip them... i dont use grip anymroe;)

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I was heartily disappointed with how easy Desann was to defeat, and I guess I never encountered his beam or whatever.

I just used the force on that switch and I guess that's why it never showed up. Force speed and a few slashes and it was all over. I couldn't believe it. I was expecting him to come back alive or something. It was really weird.

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me and Desann had a good fight, when he lightning'd me, I did it back to him. After a while it was kinda just down to sabers and the odd force pull or push and the jump. But anyhow, the fight ranged all over the room (usually due to me strategically retreating to get health or time to force heal)


The end was pretty cinematic too, we're fighting on the top ledge, we get into a saber-lock and he force-pushed me out of it which sent me down to the ground. Desann jumped down with a heavy chop which Kyle narrowly avoided by getting up and then running and rolling to the right. We go at it again, we end up doing a jumping pass and we come down right beside each other, only, my back is turned. I quickly hit the back thrust and killed him. Was fun :)


I love those cinematic fights where you win through skill as much as through luck.

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I, too beat Desann by accident. He had been killing me regularly and with dispatch except the one time when I used Force Speed and a strong saber stance. I landed a lucky full swing on his chest and that was that. I thought that the game had some kind of counter wherein after getting killed so many times in a row, it had pity on you and made Desann easier to beat.

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i got bored after the first few times of him dying after a few speed and slash lucky hits =), and after doing some fun cheats (hehe), i put on tavion's stance and went after the ol purple lizard...(that sounds sick)...he died pretty quick actually....


desann's saber stance is much better than the normal strong stance imo..

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lol, i didn't know that the beams could fall


i did use the lil protection light beam at first but i ended up just fighting him on blue mode (fastest)


it was a long fight, but it was good...he gets kinda mad if you try to push him if you didn't know that, haha


i didn't find him ridiculously hard but he wasn't easy


i thought it was a good fight

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To all those people using speed, what difficulty were you playing on? I was only on Jedi first time and he countered my speed with a speed of his own. I beat him using the 'ol push 'n pull, plus a few rolling diagonal-up strong slashes (a good connect will take him down most times). To all those who tried gripping him, I feel your pain! :lol:

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Generally he is easy to defeat if you play on padawan, some of you people saying he's easy should try playing him on Jedi Master, he grips you before you can even move and you can't get out of it, with only 50 health your dead in 5 seconds. If he doesn't do that to you he shoots very powerful lightning that drains about 30 health and then grips you. He is quite hard to beat when you play the game with good AI.

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I must say...these are the two easiest ways to beat him...number one, is knock the pillar on him by throwing your saber at it when he's on the other side, or by chopping it almost down before you fight him and putting detonators on it...stand in front of it and when he comes to stomp your a** pop on speed at the last moment and detonate...now you have made a lovely batch of purple pancakes...

The cheap jedi way is to push him on his back like the little pansy he is onto the ground and then uber-speed yourself up and chop him into little pieces via multiple saber-swings, any stance will do as you are pretty much doing the same amount of damage in the same amount of time with all of them if you swing as fast as you can...


Now, my favorite way, is to just duke it out with him man to lizard...this is the worst thing you could ever do if you really don't know what you're doing, but its soooo fun if you do. Its basically an epically terrific feeling when you finish him off and you're fighting him with light or medium stance the whole way through (I don't particularly like using the strong stance on him because i find it cheap...but it does make it a lot easier)...and another thing, if you truly want to be a jedi master, don't use speed on him...it turns desann into a slow-moving wad of meat...and that's just easy to take care of (unless he uber-speeds himself up too, but he's never done it to me)...so anyway, that's my story and sorry if this was long...


(now mind you, i did this on jedi master, so I had to deal with the 50 shields and 50 health...no fun at all if he grips you... :( )

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If you wanna kill Dessan without speed or lightning its easy. I killed him first time in like 5 seconds. Wait for him to throw his saber, dodge it. When it comes back to him block it, saber will shut off and drop. Then aggressively attack Dessan and he will be defenseless, so just use strong and hack at him once or twice. I actually sliced his arm off when i killed him that way.

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I know I can't really say much I was playing on the easiest diffenculty level. I have never liked to fight the boss in games, I like the gameplay of the levels 100 times more. I was tired of Dasann kicking my butt, so as soon as the cutscene got over I turned on force speed and using the strong stance I killed Dasann before he even moved from his spot on the floor.


Maybe next time I will fight him for real.

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First time I used speed, I figured why not you have it for a reason....poof 3 seconds dead lizard, then I thought...there is the real answer to the why not question...then I tried just fighting him...and that was a lot more fun....I hate his force blender attack(that push, grip, and pull combination that sends you all over the place before you know what happened....

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