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Curbing Jedi tendencies


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Having read up extensively on this game now, I'm left with a question- hopefully you guys can help me out.

First, with the possibility of playing a Jedi I can see everyone and their dog rushing out to get a lightsabre. Are there going to be any penalties to playing this class (for want of a better term) to try and balance out the player types? My thought would be make all Jedi fugitives from Imperial law and put a bounty on them, as that would move some people away while fitting with the background.

Having said that, looking forward to the release. Will have to start putting together a character portfolio...



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I've been saying for a long time that Vader and his imp enforcers are going to be the balance for Jedi. I think there will also be a lot of players who will keep jedi down by hunting them (possibly in gangs). They may want to kill Jedi for a bounty offered by the imperials or just for bragging rights.

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refering to my earlier post under "how hard will it be to make a lightsaber" and my post which has 10 reason why it'll be hard to be a jedi. I personally won't be surprised if hunting jedi, once the game really takes off, would be 30-40% of the automatic bounties that npc types would offer.


If I found out how to become a jedi I might dabble with it, but honestly my main focus wil be manufacturing and money making.






Rich Bastard

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Originally posted by Rommel

Hmm wasn't it in the FAQ that the way to become a jedi is unknown (the events or actions taken) but once enough people learn how, it will be known?


They have said that the path to being a Jedi will change every time. They don't want how to do it to get out because they want to have a very small number of Jedi in the game.

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The developers have made it clear the being a Jedi is going to be very rare...they say maybe 3-5% or even less of the people playing the game will be Jedi. And once one becomes force sensitive (which will be different for every player and character) you will basically have to dedicate all your time on being Jedi because if you dont, you can loose your force sensitivity. Jedi's will also be hunted down by Bobba-Fett, IQ-88, and other famous NPC (non-player controlled) bounty hunters. Oh also you will be haunted down by Darth Vader. The Devs have described the life of a Jedi as laborious but very rewarding. In addition I don't think anybody but a Jedi can use a lightsaber and if you are a Jedi you will be more powerful if you create your own saber.

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My personal viewpoint is that once you trigger the Jedi Quest (however initial force sensitivity works) is that what you do from that point onwards is logged. Jedi are so vital and integral a part of the universe that potential Jedi candidates are going to be screened. Now, they won't read your comments and move line-by-line, they don't have the personel to do it for the 100 or so Jedi per server.


But they'll look for trends in your behavoir. The fights you get into, the things your character does. To see if you fit the mold, so to speak.


But I think that's just at first. To more often than not somewhat customize your quest. To keep it unique.


But to keep being a Jedi, well...


You see, there's a particular type of Jedi that this time span requires. Discreet. Quite. Hiding.


You flaunt the skills of a Jedi, and as MikeC said, you come to the attention of Vader.


And not only that, but the very large standing bounty on information leading to the capture or death of a Jedi.


I would hope, actually, that the path to become a Jedi requires long quests. Not the 30 minutes to 2 hour "normal" quests, or even the longer 12 to 14 hour "themepark" quests. But several 10 or more hour quests.


One to find your teacher, your Holocron, or old books. One to learn the skills. One to gather the parts for your lightsaber. One to test yourself as a Jedi.


To make you put weeks of effort, if not months, into creating a character you care about, so that, dark or light, you're not going to lose it by showing off, or ganking people for fun.

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the downside is that it takes loads of time becoming a jedi, while other types of jobs can be acchieved in just a short time compared to the jedi.

Becoming a dark jedi is even a more difficult way, as you should rise to belong between the jedi, then fall into the depths of the dark forces. Mastering them should be really cool.

Although im planning on playing something different as an jedi.


How do you guy think of the name system, which doesnt allow KILLER67 and such?

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To add to what MikeC said


"And then to sell that character on eBay for loads of $$$. "


Only power gamers, people who make it their jobs to play games, will become Jedis and make loads on internet auctions such as ebay. Keep in mind this is a star wars game. The possibities are endless.


Any experienced mmorpg player knows that anything rare will be sold for a ton. The Dev team should know this and prevent it. Making it extremely rare to become a Jedi is not the solution.

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Actually, I think you're wrong about the power gamers. It's not the power gamers they're going to winnow for.


It's the people who care for their characters. It's not "being online 10 hours a day, 7 days a week", or being super efficient about climbing the skill tree.


The people they want, and I'm willing to bet the people their methods are designed to find, are those who care.


Not so much roleplayers. You don't have to be a good roleplayer.


It's a subtle distinction. I'm not sure how they'll manage it.


But they want the sort who would never sell their character.


Where it's not about the world they're in, or even the people. It's about the character. What can he learn? Do? Where can I take him today? What can I make out of him?


And Jedi aren't rare for any reason other than Jedi are supposed to be rare to begin with, and even rarer with Darth Vader breathing down their necks.

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I agree with Morat. Every indication we have is that power gamers are not the ones who will become Jedi. Well, that's not the right way to put it. Being a power gamer will not determine if you become force sensitive. They haven't given any details, but it almost seems to have a sense of randomness to it (at least in my mind).

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well, i am not exactly sure yet what im going include in my char.

proprably, after reading more info (in contradiction to what i said earlier) trying to be a jedi-warrior, but in the first case, just a noble adventurer, helping out where he can, and, after a while, using and mastering the force .


But i always liked to be a leader of a criminal empire, so ill try that sure too :D havent made up my mind,


what about you?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by MikeC

I've been saying for a long time that Vader and his imp enforcers are going to be the balance for Jedi. I think there will also be a lot of players who will keep jedi down by hunting them (possibly in gangs). They may want to kill Jedi for a bounty offered by the imperials or just for bragging rights.


Very true. Now forgive me if this is available in the FAQ (I'm kind of new around here) but I believe we won't be able to be stormtroopers, something that I was looking forwards to. Screw those pesky Jedi. Nothing beats a nice shiny white suit and a big gun. ;) I do hope I will be able to play a similar part though.

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That's correct. You cannot be a stormtrooper because you will be AWOL most of the game while you are out adventuring. You will be able to play imperial officers/commandos where you have a bit more freedom of movement. Stormtroopers will (I'm sure) be in the game as NPCs and as you move up in the imperial ranks you will probably be able to give some of them orders.

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Originally posted by MikeC

That's correct. You cannot be a stormtrooper because you will be AWOL most of the game while you are out adventuring. You will be able to play imperial officers/commandos where you have a bit more freedom of movement.


Hmm... doesn't sound too bad.


Stormtroopers will (I'm sure) be in the game as NPCs and as you move up in the imperial ranks you will probably be able to give some of them orders.


Sounds cool.


I must say I've never been a diehard SW fan (I follow it, but not religiously) but this game is quite exciting. I played JK2 and that was damn neat. It'll be so cool running around the galaxy hunting down Jedi and maybe, just maybe, I might be able to lead an Imperial victory against the big teddy bears. :)

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