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Advice for Anyone Struggling to Get Kills


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These are some thoughts and advice I've compiled, but remember to take this all with a grain of salt as we're ALL newbies.




The first thing to remember here IMHO is that stances are very much personal preference and they can all be VERY deadly. The following is what I find to be effective. Just remember that it may be entirely different for another person depending on whether a person is more proficient with lots of small hits or less huge hits.


Duel Situation: There are various schools of belief but I've found one strategy to be extremely effective. Its generally a good idea to start with a heavy from what I've found. Firstly, if they throw a saber a bit to start just roll left and right/jump left and right and dodge them. Once they stop running and close try to strafe around them while swinging heavy and try to get a hit in the side/back. Remember that if they are on fast stance you may be forced to switch to step two immediately. As soon as you hit with this, switch to light or medium (i prefer medium because you get almost as good speed with plenty more damage) and more in VERY aggressively now (unlike before) and try to get that single hit that will kill them. If they are using a really fast stance, go to medium to start with and spin around while dodging in and out and hope to score some hits.


Non-Duel Situation: This is even moreso personal preference but here's what I find: If you like to use push and pull type powers a lot, definitely go Medium or Fast so you can hit them a LOT while they're getting up from being knocked down, but if you prefer heavy force power use (light or dark) heavy stance may be better as you can heavy hit then lightning them for the kill. In a large group of people heavy can either be good or bad depending on how you use it (this is 100% what you like), personally I like medium in a group because heavy just allows too many people to nail you.


*FORCE POWERS* (all assuming Jedi Knight or greater force power)


Jump: I would absolutely ALWAYS go with 3 here. Jump is SO important for getting around and dodging I just cant imagine life without 8x jump.


Pull: I am an absolute push/pull zealot, because I think these guys are the cornerstones of JK2. Pull is SOO important for dealing with gun-toting alt repeater whores. Rush them while strafing, pull them TO you, then pull their gun, then slash 'em! Also good in saber fights combined with push to force your enemy to the ground even from a standing pose!


Push: Similar to pull, I use to defend against repeater shots and such, to push people off their feet (+ medium stance and forward down slash == death), and to knock people out of the air doing special moves and such. Also good for light-stance spin-spammers.


Seeing: So-so, mind trick is rarely used so I never really use this.


Speed: Nah, few people use it, but EXCELLENT in CTF (this is mainly about FFA). I dont really like it myself.


Drain: Umm..3 points. Always. Use it whenever you get low on health or..whenever. Really nice for dark.


Grip: Personally, I never use this, but its real nice on streets or bespin where you can knock people off. Also good for choking but easily stoppable with PUSH!


Lightning: Sorta lame IMHO, easily counterable with drain and doesnt do all that much damage.


Dark Rage: Some swear by it, others hate it. If you want to sacrifice the points, go with it and I doubt you'll be disapointed. Great for chasing people down and doing damage fast.


Heal: I prefer Dark myself, but definitely the cornerstone of light. Get it, use it, love it.


Absorb: Another vital light power, excellent counter for drain and push and pull but as soon as it runs out, you're out of force and very much in trouble from lightning, etc.


Protection: 0 experience with it, rarely used. Dunno.


Mind Trick: Not really useful, easy to run away from, a single point (I believe) in seeing counters.


Saber Offense: 3. Always. If you wanna touch the saber.


Saber Defense: 3. Always. If you wanna touch the saber.


Saber Throw: Again, some love it some hate it. Personally, I think that once you get even decent at dodging it, it's worthless. People try to use it all the time on me in duels and I just jump it. It costs a TON of points and unless ALL you're doing is FFA-type duels (no force) then I would ignore it for better powers.



Just my thoughts. So you know my template is (in Jedi Knight mode):


3 Jump

3 Push

3 Pull

3 Drain

3 Saber Offense

3 Saber Defense


with 7 points left over.


I find this a great balance because Push/Pull counter a LOT of attacks and together have little problem knocking someone down, drain keeps your health up and SO/SD..well kinda obvious.


As for guns--if you have one and theres a huge group of lightsabers that you'd rather not enter, I say rock on but overuse IMHO takes away from the game. This guide is for lightsaber-mainly anyway.


I hope this helped someone :)


P.S. I cannot stress how 3 Pull/Push helped my gameplay. I went from mediocre to upper percentile with effective use of these. They seem simple and useless but I dont think anything other than saber and jump is more important. I love these to death now.


EDIT: I just wanted to mention so as not to decieve anyone that this is HIGHLY biased to lightsaber-only combat and dark side powers. It is entirely possible to be just as powerful using light side though I have much less experience there. As for guns..I personally dont even think they should have been put in a game of Jedis but thats just me. I have fun pulling guns away ;)

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Good tips.


Personally, I don't use the Heavy Stance at all. Too slow for my taste. I put the points into other things.


Force See is very useful for those who hate nasty surprises. One, full See lets you dodge sniper fire. Two, maximum See lets you keep tabs of nearly everyone on the map. So if you need a place to lay low, you can easily keep yourself isolated by avoiding everyone else.


Mind Trick's best for making a quick escape, but is countered by See. It's also great for sneak attacks, but I wouldn't suggest it - only because you're not completely invisible, and astute players can pick you out regardless. But if you practice with a quick hit-and-run, it can be quite fustrating to your victims. ;-)


Protect is one of the least used Force powers I've seen so far, but a potentially useful one. Protect, in conjunction with the Heavy Stance can yield a great deal of quick kills, as Protect makes you invulnerable to physical attacks - like the 'Saber. Then again, a smart player will stear clear from you if he sees that Protect aura around you (which is why I don't use it). It better benefit the Light Side if Protect and Absorb were the same color.....Or if there were no aura at all.


I find that healing powers is useful for sruviving two 'Saber hits at maximum. Shields are your best protection, so don't bother spending too much on Heal. Stick with Level Two.

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Good lord, you've got a temper problem. That was serious advice; using guns can get you really quick kills. I didn't do anything to offend anyone here, so what the hell is your problem? You need to calm down and stop being such an ass.

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stringing swear words together in meaning less strings is only funny in person, when you can say it at accelerated speed...


anyway, both of ya, lighten up..


as for sabres i rarely use heavy, just too slow, i switch on and off between light an medium depending on the situation... as for force powers, i mainly use neutral ones, even on Jedi Master servers... push is awesome, pull the pushers down the hole with you, speed is handy most places, but FFA is kind of difficult to hit with it on, its even more random:) i keep grip and drain handy for those dark abusers, but its mostly neutral for me:D works pretty good...

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One nice lil trick is stay in medium and while running switch to heavy and at the same time hit attack, if pulled off quick enough the attacker wont know your in heavy till too late. I really dont use heavy that much but it does have its uses. I am mostly a medium person. I love the crouch+forward+attack on light, its a very good fast and somewhat powerful move. I use a crouch toggle config and with it I can pull this move off very quickly. If you have it toggled on and press jump you stand up, move forward and right at the last second let go of jump and hit attack, you will crouch back down and do the move, very nice.

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Actually, its not entirely based on preference. Not all the stances are as useful as others in every situation. If someone uses only one stance based on preference, they will not be able to effectively cope with the different styles of fighting people have adopted. The most important thing is not to try to mix things up and not use the same attacks over and over again because people will figure out that you do this and use it against you.


Below I will list a few of the adopted fighting styles some people tend to follow and how to cope with them.



Dealing with the Heal Heal Heal Jedi (light sider who uses heal) can be difficult at times.


-Light stance in this situation just isnt very effective when dealing with their actual health, but, in the right hands, it can be used to effectively lower their shields. The reason this isnt as effective as other stances is because it takes so long to get their health down as long as they are even a decent player. It allows them to heal at their leisure do to your relatively low damage output.

-Medium stance takes at least 2 hits to kill them without shields, but can take up to 5 or so if you only hit their arms or feet or something. This stance is as effective at killing them as it is at taking their shields down. This is the multi-tool of the stances, so its never really un-useful.

-Heavy stance will normally take them out in at least 2 shots, usually 1 if their shields are down. So when dealing with this type of light side jedi, I usually use heavy so they dont have a chance to heal. Make sure you swing before they reach you due to the long amount of time it takes to get this attack off.



Dealing with the Headless Chicken Jedi (one who continuously runs at you attacking mindlessly) is very easy if you recognize them.


-Light stance is effective, but since they are usually attacking all over with no particular pattern, you wont want to get to close to them.

-Medium stance is pretty effective due to the wide strokes you take with it. Try to use as many horizontal moving attacks as you can in this situation as it will cover a large area and normally get through since they rarely stop attacking to defend against your attacks.

-Heavy stance is very effective here due to their predictable movements. They will always charge you and swing over and over and over again, so if you time your attacks in this stance right, you can take them out in very little time. The best way to use this stance here is to back off and wait for them to start to charge, when they are about 10 feet away from you and running straight at you, sidestep to either the right or left and press the attack button at the same time (right+attack or left+attack). Since they are usually pretty mindless, they will normally run right into it and die.



Dealing with the In and Out Jedi (a jedi who runs in and attacks and quickly ducks back away), like the Heal Heal Heal Jedi, is pretty challenging. Just hope you dont run into someone who uses both of these styles of fighting, man those fights last a long time.


-Light stance is more effective here than with the two previously mentioned types of fighters. Light stance allows you to attack them quickly as they are attacking and still have your lightsaber ready in case you need to block an attack (something that rarely happens when compared to SP). This stance is still not as effective as the medium stance due to the low damage output though and only minor speed increase.

-Medium stance is pretty effective here. When they back away, its sometimes useful to run at them and use some sort of combo while moving and hoping your close enough that one of them hits. Its also useful to force pull them when they are backing away or attacking and hope that it pulls them to the ground allowing you time to hit them with the look down + attack move.

-Heavy stance isnt as effective here as it is in other situations, but if you manage to get them pulled to the ground and get an attack off before they get back up, it can finish the fight quickly. These types of fighters normally have pretty quick reflexes and will back away well before your attack would damage them.




Sorry for the lengthy post. Whew, and I only covered 3, there are many more styles that people use, which I can cover if you are interested. Once again, these tips are only for the player who is just beginning to cope with people's styles. Anyway, I hope I helped a little at least.

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Some nice tips here. I'm a big fan of force-push myself (usually in conjuntion with either force-grip or dark rage...)


I'm also a big fan of the Heavy stance, particularly during duels. I've won quite a number of duels in a single hit through using a Heavy hit, right at the start. It makes sense to switch though, once you've got a hit in though as the time spent in between moves is rather long!





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Originally posted by Chanke4252

Sorry for the lengthy post. Whew, and I only covered 3, there are many more styles that people use, which I can cover if you are interested.


Dont be sorry! These tips have proven to be very helpful for me so far! I think its great that someone takes the time to explain these things so thoroughly! And yes, I am interested in the other ones, so if you have time, I could use some enlightenment :D

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(note: these tips would best be used in NF or servers that allow all force but deny the usage of Grip, Heal, lightning etc... except for Push, Saber throw and Jump)



-Using the "KICK" in duels is a great splendor. Especially against Light/Med stance players (generally it isn't wise to get up close to a person using the Strong stance since you'll probably get battered)


-When used properly it can topple opponents over and leaves them unguarded and liable to a big smack with the infamous Strong Stance, it's generally un-avoidable unless you can't aim for crap.


If you have absolutely NO idea what the "KICK" is I shall thusly explain:


-Kicking involves getting close to a person and jumping with all the ruthlesness and power you got (careful in getting hit, you might not want to attack at that moment, just keep yourself to blocking) as soon as you flip the person over with a nasty boot to the head it leaves them virtually defenseless. Time to break out a can of whoopass!! Switch to Strong stance asap and jump+attack forward to defeat your opponent. (reason for jumping forward is because they usually fly a good distance when you kick them)


-IF they do not fly back and fall over, keep practicing and doing it since it takes away 20 HP anyway *evil grin* - so if you hit the person already with the strong stance, just switch to Light and jumpkick them while swinging and they should be goners.


another note of importance:


-Rolling along the floor creates an essential Dodging tactic. Against people who like to swing high, jumpforward+attack and against saber-throws. It's also the best avoidance system yet (next to wall-walking) you can slide under a person's swing/attack and pack them a blow from behind, yet what is required is your full attention and aggressiveness. If you are wary of your opponent at any time you loose focus and you better jump, aim down and kiss your sorry @ss goodbye ;)


-For people who have trouble in understanding how to perform such combos/moves then your best bet would be to train up as much as possible and don't take your games seriously AT ALL. When you start getting frustrated remind yourself that practicing with these fellows who are wasting you will eventually make you MUCH STRONGER (trust me ;)) If you don't enjoy the combative and competative spirit you should find some nice servers that onlyl want to Train up and practice. (for instance the clan I'm in are mainly into working together and practicing untill we get stronger with our areas of skill.)


-I would certainly recommend you iether:


(A: Find a tutor/trainer to help you in any way under all situations and circumstance.


(B: Join a proper clan that gives out special tasks to new comers and helps develop and build up that person's own preffered game-style.


(C: Be like everyone (at least almost everyone I see in the online servers) and just play along untill you think you've become better and start sp3ak!nG all l33t and stuff.



There you have it, some of the knowledge I've accumilated. I've only played 1 week of MP (yes I'm probably late... oh well :() and I'm sure there's PLENTY more to learn. I am thinking of openening a "How do I" and a "Tutorials and Tips" section on my site later on... maybe... we'll see...


Cheers ;)

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The kick does rock, it's also works if you just do a small jump so you can use it when you're low on Force.


I didn't think of following up with a strong-stance attack. I preferred going in with medium and strafe-attacking, but strong would work just as well as, if not better than, medium stance in this scenario.


Rolling is very good for evading and minimising "long drop" damage from jumps.


Anyways, for all of the 56K-ers like me, I'll keep this post short & sweet.



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Ok, I'll post a few more types of players along with ways to deal with them. I'll have to play some more to refresh my memory after this post though, then I'll post a few more.



Dealing with the Angry Forceful Francis Jedi (a dark Jedi who is constantly using one power or another in order to get kills). This type of player generally tries to keep his oponents as far away as he can while still being close enough to use his force powers on them. Remember to be aware of all bottomless pits here because this type of player gets about half his kills throwing people to their deaths.


-When approaching this type of player, make sure that either force absorb or force drain is readily available. force absorb is superior in this situation because it will make their attacks useless and provide you with energy to heal with (make sure you keep it on at least the 2nd level so it doesnt drain your force so fast and absorbs more damage).

If they grip you and you are a dark sider, then you should force push/pull them.

If they grip you and you are a light sider, you should press absorb.

Remember, when this type of player grips someone, they will almost always be effected by force push and pull. If you see one of them trying to grip someone off of a cliff, try to push them both off.


-Light stance is not very effective here due to the fact that you will want to get the fight over as soon as you can.

-Medium stance is probably the most effective in this situation. The best way to use this stance here is to become like the headless chicken jedi and run at them swinging as much as you can. The chances are that since they rely on force powers to get their kills, they will run backwards and hope that you stop chasing them, however they will still be using force powers as much as they can here.

-Heavy stance isnt as effective here as in other situations due to the fact that this type of player is constantly running around and using force powers. The chances of you connecting in this stance is pretty slim unless you are extremely skilled.





Dealing with "mosh pits" (large groups of people swinging their sabers wildly without any specific target). People participating in these events will most likely be confused and relatively unaware of whats happening. This is your chance to score some points. These are normally made up of groups of Spinning Sally's and Headless Chicken Jedi. Try not to draw attention to yourself by attacking or jumping needlessly.


-Light stance isnt real useful here because it takes too long to kill someone and it forces you to get in to close and concentrate on one target.

-Medium stance is somewhat useful here, but puts you at a bigger risk than heavy stance. Using this stance normally forces you to participate in the "mosh pit".

-Heavy stance is the most useful stance in this situation. You should wait at a few feet away, use the right+attack move and run into the mess. This attack covers a large area, and the chances are good that youll hit someone with slightly lowered health and no shields, or in other words, youll get a kill. You wont want to hang out in the group very long, as soon as your attack is done, back off and repeat carefully or find other prey.

(saber throw also works here, but it doesnt do much damage and the chances are good that youll just make someone notice you and become enveloped in the "mosh pit".)




Dealing with Random Rocket Roger (a player who is constantly using the rocket launcher). Force powers play a large part while dealing with Random Rocket Roger.


-Make sure that you have push and pull at level 2 or higher when dealing with Roger. Keep roger in your crosshairs and try not to let him get too far away. Try to pull his rocket launcher away with Force pull. If and when he fires a rocket, immediately force push it. This will make the rocket change course, and if you do it soon enough, hit the person who fired it. This solution is listed in the manual I believe, but people generally seem to forget it when the time comes.


-Stances really do not apply here because Random Rocket Roger may become any type of player once he no longer has his rocket launcher handy.





I threw in some gun and force users here too. I'll try to post a few more solutions to some saber styles later today.

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Wow..fantastic tips thread :)


Just a note on heavy saber.


It takes a lot of anticipation to get it to work, but when used effectively I find it to be excellent. It is VERY important to note that its mostly useless unless used in moderation. Medium is bread and butter especially with push/pull and in fact the only time I touch heavy is a 1v1 duel. In those situations it takes a while (and a lot of evasive stuff) but as soon as you score the hit you rush them with medium like a headless chicken and they're toast.


(NOTE: You dont ACTUALLY have to rush them like a headless chicken. Just fun :p)

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Two thumbs up for all those who posted here... I'm glad it didn't become a "how do I" or a flame thread..


I think this thread should be sticky :)



I'd like to add, as somone said on another thread, that psychology plays a big deal here. If your confident in your moves, and know what your opponent will do, and apply a tactic that counters them, you'll win.



Against Heavy Stance Only users, the best you can do is Medium stance... This is what I gathered from some bot dueling since they use only heavy (for some unknown reason).


Some thing I noticed, is that even if a target is open, you won't always hit them, due to your character's turning and specific swinging. I don't have specific advice here, but what I would recommend, is playing 1on1s vs bots, maybe a low level bot, just to see how fast can u kill them => how accurate are you with your attacks..... This is because even if u attack at the correct time, if u miss, it means nothing....


A specific fluke i've noticed is when jump+heavy attack. It seems like the attack goes to the right, without even passing the center... Keep that in mind, and adjust u'r view to hit them...


On this thought, i've noticed many swings just go above your target, you should train aiming low when the swing is too high....


Sometimes it's better to not attack when the enemy comes to u, but just to point on them... i've died not a few times because of the Saber's idle attack, before I understood it.

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

(note: these tips would best be used in NF or servers that allow all force but deny the usage of Grip, Heal, lightning etc... except for Push, Saber throw and Jump)



-Using the "KICK" in duels is a great splendor. Especially against Light/Med stance players (generally it isn't wise to get up close to a person using the Strong stance since you'll probably get battered)


-When used properly it can topple opponents over and leaves them unguarded and liable to a big smack with the infamous Strong Stance, it's generally un-avoidable unless you can't aim for crap.




As an addendum to this (very good) advise, I find that after dueling for a bit and I know my opponent is low on health, I'll finish the duel with a kick then do a quick saber toss which will usually yield the kill. I've probably ended 80% of my duel that way.

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the tactic I hate more than any other is the one where aguy will use push and knock you down then walk up to you and strike you as you're getting up. thats so cheap. :mad: someguys do it by getting close to you and jumping which also knocks you down.

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I just push'em down & gun'em. No need for all that walking stuff.


Frankly, I've seen very few decent saberists (i.e. saber-only) on the various servers. I'm not saying they don't exist, but the majority of people who use the saber really aren't good tactictians, which is what you need to be if you're going to the extreme measure of avoiding the good killing tools.


Personally, I've evolved to the following:


- alt-fire Basic Blaster, or alt-fire with flechete IF really close (both balls hit @once=dead).


- seeing is believing: force see may be the most underated power out there. It's kinda like having a legal "hack" on your side. Why run into the middle of 3 people when you can check out the room in advance, or why guess which direction your quarry ran?


- absorb. It's fun playing with all the grip & drain-heads (ok, so I like those powers too<g>): their hands jump out, red stuff sparks, you hit absorb, they say "duh" while you fire and kill.


- heal. kinda obvious. I really only remember it when I'm alone: I always forget in a fight.


- when push comes to shove, push back. Push is the nicest "general purpose" power in the game. You can use it to gain an advantage (shove'em down and shoot'em), or to clear out an area before a hasty retreat. It's funny to shove a saber guy then gun him down, especially when your absorb cancels his pull.


- get a few sniping. Maybe it grates on some of you, but I have no problem getting easy kills from people to slow to check their six. Unlike other games, there's a million counters to snipers & campers, so if you're pulling this off regularly, the other players just aren't that good. (I don't pull it off regularly.)


- Last-ditch: saber defense 3, absorb, & push make you nearly invulnerable for a bit. Not a big deal, and it can be busted through, but it's an option.


Shoot to kill.



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Originally posted by Emon

I have an easier way. Pickup the Flechette or Repeter gun and blast guys to oblivion. It's how I manage to stay in the top 3 of most servers.


Uh, yeah, that's what a lot of people do, and I find that to be very lame and lacking in creativity, but to each his own.

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and I find that [using the flechette & repeater] to be very lame and lacking in creativity, but to each his own.


Or adaptive. If you're running across silly people who only use sabers, who exactly is the uncreative one in this scenario?


Btw, I tend to use the alt-fire on the basic blaster. It's a little slower against the bad saber-jockeys, but against the smart ones who use push & range to defeat the repeater & flechette, it does wonders.


Just to give you slow, saber-only types a little advice:


- push is the counter to alt-fire flechette & repeater (haven't tried personally against the latter, but I've heard it's true).


- The repeater & flechette main fire is miserably short ranged. Good saber defense will take care of all but a tiny amount.


-Jeff (not advice, my name.<g>)

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- Another thing that is not as well known is that you can force push the fletchette balls right back at the person who fired them, this can be useful in enclosed FFA maps when they bounce off the wall behind the person who fired it nailing him from the front and behind.


- A Problem with drain is that if you use it in close quaters you can usually end up being butchered by the closest bastard with a gun or a saber, because drain leaves you totally defenceless. Sometimes running away/using a bacta canister can be a lot safer than using drain at close quaters when your on low health.


- Im a heavy user of Force Grip (really heavy :D ) i love this force. Force Drain with Grip is definitly a must, if an opponent is running towards you, just hold down force drain and let them run into it. It depletes their Force a million times quicker than yours. This leaves them with no force power so no force push/pull (also while they're choked they cant use force or anything else :) ).

You can either run up to them and slice them with forward+ attack - Heavy stance *BOOM*/Grip them again and again totally eating their away health because Grip isnt affected by shields and you can use it about 3secs after you've done it before/pull out a Repeater/Fletchettet and waste their ass.

Level 3 Force Grip alows you to move around so Sudden movements can sometimes disorientate the person who's sitting on the comp with gripped char, leaving him open for more ass woopin during the time he's trying to turn around to locate you on his screen

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ok i have to say something about cheapness


i think all of the forces and tactics i've heard of until now

(even pulling an enemy and then kick him and even drain)

as long as you guys dont lack in creativity...wanna say beeing whores


for example i think its boring just to run around in the streets level and push everyone down...


its ok to do it once or maybe twice....

and its lookin coll if you use things like jumping over someone and use pull instead of push to pull him down


while i think that drain is a bit unfair cuz its healing..AND in addition sucking the enemy's force away .. like this he wont be able to do anything and is an easy target... while you're back at full health

but it's still possible to be countered by force absorb


i'm into STJ (Saber Throw and Jump force only)duels

but i think playing ffa games without absorb (and maybe healing) against the lightning and draining whores isn't really possible...

how are you going to beat a guy that first sux all your force away so you cant use any forces, cant jump away and then when you're trying to get close to him (i dont like weapons.. really... thats nothing new.. we have so many games full of exactly the same weapons with other FX and graphics) he's running away and lighting you...


the most ppl that use the cheap "whore" tactics r ppl that have a

inferiority complex need a high frag count to strengthen their ego


i never get angry at ppl that defeat me in a fair way...

i like fighting those because i can learn alot from them and become better.. but if i get killed several times by the same whore i tend to get mad at him...


hey.. plz stop it.. you guys are bad for my health .. you make me smoke more...


but i like defeating cheap whores with STJ ... it doesnt happen very often...

but its a great feeling to kill such a dumb ass without having to be unfair yourself


lol i gotta stop talking.. plz gimme some input on this 20 pages post



-Bac :jawa Meth

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