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Starcraft Part II?

Guest Draco

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After checking out a number of different screenshots, I noticed that this looks almost exactly like Starcraft. Starcraft in and of itself was one of the best games ever made, imho. I just don't know if I want to shell out $50 for what looks like a clone in a different wrapper. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars!! I still remember seeing the first movie when I was a kid way way long ago. I'd like to hear from people that have played Starcraft and GB to see what their opinion is. Is there really much difference between the two? Is it worth the $50? I'd like to know what people think about the two games.

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StarCraft??? *lol*

GB is a LONG ways above it...StarCraft is the equivalent of the old AoE.

Don't get me wrong I like StarCraft, but the game is so repetative now I don't play it anymore. GB has a bit of flurish to it...


1) AoK:C engine works well

2) The thrill of SW units is amazing. That is the big thing. It has the mystery of Star Wars in a marverlous RTS

3) This game just COOL!!!:D



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You know what I don't see the real resemblance between Starcraft and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. Explain, please....


I'd say it looks like AoK with Star Wars units (b/c it's built on that engine). But where is the similarities to Protoss, Zerg, and Terran? I guess you could say it looks like any original RTS game then, like Total Annihilation. (sorry, inside joke).


Resource management is nothing like Starcraft... Upgrading in Tech Levels is like going through AoK different ages. Researching isn't unique to Starcraft, it's in most RTS games.

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Guest waikeleman

I still prefer Starcraft/BroodWar. The online community is Huge at Batle.Net. I've only been playing SCBW a few days. Units move too slowly even on the fastest setting. Im not giving up yet though. Maybe I'm just too lazy to learn a new game. Been a huge fan of SWs since the first movie and I want this game to be good. I guess only time/sales will tell which game the masses prefer. My gut feel is SC/BW its 3 years old and still selling.:ewok:

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Guest Lambda07

No this game has nothing to do with starcraft, and for certain aspects thats a pity.

The complete uniqueness and balance of SC races is something I really miss and hardly seen anywhere else. Also the variety of tactical situations is superior compared to GB.


That doesnt mean this isnt a good game, although I'd advise it only to aok and SW fans.

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Guest GhostKeeper

Dude starcraft I think is the best rts ever, its fast I think its got great graphics and a well balance gameplay. I think SWBG is not even in sc's class, SWBG is good but sc is the best rts ever. And how u compared sc to swgb I have no idea, they arnt simmilar at all!

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

Now I will have to admit that SC/BW was GREAT game!! very competitive and very famous, since it's being played in just about every country. Yet, IMO GBG is a lot better. to me it's much more realistic than SC. in SC a good player that micro''s well can kill another opponent w/ 12 marines and 4 medics. But with GBG you have to attack w/ a lot more than that. It's more realistic and, more strategicness in gb. So theres my 2 cents in a nutshell!! :D

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Well, I personally enjoy both Star Wars: GB and Starcraft alot. But, SWGB and SC are VERY different games. SWGB is pretty similiar to Age of Kings, which was nothing like SC. If you do play SWGB, you will find that it's actually a new experience compared to Starcraft.

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Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War were my favorite games before Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds came out.


I don't see how anyone could make a link between them aside from the fact that they are both RTS' though. They are TOTALLY different. From unit formations to triggers, they both have pros and cons, both better than the other on some points.


But the fact remains. They're very different.

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Guest Lambda07

I do not agree.

Just a short time after starcraft was released it was clear to all that the rts genre had made a big leap forward. Not only it was original but again the three races were totally unique and balanced.


Now of course GB is not revolutionary at all, and nobody expected that, but it could have been much better in civ balance and tech tree diversification. GB could have been a pioneer at least in eliminating the f****** houses, cuz honestly they are really annoying and kind of useless since you already have the burden to manage your econmy for 30 mins or so.


GB is fun, but it needs major improvements.

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Pioneer in eliminating the houses from rts - There are a ton of games out there that has no "house" requirements. TA, TA:K, C&C, Dark Reign, and I could go on....


But IMHO houses are cool and a great part of the game... You can't just mass produce, you need to deal with an economy and infrastructure.... Don't want houses, stick to the trade federation.


And Starcraft wasn't pioneer of "UNIQUE" races.... Dark Reign precedes Starcraft and had very unique races. And you can argue that Warcraft II did as well. Add some of the C&C series, TA: Kingdoms and you'll see that a lot of rts games are that way.


And how exactly can you ask the 6 races to be more unique and different? All the units already look completely different and are very close to the Star Wars universe. Starcraft isn't based on anything so you can make up races, units and uniqueness. SWGB has to adhere "somewhat" to the Star Wars universe or have a lot of pissed off fans. Did you want the Empire's Walkers to WARP into the game? Did you want the Gungan buildings to be able to float into the air and land somewhere else?


And in truth, take some time and see that Starcraft is just another rts (a very well done rts, no disrespect). All three races have buildings, have air, have ground units, have troopers/heavy ground pounders, workers, etc... It's the same rts concept with a different flavor. SWGB has it's uniqueness in the races - just look at it. Visually, everything is unique. Gameplay - Gungans water advantage, Wookie trooper advantage, Naboo/Rebel air advantage, Trade Fed mass produce droids, Empires AT-ATs...


Starcraft isn't that unique from other games, nor is SWGB similar in all it's units. And Starcraft didn't bring anything new to the rts to "make a big leap forward for the rts genre." Sorry, they just took all the good aspects from previous titles and made a very well rounded game...

Starcraft wasn't exactly balanced either. A late game Protoss could own anything on the map.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stacraft oneuped SW:GB in one aspect....they had capital ships(like battlecruiers and carriers). And countering a late Toss attack is hard,but......well okay it's hard. You gotta have a ton of anti-air turrets and manually attack the carriers with them. Cuz the turret AI makes them automatically hit the inerceptors which heal after every pass. If you attack the carriers,they'll die quickly. And for ground,just build a ton of ground stuff(marines/ battlecruisers/ cloaked wraiths, hydras/mutalisks/guardians, zealots/ archons). And make sure to have a bunch of air and most of all....upgrades! Maybe that'll help anyone in that form of attack(I played SC non-stop before GB and the brood war expansion for a while too).

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Starcraft and SWGB aren't alike. Their playing style, and layout are totally different.


It seems that the races on Starcraft and much more unique than those in SWGB. Of course, most races in Star Wars have to play the same way - laser, engines, repulsorlifts, etc. The same physics makes it the Star Wars universe - not Starcraft or any other.


By the same token, it is unique from AOE as well. The units, as well as new additions make it a different gameplay experience. And that is quite rare with the new RTS's now.


Yes, Starcraft will probably never be balanced. But hey, no one said gaming was fair. It is what ultimately makes it a good game. And SWGB by the whole Star Wars trademark.

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StarCraft is completely different from SWGB. Many people still play StarCraft, but many of them are just playing fast money maps. I don't see many good Terran players out there either. Not many are good with the Zerg either. SWGB is also more sophisticated than StarCraft. Theres more to do than to just get minerals and gas, plus there are far more technologies in SWGB.

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