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Raven: Saber throwing during duels is out of control


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You one of those players who just stands there swinging all the time, or you use red stance right?

I keep running into these blue stancers who swing erratically when ***** when I push them, kick them, or saber throw. Same with red stance players who swing/retreat swing/retreat etc.


And sico, WHO is that guy in the picture? He looks JUST like my grade 10 chemistry teacher.

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Hobo... you speak with elegance and your text was painfully humourous and accurate at the least, lest I say precise...




you lost it right here man...


knowledge that surpasses The Great Library of Egypt.


that didn't work my freind. I think you know you made a mistake with that... otherwise, excellent literary work.

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I've seen it in every online game, never fails. Wether they play with all the hacks they could find or find the cheapest exploit to win, many games have gone down the drain. As an admin, every cheater I've talked with turned out to be 15-18. Sad, but true.


Im about 16, and when someone calls me a kiddie (usually for arguing or defending myself verbally in a situation), i usually say "kiss my ***". Cause they cant do anything about it. Not all plp my age cheat, im friends with a whole lot of Anti-Cheaters who comdem cheating in any form. I also have talked with adults in their 20's who cheat. The stereotyping of teenagers has to stop, because some adults just dont get the point that we are not all the same.

o yea and for the original post: :violin:

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You gotta love the "learn how to use saber newb" morons.


I'm all about saber and I do exceptionally well with it. You actually think because you're throwing your saber at me that I cant win? Idiots.

The point I was making was if you had any balls, you wouldnt throw it. But you're a bunch of virgins and you do. No problem, you get owned anyway. Thats how bad you suck. The problem some of you have with me is that you know you abuse saber throw and it hurts when I tell the truth. It's YOU who are the newbies and suck at this game.


For all the true gamers that agreed with me, thanks. I know who you are. For the rest of you, you resort to saber throw when you're getting owned. You're the cheese of the cheese. Have fun!


And yes 98 of the 100 people I dueled threw their saber more than once. You dont believe me? Who cares?

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/pulls out good ol hammer

/Knocks sithdrone into next tuesday


Alright, I feel better...


I dont get you fools who talk about *honor* in a gaming forum. Fer goddess sake, what is wrong with you!? Its just a game! Its not war, academic honesty, or business dealings... ITS JUST A FVCKING VIDEO GAME! If it says in the server rules "no saber throwing" then you have some grounds to complain, but otherwise get over it.


Besides, if someone is beating you with a tactic like saber throws, learn to counter that tactic. Jump, force speed, drain, something like that.




Oh and by the way, can we get a mod in here to lock this thread?

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And yes 98 of the 100 people I dueled threw their saber more than once. You dont believe me? Who cares?


Now it's more than once?


I dueled 100 people. 98 of them constantly threw their sabers.


Apparently you feel like adapting what you said to fit your current argument, there is a big difference between 'more than once' and constantly. More than once is how it actually is, because people actually use this tool that was put in the game, as they...should... if you feel the need to handicap yourself because you don't know how to use Saber throw yourself, that's just too bad.


The point I was making was if you had any balls, you wouldnt throw it. But you're a bunch of virgins and you do.


Just because someone hasn't had sex with the first slut that would give it up doesn't make them a loser, I didn't wait and I wish I had.


I hope that this post helps illustrate the point that Sithdrone (not probe, whoopsie) is the immature one on the thread, he complains about teenagers being cheaters and whatnot, but if I had to guess by his choice of insults I'd say he was 15 (no disrespect to 15 year olds intended)

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Uhhh, this is a lame ass post. You play your way, let people play theirs. If you don't like it, don't play on that server.


Saber throwing is a decent defense against the strong stance. Would you rather just has people sit there swinging so you can use the strong undefendable move? I see more people using the jump strong overhead move then ever saber throwing. Damn straight if I am dueling someone and see them in the strong stance I am gonna stick and move. Let me guess, your pissed off because you only know the undefendable move and you can't get people to stand there and wait for you to hit them. Am I right? Is that why your upset? Be honest now, what stance do you use?



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Originally posted by Sithdrone


In the last 72 hours, I did a test.


I dueled 100 people. 98 of them constantly threw their sabers.




Thanks for listening.



Well.. well... i did a test to.. i dueled 100 ppl to.. and 245 of them threw their saber!!





btw: ROFL @ Darksider.. nice pic :D

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I only use sabre throw in duels in certain events. The events?


1. The person just jumps around, away, jumping back, running around, never actually fighting at all.

2. They throw their sabre at me.

3. They come in with a heavy swing.

4. They are running away.



Other than that, I just go right into melee. People are ALWAYS asking me how in the world to I get so many kills so fast. My answer? "I don't run away from fights"


I go in, and actually SABRE fight. RARELY use weapons, and normally if I do have a weapon, I'll still sabre. I also don't use push/pull/grip. If we're on a falling to death map, I'll kick them off (the kick move, not admin kick).


Sadly,Most people I play against in the falling maps, are cowards. Not cowards because they use push/pull/grip, it's because of the following: If I drain their PUSH powers, they literally RUN AWAY and HIDE until they get more power and come out pushing people again. I'm SICK of the newbies doing that. If someone is man enough to come REALLY FIGHT me, I respect that. If they occasionally use the push/pull/grip, no problem! I just don't like the pushers that run away like a coward if they have no force power.


EDIT- By the way, I do agree on the original post when the other layer just throws and throws and throws then runs around not fighting until he gets more power then continues to throw. THAT is being a pain/lamer/cheap etc...whatever you want to call it.

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Originally posted by Sithdrone

"you have to be a complete newbie to get killed by saber throw constantly"


toolbox, when and where did I ever say I lost? I'm talking about something entirely different here, get a clue.


oh wait you use "ROFLMAO"...how typically typical. Where did you learn that expression, hanging out in irc all day with your gay friends? Might be a little hard finding that clue with your testacle in place of your brain.



I stopped reading up to this point when your credibility flew out the window. I am a teen, 18 as a matter of fact. I have read to what maybe be a pertinent argument about the constant use of saber throw in a duel. But then you had to throw in the remark about teenagers as if it has something to do with the maturity of the individual and that all cheaters are within the 13-18 range. Primarily to create a cheat within a game you need some basic programming skill. Most "kiddies" as you so kindly put it don'T know very much about that subject and don't have the required skill to create the cheats. They can use them but just remember who probably created them. Now back to the issue about maturity, colling someone gay is as low as you can sink on the maturity scale. Well name calling in general. Just because he uses some abbreviations that are so commonly used on the internet today. I may not use them and obviously you don't either, but still you resorted to calling people names. How do you expect people to respect your oppinion when you are as immature as they get. I think you could take a lesson from us kiddies on how to act your age.

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I KNEW you were going to say its an expression.

'Dude', I know its an expression. Its an expression that makes you sound like every other smart ass kid. Dont be so damn typical your whole life, be original for once.


Have fun flaming me, eachother and the world, my time is up with this forum. It reeks of teeny-boppers.



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dude.. relax..


so.. we flame you a little..


that still doesnt mean your not entitled to your oppinion..


just that on this matter allot of people happens to disagree..


so what, i thought i was a funny picture.. and yes, i didnt ROFL, i LOL allot, is that better?


everyone has a right to an opinion, keep it up!! if we all agreed on everything, this forum would become dead in a matter of days..


Flaming is a part of the game, it doesnt mean we hate you!





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Guy, you cant be serious. If you think anybody in this thread came remotely close to 'flaming' me, you really are a newb.


I play mmog's (massive multiplayer online games) extensively and have more or less quit FPS's. I thought JK2 would have been the action game I was looking for, but I guess as you get older, instant gratification games grow tiresome. Thats not to say that I quit the game, I will play daily until Planetside come sout. Then its safe to say I'm done. As far as message boards, there's a fine line between having an intelligent discussion with a mmog crowd as opposed to a fps crowd. The debates and discussions on mmog boards are amazing. On the opposite side of the spectrum, every fps forum is filled with immature brats that have nothing better to do than post corny pictures and call you 'ghey'. Dont take it personal, I'm not leaving cause of you, or anybody specific, its the overall mentality.


May the force be with you, always and forever.

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On the opposite side of the spectrum, every fps forum is filled with immature brats that have nothing better to do than post corny pictures and call you 'ghey'. Dont take it personal, I'm not leaving cause of you, or anybody specific, its the overall mentality.


WE have this and then we have this:


I'm all about saber and I do exceptionally well with it. You actually think because you're throwing your saber at me that I cant win? Idiots.The point I was making was if you had any balls, you wouldnt throw it. But you're a bunch of virgins and you do. No problem, you get owned anyway. Thats how bad you suck. The problem some of you have with me is that you know you abuse saber throw and it hurts when I tell the truth. It's YOU who are the newbies and suck at this game.


I'm sure Sithdrone isn't reading this, but I would just like to point out to people that are reading this that complaing about a problem you contribute to is just not that cool...and calling people immature with immaturity just isn't cool. I know I'm being repetitive but hypocrites annoy me.

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