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New players --> The game gets MUCH better as you get further!


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Just wanted to let any new players out there know that this game gets better and better with every new level. If you're like me, about 15 min into level 1 you are probably asking yourself "What's with all the hype on this game?"


Yes, the first level or 2 are pretty generic and pretty boring. Just hang in there... once you start getting force powers and the lightsaber... this game is awesome. There are still annoying switch / button hunts and the occasional getting lost, but it's worth it.


Good luck.




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it's so funny but I really didn't think the first levels were all that boring. They were well designed and looked great..


maybe I'm just too much of a Star Wars geek, and if it's got stormtroopers in it I think it's cool or something :D



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Originally posted by Creston

it's so funny but I really didn't think the first levels were all that boring. They were well designed and looked great..


maybe I'm just too much of a Star Wars geek, and if it's got stormtroopers in it I think it's cool or something :D




I didn't mind the first levels either, but there really isn't anything original about them. Once you start learning Jedi powers and getting the lightsaber, it just makes the game 100% better.


If you think the lightsaber is anything like it was in JK 1...then you are sorely mistaken. The lightsaber is so freakin awesome in this game, and in combination with the enhanced and new force powers, this game is miles beyond JK1.


Enjoy it!

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I am completely addicted to this game...


I played Half Life back in 98 when it first came out, Metal Of Honor Allied Assault, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, and many more FPS's.

But I have yet to find any game that can hold a candle to the thought that went into this game!


This is one of the most polished release's that I've seen to date!


Yes, the further you get into the game, the further the game gets into you...





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yeah, ever since i got the saber, each level has just gotten more and more awesome, i keep replaying them in case the next one isn't as good--but thye keep getting better. the first levels really sucked...the storm troopers looked great, the sounds is fantastic, and the deaths are really cool--but the super mario jump puzzles and all the button switching blows..but oh well--i cant complain!

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Originally posted by Floydian


I didn't mind the first levels either, but there really isn't anything original about them. Once you start learning Jedi powers and getting the lightsaber, it just makes the game 100% better.


If you think the lightsaber is anything like it was in JK 1...then you are sorely mistaken. The lightsaber is so freakin awesome in this game, and in combination with the enhanced and new force powers, this game is miles beyond JK1.


Enjoy it!


Maybe it is because I played DF just before getting JKII, but I thoroughly enjoyed the first few levels. They felt like DF for 2002. The pacing is very different than RtCW or MoH:AA, but I think it makes more sense.


For me it is the best of both worlds - I love DF and therefore the first few levels, and JK/MotS is (was) my favorite game, so I love it after Yavin. It is so nice to have Force powers that make you feel like a Jedi. One of my biggies is defense. Seems stupid, but while facing one of those walker droids, I take no damage, and a few rounds of lighning later the thing is toast. In JK1 I would have been toast ;-) My big complaint in JK1 was that 'Jedi Master' Kyle would get wasted quickly when taking on a fairly small group of Imperials. ... now I am the master ...



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