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Splitting up the community (-SC- vs -ASC-) What side are you on?


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I think its a good idea. I kinda view -SC- and -ASC- like Sith and Jedi. You guys gotta admit, that if we made this thing global, it would rule. Imagine two or three -ASC- join a server with -SC- members, then it would be one heck of a kickbutt (does this forum allow swearing?) battle going on. Very movie style. It would be cool. What you think?

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I think that most of the players online can't even come together as a team to play CTF.........


However, I will say that I have found a GREAT server that randomly choose FFA or Team FFA......you might know it, but since I like it too much, I'm not squealing....


At any rate, I don't see the point.


- Twitch

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Originally posted by SilentDark

point = it would be fun. Kinda like massively multiplayer roleplaying in star wars while keeping your 10 bucks


not really, you turn off your lightsaber to challenge somebody to a duel and they attack you and do everything in their power to make the game not fun for you......not my definition of fun......

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Kinda like massively multiplayer roleplaying in star wars while keeping your 10 bucks


Not possible. Everything that even reomtely concerns role playing in a online manner or the words massive multiplayer will come at a fee. Your a fool is you think you dont have to pay! If you managed it, Lucas would perosnally come to your house, get a small droid to slap you while he goes through your wallet to take the ten bucks you got, he also continues to search for any possible coupons you may have hidden in your home.

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Originally posted by SilentDark

I think its a good idea. I kinda view -SC- and -ASC- like Sith and Jedi. You guys gotta admit, that if we made this thing global, it would rule. Imagine two or three -ASC- join a server with -SC- members, then it would be one heck of a kickbutt (does this forum allow swearing?) battle going on. Very movie style. It would be cool. What you think?


I disagree... There are many Sith SCs... It's nothing about that. It's about SCs wanting to play for fun and the ASC wanna play to ruin EVERYONE's fun... including other ASCs.

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Originally posted by Soul-Burn


I disagree... There are many Sith SCs... It's nothing about that. It's about SCs wanting to play for fun and the ASC wanna play to ruin EVERYONE's fun... including other ASCs.


No. The ASC doesn't whether you consider yourself sith, jedi, or Micronesian. All we care about is kicking your simpering, flower-sniffing, bent-over (oh, sorry. I mean bowing) 4sses up an down the server.


Yes, we will attack other *ASC*'s if we g0d d4mn feel like it. But I have my money that true *ASC*'ers will opt for the much tastier morsel of a ripe -SC- lamer over those who believe as they do.

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I am with Artifex. I am sick of these people parading around as SC's or whatever they want to call it.


This guy slowburn came up with how he wants to play the game. Then he wants to form a clan so that he can start taking over different servers and start kicking anyone he doesn't like.



I will respect the rules within the game set forth by the server. That means I will go to the server with weapons / force powers / kill limits that I am looking for.


I will also continue to play on Light Side in Team FFA. I will do anything in my power for my team to win regardless of my personal score.



*edited by DarthMaulUK *

Super Mod on Lucasforums.

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This guy slowburn came up with how he wants to play the game. Then he wants to form a clan so that he can start taking over different servers and start kicking anyone he doesn't like.


just listen to yourself.. no one said anything about a clan, and no one said anything about taking over. In servers where people wanna play in some way, they will play like that... I can simply say that Artifex is trying to take over servers.


In these servers where the ADMIN set the rules to be like this, artifex want to lame. He wanna be against the RULES the admins set up.



You should be ashamed of yourself, kiddo.

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Either discuss this issue in a reasonable manner, or I am closing this thread...and all subsequent threads in the same vein. When I hear talk of splitting up the community, it really saddens me.


Spidey...Any more posts with insulting remarks will be auto-deleted. We don't appreciate them here, and one member was banned because of repeatedly using them when attacking other members. So I look forward to your cooperation in not posting such insults in the future. :cool:


There's no need to use inflammatory remarks and insulting other members simply because you all cannot agree to disagree on a particular issue. Anyone seen starting yet another flame-war will be temp-banned. There have been far too many in recent weeks, and it is spoiling these forums for other members.


Try to be respectful of each other's opinions, and if you disagree with a comment, state your own case in a reasoned manner or choose not to reply. If someone flames you...report it to a moderator.


Thanks for your time. :cool:

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I'm guessing that the "SC"s are the people I've seen running around with the tag [sC] who try to distinguish themselves by adhering to some arbitrary saber code, with corresponding rituals.


Frankly, the idea bothers me. Not a lot, I do other things in life, but within the context of the game community it certainly is a damaging trend. More than anything else, it reminds me of the bizarre middle-school cliques that form, where everybody wears the same styles, and talks with the same catch-phrases, some of which nobody else knows or can fathom the reasons behind.


By themselves, it's an oddity. A group of say 5 or more, though, can be very damaging on a straight-FFA server. Now you have exclusionary tactics, and votes, and all sorts of other things that put the kabosh on other people's fun in social settings.


I really, really wish we had some extra commands on the server. I'd add in a few lando bots above and beyond the number of players. Lando has good aim, and no compunction against using it anytime, anywhere. He's still mostly a kill for an experienced/good player (neither of which I am, frankly), but a few of these bots in a FFA would at least provide some policing of the [sC] element making the rounds in the community.



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Originally posted by Soul-Burn

speaking about school?


here's the relation....


SCers are the students who wanna learn and have fun while the ASCers are the bad boys that everyone hates (girls included)...


Wow. that's the most incoherent post I've seen in a while.

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