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DarthBalls BONG

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Hey fellow Jedi Knights and Knightesses,


JO...what a fantastic game. God I love that lightsaber!


Not normally being a fan of all things Star Wars (I can agree that the films are fantastic and were way ahead of their time, but i dont particularly like them), i was strangely drawn to Jedi Knight II (the force, maybe?) and man am i glad i bought it.


But...the singleplayer game: it was fabulous until those last few levels in the swamp (man navigating that was hard...having your light saber turn off every few seconds forcing you to either use a crappy gun or jump about like a loon) were pretty crappy IMHO, but jeez did it pick up just at the end...those lightsaber fights in the academy were unbelievable! But then you finally get to Desann. After such a big build up, i was expecting so much more. The fight, like any lightsaber fight in the game, was simply a case of timing and patience..albiet with Desann's super Froce Powers making life a little more difficult. But the ending? I was so dissapointed by it! To have him simply die...(incidentally i chopped his hand off Luke/Vader style, which i found quite ironic), and then that poo bit with luke, jan and the man of the hour, Kyle was a bit flat. It kinda left me with a "oh....is that it?" feeling. After such a lot of hard work had been put into the game, both in Raven making it and me playing it, i couldnt help but feel a tad sad that the story ended as it did. although it leaves room for another (heres hoping) sequel, i thought it could have been pulled off with a bit more bravado.


Anyway i thought i'd share my opinion, and dont get me wrong, i absolutely ADORE this game...i recently watched all 4 Star Wars films again because the game drew me into the universe that much. like i said, my opinion, im not forcing (no pun intended) it on you, but i would like to hear yours...


So what are everyone elses opinions of the ending? were you left feeling let down and dejected, or did you think it was a fitting ending?


Let us know!!! :duel::lsduel:

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Yes, I was a little let down by the ending. However, that quickly subsided with this thought:


Since the game ended the way it did, and left an opening for ANOTHER game... Which it does.... Then why get upset? They clearly have plans for either an expansion pack (definate) or a brand new sequel.

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The ending didnt really bother me. It was nothing spectacular but it was ok. Mostly it would be nice if there was someway to have a lightsaber duel like the one between Vader and Luke in RTOJ or the one with Darth Maul at the end of TPM. Problem is, how would that kind of fight work in a game and would it still be as fun? I just hope that the next expantion or sequel comes out soon. I absolutelly LOVE this game.

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This was posted elsewhere, but I wanna boost my post count, so I'll post it here.:p Anyway, the main storyline was dedicated to defeating Galak Fyyar and Saving the Jedi Academy. Duking it out with Dessan was more a a personal score being settled. But, since it was Dessan trying to destroy the Academy, Kyle gets to kill Dessan without making it too personal. I will agree, though, I was personally expecting Dessan to come after Kyle when he was sucking face with Jan, and then Luke gets the final blow. But, happily ever after. PSHH!

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Game endings are always problematic, I feel. In a way, game developers are stuck with the same problems as movie-makers...we've seen it all before, so it often becomes cliché.


I mean, it's a Jedi Knight game, so in some respects we all expect a saber duel with the big bad boss at the end. What to do when he's down...show the hand twitch? Been done. Have him suddenly appear and try to kill Kyle? Been done so many times in so many movies I find that kind of ending unbelievably boring. Or perhaps the little cut-back scene at the end, showing an egg in a nest in some dark corner of the Academy... also been done.


Damn...no matter which way you cut it, we've seen it all before somewhere. So Raven...you have my sympathies trying to come up with a good enough ending for this game. :(

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I really like that "luke getting the final kill" Idea. That would have made him seem more powerful. But again that has also been done. I just cant wait for the "Kyle finally rejoins the academy and becomes a true Jedi Master" Series of levels (expansion or sequel, either way it would rock!) Heres hoping its in the expansion though so it gets here sooner. :D

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Yeah, I thought the ending was a little bland, but like StormHammer said, so many movies have been created with so many endings so it is quite hard to be an original. I expected to see Luke a little more through the game, but maybe that's just because I'm biased on him heh. Also, remember that the editing tools are on the horizon and when those get out we will see all kinds of new adventures. It's your map, you start or end it the way you like ^_^. All in all, great game.

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I agree with StormHammer and Coligeon, its hard to make good endings for games nowadays. But the one good thing that I have found to make the game more replayable is I saved all the places where the good fights were. Plus after beating it, I was treated to the Pit and the npc spawn functions. SP is extemely adicting with that. I like to load up SP maps and spawn NPC's into them and make mock fights, and there is always MP too. The Ladder map is a must also.

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What would've been better was if Desaan lead like 10 Reborns, and Kyle and Luke had like 10 and have a big ****en final duel where Luke and Kyle go 2 vs 1 on :lsduel::slsaber: Desaan Episode 1 style

Then have Desaan do the butterfly which no one seems to be able to do:D

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I think the problem came in the form of time/money.


When making games, some type of games and some companies make the ending first because it's really important. In a game like this, it's not expected to sell on story, it's expected to sell on what it offers for gameplay, as such, the game play goes first, than the FMV stuff for the story, and the ending is done last.


What often happens when that happens is the ending can seem trite or a let down, because when they get to working on the ending, they don't have the time or money or both to make it as good as they'd like.



I wish the story had been a bit better developed as I look back at it, but then again, I'm glad that they didn't add story at the cost of some of the game play elements. Besides, if they go for an Expansion Pack they can focus more on story for that, as the majority of the work is done for the rest of the game.

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i would have preffered an open arena when you start surrounded by 10 reborn with desann standing to the back. all the reborn set on you and you can either try and duke it out with all of them or use saber throw to release a bunch of captured jedi. once that lot of reborn are finished 20 more reborn/shaddowtroopers walk out of a siege pod with a cascade of lighting sabers. luke shows up are starts fighting dessan so kyle and the other jedi have to keep the reborn off his back. once those reborn are finished it goes to a cut scene with luke battling dessan. he overpowers luke and knocks his saber out of his hand. as dessan is bringing his saber down in a heavy overhead slash to finish luke. kyle blocks it and force pushes dessan. you then double team dessan with luke and the jedi academy watching (or fighting more reborn)

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Guest HertogJan

Hehe yeah that would have been the cool thing to do! I live the reborn battles, can't get enough of them!! After the fight with tavion, or with the numerous reborn in the game, I felt great! It felt like an accomplishment!


After Dessann, I had the feeling it was all luck that had defeated him... Battling with luke would be sooo great!


BTW, I think that 1(!) helper of Desann (Tavion), is not enough! I liked the number of enemies in Dark Forces II, although JO has reborn and shadowtroopers :)

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I think the ending was good, like you all i love a huge explosions battle against all odds ending BUT.......the ending was just like Kyle, low key, nothing too flash, just another job, and personally i loved the whole Luke offering to take the sabre back and Kyle cutting him short, good stuff. But a swas already said the Ending wasn't an ending for the game but a start for future material (fallout from the doomgiver episode, remnant military cells in hiding, cortosis infused suits, unaccounted for Reborn Jedi etc...) i liked the game, in fact i loved it, i probably wouldn't change the ending much.

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Sometimes I think Desann is too hard. There are times where I can beat easily, but then others, I get my ass kicked. He's too strong force power wise. The endings were ok, but too quiet. They need celebrations like the movies.


Raven usually has strange or laid back endings to their games anyways. Hexen II and it's mission pack just had you killing the boss and then text coming on the screen, that was dull. Heretic II had the lamest ending where a movie of the badguy becoming good in two seconds and you being stranded like "Ummmmm, ok, now what?!?!?!" Elite Force basically had a original series Star Trek ending, so that was kinda ok, but similar in a way to JK2 in that nothing really happens.

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i wud have liked a better ending:(

i found it kinda dull...

no taunts in mid battle

no last words from desann

no come back

it jus seemd kinda plain:(


although i did like the bit wen kyle came out and you see that throughout the hole time you were fighting desann they managed to capture 1 stormtrooper and 1 reborn:D

makes it all worth wile:rolleyes:

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I dont know about that. The stormtrooper yes, but the reborn didnt look very...captured at all. In fact it looked more like him and jan were having a conversation! Maybe the jedi talked some sense into him? Maybe he'll join the academy.


[edit] Then again, maybe he was trying to get his galactic groove on with jan! LOL![/edit]

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what I think would make a nice ending and leave room for a sequel is doing a close up of desann's hand, and showing it clutch a glowing* force crystal (from the artus mines) in a death grip.


* glowing unaturally, as if it would be healing dessan

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yeah but did you see the handle of Desann's lightsaber? it was weird!! had this spikey blob on the end...weird.


and by the way did anyone else notice they kinda changed the Star Wars theme tune for the credits...it didn't sound....right. I dunno maybe i'm just being weird.:fett: :fett: :fett:

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Well, the ending Dialogue with Desann was a bit lame, and I was expecting a little more in the dialogue with Luke&Jan. Ah well.


Jan and Kyle go to a tropical beach to get it on, good enough.


I do agree though, there will obviously be a sequel or expansion pack...god only knows what they're going to do for a story though...Thrawn's gone, nothing to steal from...maybe an outer-rim colony?


Who knows.

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Ok so I might have missed something....but what in Hell was the contraption with the beams of light in the final room ?


We see Desann messing with it, and Kyle can turn it back on during the scrap, but what is it? I ran through it a couple of times and didn't notice anything occuring other than a few wispy floaty-light things hanging around Kyle.


Wasn't the academy built on some old Sith temple thing? Was this some left over Sith goodies?


Anyone? Please !

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