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Games you would KILL to play again..


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Hehe, i finally went out and bought Legend of Dragoon (again) today. its such a great game. Any RPG fans out there who haven't plyed it must do so. Its only 20 bucks. The graphics are somewhere in between Final Fantasy 7 and 9 but the story is great and the gameplay is too (i love additions)

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I had Sonic 2 for the Gamegear too, but it was a completely different game. Nowhere near as good as the true Sonic 2 on Genesis!


Tie Guy, I remember LoD. I kinda liked the twist in the attack system, but I thought that the dragoon system was getting repetitive after a while. But most of all, I think it's too FMV-oriented. It's still a good game IMO.

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I dug up my old copy of Panzer General II yesterday. I AM NOW A SLAVE TO IT'S WILL!!! Great game. It also has a hardcore community of designers that have released tons of special editors for the game. They make loads of mods and extras too. Just go on google and you can find them pretty quickly.

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