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The Dig novel


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Yesiree, just finsished the book 6 minutes ago and I must say, tis a fine piece of writing. I like the book's Space Time 6 a lot more especially. A very non-descript description. I always thought that the game's ST6 was kind of funky. Good thing I've played the game before though, it would've been mighty hard to visualize any of the stuff in there. I can't imagine trying to picture the spider thingy that kid-napped Maggie. Now, I am very interested to hear your thoughts, so FIRE AWAY! If you haven't read the book yet...I spit on you, you un-cultured swine!:swear:

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Isn't there some spoiler tag now so we can hide certain things for certain people who havent read it so we don't ruin it for them? Oh, well this should work...




Anyways I like the book because there is just a better description of everything, and I like the whole beginning a lot better than the game, but I'm happy the game summarized that part :p . Anyways, I like how they really have to look around a lot on the surface before finding the nexus as well.


Also, my favorite part of the book is when they find Brink in the closet, basically 'making love' to his crystals in the corner. Heh heh.

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BUYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! *falls out the chair laughing hysterically* HEEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!! :D Err..*ahem* Excuse me.

I like that part too Schmatz.



Another um..interesting part..is when Ludger and Boston discover the planetarium. Look at that part Schmatz and see if you can guess why I like that. BYAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Um. Don't mind me.

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Hmmm... I don't remember them being gay...


But isn't that the part with the snakes? I mean I remember the planetarium is REALLY different, but nothing about homosexuality... use the spoiler tag to explain to me, I must have forgotten. I only remember the hungry dead snake thingies.


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Never mind. Anyway. They aren't SUPPOSED to be gay, but um..there's some odd stuff in the novel. I don't want to sound like a psycho conspiracy theorist or something. I'm mostly just kidding around anyway. I can type out a list if anyone is curious.




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