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Stormtroopers are stupid because....

DarthBalls BONG

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Stormtroopers? Stupid? Yeah right! That one who keeps talking about getting transferred gets out of the room and evacuates the planet without you even seeing him, even though you heard him on the other side of the door!

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ZDawg does it the sloooooooooow FUNNY way....


Once i had force 3 of forcepull and i could pull an entire room towards me i wait till they are all running at meh and then i pull there guns and toy with them:

Like Gripthrowing one of them..... then pushing one into a wall/ off a cliff

MWAHAHA or i jump into the air and pull them even higer then i jumped and watch them coming screaming down



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Best way to kill Stormtroopers; find a big room, jump high above the heads of a group of them, then Force Pull them and watch them die of fall damage as they plummet back to the ground. Hours of fun.

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Its the helmets... they are always complaining about how they can't see a thing through them. They even said it in JKII:JO single player. A few secs later they were dead on the floor lol.


So there you have it, they just can't see through that lense. The "armor" does nothing too. They'd be better off fighting in boxer shorts.

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i think raven tried to make them very realistic in terms of the films, how many times did they manage to shoot somone, (especily a main caracter, who could stand out in the open and remain safe!!)??

when did they ever do anything smart??

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The armor was not designed to protect against lasers or anything like it. The armor is designed for intimidation and to protect against the vacuum of space. That's right, when those guys got sucked out of the hangar, they were still alive...till they plummet to their death eventually or die of thirst...And oh yeah, stormtroopers are intimidating, just not to Jedi. Of course what does intimidate a Jedi?

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One of my favourite Stormtrooper lines would have to come from the original Dark Forces: "Drop your weapon!" I don't know about you guys, but I've always wished that I could...just to see what happens! But there you have it. I suppose that's why in Star Wars primery school they hand us little Jedi a lightsaber. That just leaves the poor under-achiever with the E-11 blaster! YOU POOR SODS!!!:(

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I've found that the stormtroopers are only accurate when firing at a choking comrade. They hit my human shield with uncanny accuracy.


Anyone know what happens if you leave a surrendering stormtrooper alone? Come to think of it, I've killed them all. Do they just stand there til they starve to death in typical stormtrooper style, do they run, or do they refuse to accept your mercy, stealing your lightsaber and castrating themselves with it?

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When Obi-Wan said imperials were precise he meant sand troopers, they ride big lizards and are therefore infinitely better.

Is it just me or while reading this post don't you just get a mental image of the Stormies lining up on parade, and the officers goin' around turning their guns the right way round.

Dumbest Storm Trooper Moment Ever:

I force pulled 1 on a ledge on Bespin. He stood up said

"Surround Him"

And then turned and ran off the ledge...

Landing on an already weakened officer below killing him and sending another group into disarray.

I had to pause the game while I laughed at that

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lol eddie4000


so let me get this straight....the sandtroopers were infinately more accurate because they were on a big lizard? thats some funny stuff.


oh and that bit about the stormtrooper parade made me choke on my sandwich. cheers for that.


The BEST example of Stormtrooper stupidity is in ROTJ, when Han Solo runs up behind one and taps it on the shoulder, then quickly darts off the other way. Instead of shooting him, he chases Han only to run into a group of about 20 Rebels. The way he comes skidding to a halt just makes my day...you can almost hear him say "oh son of a bi...."


oh and another example...when luke and leia are on that platform about to swing across that massive gap in ANH, and the door behind them opens just a fraction....WHY DID NONE OF THE STORMTROOPERS JUST STICK THEIR GUN UNDER AND SHOOT LUKE IN THE ANKELS???


if they had, he would have died, and then the Empire wouldn't have fallen etc etc. Those few 'Troopers were responsible for the entire destruction of the Galactic Empire, not Luke. Idiots.

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Trooper 1: "Tatooine SIR!!!"




Drill Sargeant: "HOW TALL ARE YOU TROOPER???"


Trooper 2: "6'1" SIR"



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Why bump? because of this thread:


Power_Ed's thread

It is, frankly a work of pure genius.


if you are at all interested in Star Wars (why else would ya be here huh?), great comedy and appreciate someone else's work (which you will...its THAT good), go check this out. Power_Ed, we salute you, you are one funny dude.



"Yousa people gonna die?"

"No, Jar Jar...just you."



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Originally posted by power_ed

if they're are 10 stormtrooper and you kill 9 of them, the last one alway go "surround him"




who? who shall surround him? you'r buddy's are dead pal


Ahhh the weapon of propaganda. he is trying to persuade you there are more baddies than you think. A Jedi with a saber and force grip near a large canyon is usually dissapointed to find out that indeed he was the last stormtrooper.



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Stormtrooper stupidity?


Hmm... They do tend to be slightly strange, although what takes the biscotti for me is on the Nar Shaddaa streets level, moving along a walkway, two Weequay run out and promptly try ropeless bungee-jumping. A new JKII sport, perhaps...

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I think that stormtroopers have some sort of operation where they take out his brain!


Although I do wish that they said, "You're not authorized in this area!" like in Dark Forces. It's quite fun when they say that.

Stormtrooper: "You're not authorized in this area!"

Kyle: "Here's my authorization!"





Stormtrooper are stupid, but I think that the dumbest thing I have ever seen was done by a Weequay. I was playing the first Nar Shaadda level again and I shot the det pack on the glass walkway (before the room with the elecrified water) and the weequay walking back and forth up there proceeded to walk RIGHT OFF THE EDGE! LOL!! It was so funny!

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