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I have a VERY bad feeling about episode 2...


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I have a feeling nearly everyone who is spoiler-free now, will go and watch episode 2 on week it is released...and since they won't be spoiler free after watching it, will blurt everything they saw to the whole world, and the people who's parents dislike crowds very much, and are their only means of transportation because they're too damn lazy to get a learner's pemit, driving license, and job. SO what will happen is alot of people not using spoiler tags, people getting pissed off, major flame wars, and all that good stuff.

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Yeah, i'm hopefully *crosses fingers* going to see it at Midnight on opening day. My dad already told me that he'd take me so it is only a matter of getting tickets, which around here isn't too much of a problem if your willing to wait a little while.


Anyways, i won't post spoilers if i do see it before others. I remember for Episode I i never even watched a trailer but then my brother saw it before i did and told me that Qui-Gon died. Oh well.

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