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How Do U Kill Black Armored Reborns


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Patience young Jedi.




Their armour is laced with Cortosis, the mineral that has been mentioned that resists lightsabers. Of course, since they are carrying 'sabers themselves you can't take them out with blasters, but explsovies work wonders, although since they are Reborn they CAN and DO Force Push them back at you.


(any one for Thermal Detonator tennis?)



If you are a purist, and want to fight them 'saber to 'saber, you must be patient. It will take more hits to kill them, but they will go down. The secret, as with all FPS games, is to keep moving.

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I have found that I need to mix it up a bit with them. Typically Blue or Red stance, always use Force Speed, try some grip (prepared to get knocked hard by some of them), and just keep on the move.


I like fighting them - it is a good challenge. At this point, I generally use the Reborn to practice hitting things like the Blue stance up-stab ...



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The best way that I found to kill these bugger was accidental, as soon as you enter the room where they first appear jump up on to the platform to your right and then the next platform after that. Once they move to attact you keep attacking back in fast style and they will bakc up lose their footing and fall to their death. it's actually kinda funny to here wa-uh aaahhhhhhhhhhh!! CRUNCH, and know one nasty enemy jump died of stupidity. I'm not certain that this works on later missions with them but it should. I guess that armor weighs a bit and to really hurts when you fall in it.

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ehehe but with red you can get in one hit without getting hit once, or ever again by that particular one for that matter :)


i think you get red style after you fight the first few of them though, so use yellow. it's as fast as blue, and does heaps more damage.

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Oh and I forgot to mention they don't swim well either run past them and then wait a minute or two, walk back toward where they were and you won't have to do anything but look for their drown corpses in order to get their force crystals.

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fast style with force speed

strong style is good, but you mess up once, you're dead.

also, wait for them to jump, and the force push

they'll resist your force push unless they're in the air.

if you force push 'em and have force speed on, you can get to 'em before they stand up and kill 'em while they're down.

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It is stupid to use grip when they are two. Use instead lightning on them (hitting both of them) and try to avoid them in the beginning. Use medium or strong stance. I prefer strong (red). After a while when they have received enough damage from your lightning u try to come close to one of them at a time and bash them out. Use your "medical kit" or whatever it is called during the fight. U will need it. Jump up on the ledge when u need to "rest" and push them down when they try to jump up at u. The only time u will succeed with your push against other force users is when they are in the air. Avoid to jump all the time.


When one of them is out of bussiness u can use your grip.


Don't forget to visit the other rooms before u enter the first room with these black jedis. U will find lots of good stuffs there. :)

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