Jem Posted April 27, 2002 Share Posted April 27, 2002 The Story so far: It all started politically with this speech from someone named Deac: "If they made me ruler of the world it would only last 5 minutes because they'd put a new computer game outside my office and when I went to get it they'd lock me out and I would be able to rule the world anymore. But now I know that plan, Prepare to fire the Annhilatoron of Doom and Death and Destruction and general pain and suffering and unhappiness etc..!" He Laughs maniacally, then has to take a throat sweet. A speaking rabbit known as Zoom Rabbit Listens through Deac's speech, nothing registering, until he comes upon the words 'throat sweet' and laughs himself silly. Deac notices this and says to the rabbit: "What is wrong with a throat sweet? They are the easy way of eating sweets in class!!" He Turns to his minions: "Target the rabbit... failure to respect the Annhilatoron etc... results in zapping" The Rabbit then says: "Throat sweets for everyone! Laced with heroin, for that extra stubborn cough... " Now Deac is getting angry and impatient and starts screaming at his minions: "Minion! Why has the annhilatoron not been fired? What do you mean you can't find the throat sweet dissing rabbit? It's not hard! Under my world rule, someone else has to get the new computer game from outside my world control office... but fear not.... Free Star Wars games at a high standard for all!!" With a waffling British geezer voice the Rabbit goes on: "I say...the throat sweets were delicious, the cats were lovely, and we all had a smashing good time, what?" He then Runs far away. Deac asks himslef What is the rabbits problem with throat sweets anyway. he then fires the annhilatoron and misses the rabbit, but manages to destroy Saddam Hussain. "Oh well." Deac sighs Then out of nowhere someone yells: "ah well, free oil!" That's when Deac realizes something and says to himself: "Wait! Why use my Annhilatoron for evil when I've just demonstated I can use it for good?!" Once again, an unknown voice speaks and replies to Deac: "cuz being a bad ass mofo is cool" Anyways, Saddam cause war in the middle east, they with their suicide bombers will kill each other, US then can come in and take over. Then both Koreas nuke each other, and the US can take take that, too! Foreign policy is fun so there's more: then Spain actually listens to the 5/6 Gibraltans who say they still want to be part of Britain... and then in recognition of his successful melting of Saddam Hussain, it is given to Deac as a reward and renamed DeacLand. And then Deac is publically flogged with potatoes. But before that can happen, Deac uses the fine accuracy of the Annhiatoron to melt the terrorists. Then Cracken's Imperial Fleet hyperspaces in over the panet, and launches pinpoint air strikes from high orbit upon said uber weapon of mass destruction, then uses fighters and bombers to wipe out the rest of the air/ground defenses, and mops up the mess with a full scale ground assult. But righ then Cracken wakes up of his ridiculous daydream and realizes his fleet is being destroyed into shmitherins by the uber weapon of mass destruction. So he, Cracken, turns off the simulation, and procedes to the bridge to issue new order to the fleet, to Hyperspace in well beyond the reach pf the Uber weapon's range, and launch a mssive ground assult. But then a small rabbit materializes aboard the Uber Weapon, which is programmed with advanced AI, and talks it into cherishing its own existance as a sentient being. Uber Weapon decides not to destroy itself, then goes to the Epcot center and opens up as an animatronic ride for pasty-skinned tourists wearing shorts and mouse-ears. Deac is aware of what is going on and says: "So, you think you can turn my annhilatoron into a feeble theme-park ride and just get away with it?" Deac goes into the very bowels of his castle, and bonds with young sandworms... and becomes GOD EMPEROR OF DUN-I MEAN EARTH. He then get's in a big robot suit and goes to Epcot to get back his annhilatoron. Meanwhile, Lord Cracken receives a message from one of his generals: comlink: "My lord, we have sighted the Deac being, permission to engage?" Cracken: "Fire at will. Do not fail me General, for your sake" Comlink: "Yes my lord!" General Gohl targets Deac, who is headed stright for the Epcot Center and orders: "ALL Imperial Assault troops target my target and fire at will!" Imperial Walkers and heavy Artillary fire at deac, scoring several direct hits and nearly kills the poor bard. But suddenly, when Deac thought it was all lost and as he lies there in the desert he spots with his troubled doubled view what seems to be a desert trooper, NO! YES ! it's a FREMEN !!! and he seems to be tapping with some kind of weird hammer on the desert sand, then from nowhere this big SANDWORM pops out the spice melange. The fremen rides the beast, heading towards Deac's direction. The Sandworm stops by the dying one and the fremen extends his right arm towards Daec and says: "Come with me if you want to live" As the Fremen says this Harkonen patrols spot the lone warrior. They descend eager to take a new slave. Shooting a missle at the worm causing it shake off the fremen and Deac leaving them to the Harkonen troopers. The Sandworm being majorly pissed off for being shot at with a missile heads direclty for those responsable of his minor injuries. As the beast dashes towards the Harkonen patrol unit and their newly captured slaves the Harkonen start to panic and leave Deac and the mysterious Fremen without supervision so they can use their weapons and try and kill the worm before it eats them. Shaking his head, standing up, the Fremen observes the scene and realizes what has happen. He spot Deac and runs toward him. "Damn, he is unconcious" The Fremen drags Deac towards a Harkonen desert patrol buggy and takes advantage of the Harkonen's distraction to flee towards a hidden cave leading to abandonned underground sandworm tunnels. the Fremen leaves the buggy and carries Deac to a safe place. To make sure everything's safe the Fremen activates a Psi-Emiter that his men have hidden in different parts of the desert, this Psi-Emiter imitates a hot female sandworm mating call to call upon the uber male sandworms so they can *clean* the area. The Fremen does some healing on himself and Deac. He awaits Deac's awaikaning as he hears the vibrations on the walls caused by the excited worms who rush in the combat zone area... Deac awakes and realises he has newfounded fremen friends he then says to himslef: "No! Me and my aren't going to give up! " He then speaks to the Fremen: "Come, Fremen bretheren! Let us reclaim the Annhilatorn and zap the Harrkonens with it!" The Fremen then says to Deac: "Finally you have awaken. C'mon let us hurry, the uber male worms arn't gonna distract the harkonen anymore once they find out that their is no female worm.... I know this tunnels by heart, let's go this way, it leads to the Dark Jedi Harkonen base where your Annhilatorn has been transfered and kept. They will surely use it against us, we must stop them before it is too late." But first the Fremen leads Deac to his secret refuge: an underground vault, Vault 13. They take some big mean sub laser machine bazooka guns, lots of ammo, Brother Hood of Steel heavy armor, of course the worm caller hammer, a couple of Psi-emiters a radio to call some backup or Vertibirds (cool helis stolen from the Enclave...) and The Fremen's vicious dog: Dogmeat. "Let's head out!" "Woof!" As they head towards the exit of the tunnel leading the the Harkonen main base they load there bad ass guns as the Fremen says: "We're here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, Damn we're all out of gum" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deac Posted April 27, 2002 Share Posted April 27, 2002 Right! I'm Deac! Come Fremen warriors! Today you are the downtrodden under the various Sith Harkonnen types...but tommorrow we shalt be rulers of the universe! Let's get my annhilatoron back! Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac...Mau'Deac... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 27, 2002 Share Posted April 27, 2002 *Cracken is in his meditation chamber, practiceing ancient Sith Healing tecqniues.... suddenly, his com beeps. a message from the field. Machines whir and the chamber opens and the chair swivles to the view screen. General Gohl is standing with Commander Veers* General: My lord, it appears the Deac being has flead with assistannce from some sand people, it should not be... *The General Gasps for air* Cracken: You have failed me for the last time, General, Commander, more re-enforcements are being landed, all Imperial Assault Troops are under your control, destroy the Uber weapon and Deac and these sand people. Do not fail me... General Veers. *The former General Gohl now collapses in a dead heap on the floor, and now General Veers rubs his throat mildly* Veers: Of course my lord. *transmission ends* Veers:.. Alert all commands... regroup and commence final assault on the Annhilatoron. *Epcot center is now the sight of the largest Imperial Invasion since Hoth, artillary raining down and killing many of these resistance sand people* Officer: General, the target is within range! Veers: Good, target and fire with maximum firepower! *The entirety of the Imperial forces fire 3 mighty salvoes at the Annhilatoron, leaving nothing more than a smoldering crater....... but where was Deac...?* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 27, 2002 Author Share Posted April 27, 2002 Fortunalty the Fremen, after he had called upon backup, had accindently dropped his radio causing it to hit into Lord Cracken's com link frequency. As the radio lies there on the floor Deac and the Fremen listen to the communication between Lord Cracken and his general. The Fremen then Says: "Nooooo!!! My men are out there !!!" He quickly picks up his radio and calls everyone to pull out but this doesn't stop a great number of the Fremen's men to fall on the devastating strike as they despretly try to get the hell out of there. the Fremen receives this radio message: "We need to Evacuate Sir! *Interferance* We are like baby worms being squached over here !! S.O.S ! S.O.S! Oh noo *sizzle* AHHH !! *pchhhh* OH MY GOD MY LEGS !! MY LEGS !! MY *message terminated*" The Fremen and Deac have vision of horror and the unconfortable silence is interupted by the Fremen: "We can do nothing more for them. How the Hell did Cracken know where the uber weapon was? Let's go while they are still recharging their main weapons." As they head out they manage to destroy many Evil Jedi Harrkonen units and Cracken Troopers with their bad ass sub laser sub mahine bazooka weapons and the help of the remaining Sand People. They are about to enter the Epcot Gate when suddenly Deac and the Fremen realize that everything is silent, too silent: Loading their guns, the Fremen says: "I smell a trap" ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 28, 2002 Share Posted April 28, 2002 *With the Uber Weapon Destroyed, Cracken's fleet is free to move closer to the planet, within optimum orbital fire positions for the Executor, and Imperial Star Destroyers. With most of the Imperial landing crews to safety, Cracken strools the bridge of the Executor class Star Destroyer Yamato * Admiral, bring guns to bear, fire at the combat zone. Lt, prepare my shuttle, i will take care of this Deac personally. *The dark lord strides toward the shuttle bay, and the Admiral turns to the Master of Arms* Admiral: Fire at once, full salvos. MoA: Sir! fire at will. *The fleet's turbolasers scream and deliver thier deadly ammunition toward the planet* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 28, 2002 Author Share Posted April 28, 2002 Deac and The Fremen pause as they realize that everything was destroyed long before they arrived and the remaining enemy troops were just a mere water drop of a whole sea of army that had already evacuated the Zone. The Fremen calls upon the remaining of his men into a rendez-vous point but then asks himself: "Why are they evacuating if they could have easily exterminated us?" That's when the Fremen sees his Vicious Dog Dogmeat turn around in circles with his tell under his legs, so scared of something as he had seen death: The Fremen tries to calm him down: "What is it boy?" "kai! kai! kai!" Then a bright light seems to concentrate into a specific spot in the now darkened sky, Deac, the Fremen and his men all look up. The Horror: "That 's why they're evacuating!! The Cracken is using all of his fleet's firepower upon us! He is going to blow the whole side of this planet up!" The Fremen begins to give order to his men: "OPERATION EVAC! GET THOSE VIRTIBIRDS HERE ASAP! CALL THE WORMS SO THE REST CAN TAKE REFUGE IN THE DEEPNESS OF THE WORM TUNNELS! DO NOT USE ANY GROUND VEHICULES, THEY ARE ALL TOO SLOW!!! GO! GO! GO!" Hundreds of Vertibirds and Sandworms arrive but some are destroyed by the first wave of fire. The Fremen says to Deac: "See that Green button on your Armor? No! NOT THE RED ONE!Never push the Red one, NEVER! yeah that one, the green one that has *Rocket Belt* written on it, push it now! " They fly away, The Fremen holding his dog by the tail, towards a Vertibird and manage to get in safely, he then says to Deac: "By the way, I am named Zassek. If this gets any worst I'll have to call, against my own will, someone that owes me a favour..." The small army devides itself into too seperate groups, those who are equipped with the rocket belts fly towards the Vertibirds and the others use the Sandworms. They all rush away the Danger Zone and hold tight, awaiting the eventual Shockwaves... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deac Posted April 28, 2002 Share Posted April 28, 2002 Why do we not fight the army! We are the Fremen, the finest warriors of the universe! The mighty Sarduakar fall before us! And I'm now God Emperor of Dune! *Deac uses his powers to push the Fremen back in time and puts all of his warrior's into Cracken's fleet* Never mess with a God Emperor! I will have revenge for my poor annhilatoron! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 28, 2002 Share Posted April 28, 2002 *The Dark Lord shuttle acends to the planet, as he hear's his comlink chirp* Admiral? Admiral: Sir, we're getting reports that primitive lifeforms have invaded some of the fleet. Cracken: Primitives should be no match for the your forces. elimenate them in close quarters, use what ever means necessary. *Cracken abruptly turns of the comlink. Meanwhile, across several of teh ISD, bitter battles between the elite Remnant Armed forces and the Fremen. Blaster fire is exchanged, and meny fall, but the Imperials' experience in close quarters combat is too much for the Fremen, and hope is being lost. Meanwhile, Cracken's shuttle lands and he greets Genera Veers* Cracken: General, status report Veers: Most of thier ground troops were decimanted in you ariel bombardment, Deac managed to evacuate the zone, but we have tracked him. Cracken: Good, organize a strike force, i will carry the flag. Leave Deac to me. Veers: Sir. *Cracken fingers his lightsaber fondly, it's been too long. droids are one thing, but another human opponent is another. The Dark Side is strong in him, as much as it was in the fallen Emperor. No matter what kind of God Deac thinks he is, nothing is more powerful than the destructive power of teh Force* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 28, 2002 Author Share Posted April 28, 2002 Encouraged by Deac's fine Pep Talk, Zassek orders for all flyng units reach Lord Cracken's Fleet and try to Board them: "What the heck, we got nothin' to lose!" They manages to board a couple of ships of the invading fleet, that's when this happened [Quoting from Cracken's post]: *Blaster fire is exchanged, and meny fall, but the Imperials' experience in close quarters combat is too much for the Fremen, and hope is being lost.* As hope is being lost, Zassek has only one solution left in mind, to call upon that person he mentioned earlier who owes him a big favour. Before Deac's curiousness he reveals a strange looking Alien device, Zassek explains: "You can call this a *special* radio if you wish..." Zassek then pushes a button and starts talking to who ever is in the other line: "En Taro Adun Executor, I call upon you for desperate help. I Hope you have not forgotten what you have once said in that once apocalyptique day I aided you..." A reply, a strange voice, is immediatly received: "I remenber thee, we have been watching, and waiting for you Zassek. but thee surely remember what will be the consequences of our intervention" Zassek then Says: "We've got nothin' to lose..." And in the middle of Lord Cracken's imperial fleet appears an entire unknow and massive fleet. Some of Lord Cracken 's ships that havn't been boarded are paralized in surprise and quickly destroyed by this fleet... Zassek receives yet another message from the alien device he holds: "Teleport succesful. My fleet is at your disposal. But remember the consequences...En Taro Adun Zassek!" "En Taro Adun Executor!" Zassek then turns toward Deac: "We've got help, extra infantry are going to be teleported and boarded in Cracken's fleet. If you spot something alien looking that you've never seen before DO NOT shoot! they are the Protoss, our allies!" He then says to himself: "At least for now..." He then yells: "LET'S GO !!" As they continue battle within the fleet, killing several enemy troops and eagerly awaiting the Protoss boarding... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 29, 2002 Share Posted April 29, 2002 Sensor officer: Sir, we have unknown contacts appearing right in the middle of the fleet! Admiral: Impossible. Destroy them immediatly, concentrate all turbolaser fire on the new threat! Stormtrooper: Sir, unknown enemy infanty have boarded our ship! Admiral:KILL them! Seal off the bridge, launch all fighters! *The war now kicked up one notch, the fighting grows more intense, off the starboard side of the Yamato the ISD II Devastator can be seen exploding, and in it's death throes as it plunges toward the planet. TIE Defenders and the new retro-fitted TIE Advanced-B, a new better bomber type, fight the new agressor's fleet of carriers.* Captain: Sir, thier carriers carry no weaponry, if we pull along side, we could give full board sides with no retaliation. Admiral: Do it! *With new hope, the Imperial Fleet attempts the old tactics, pulling right up next to the carrier and letting loose full board sides.* *Meanwhile, the Imperial Army closes in on Deac...* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deac Posted April 29, 2002 Share Posted April 29, 2002 Fools! I was once just an artificial Jedi, then I got some powers that are too long and complicated to go into but give me an Avatar and a big powerful magic sword... but now I am A GOD! *With a wave of his hand, the army fall. His fremen warriors become filled with hope and the battle rages on, * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 29, 2002 Author Share Posted April 29, 2002 [Yo Deac, don't exagerate too much on the GOD powers or this thing wont last... ] As the Lord Cracken's Imperial fleet let's go of all it's fire power upon the Protoss fleet they discover with absolute astonishement the massiveness, greatness, unimaginable and horrorific technological advance of this fleet that is unknown to them: THE LASERS SEEM TO BOUNCE OF THIS STRANGE AND INVISIBLE FORCEFIELD that equipes all vessels of the Protoss fleet! Since Lord Cracken's Imperial fleet fired almost simultaniously all laser fire power on the Protoss fleet those same lasers bounce back in unpredictable directions towards the whole area. A very large number of the fired Laser are hence bounced back towards Lord Cracken's Fleet and fighters causing serious and heavy damages and losses. Unfortunatly The boarded ships are also victim of this force field's never seen before power and a couple of Fremen and Protoss are injured or killed along with Lord Cracken's men, these men, Lord Cracken's men, who suffered 91% of the total lost lives. 9.5% were Fremen, warned by Zassek to take cover after he realized the imperial fleet was firing, and the 0.5% left were the Protoss Zealots who had more chances of surviving because these soldiers are aslo equiped with this horrible force field. After this Shaky experience Zassek helps Deac to get up and says with a grim smile on his face: "Now they know why the Protoss Carriers need no weaponry" They move along, progressing in the bridge of the boarded in search for more Imperial evilness to destroy. Only Bombs, Missiles or Torpedoes fired from the Imperial fleet seem to have some kind of effect on the shield, they do not bounce back but it isn't sure if they cause any damage... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 29, 2002 Share Posted April 29, 2002 *Warning klaxxons scream all over the Yamato 's bridge. Crews scramble to secure hull breeches. For the first time, these men taste fear* Admiral: CEASE ALL LASER FIRE, CONCENTRATE ALL TURBOLASER FIRE ON THE INTERCEPTORS, TELL THE FIGHTER TO PENETRATE THE SHIELDS OF THOSE SHIPS AND BLOW THEM UP FROM WITHIN! *comchatter* I don't CARE if it's impossible. If the Rebels can blow up our greatest achievment in military technology with fighters, our TIE Defenders should be able to destroy a few carriers! Full power to shields, kill the engines and shunn all power to the shield and weapons, i want nothing getting through! *Meanwhile on the ground, Deac shows off his powers to the Sith lord, whom is not impressed* Cracken: you are over confident in this new power you have. Mastery of the Force is greater than these primitives have to offer. *With a burst of hatred, Cracken send out a massive burst of vengeful electrical energy like a nova from his being, wipeing out many Fremen, countering Deac's attack loss for loss* Now, you die! *Cracken unhooks and ignights his lightsaber, and rushes Deac, and slashes! The DUEL IS ON!!!* (Deac, let's keep this interesting, Mano-e-mano, while the armies fight) *More Fremen are pouring into the Area, as are Imperial Ground Forces, matching eachother in open combat. Imperial Walkers start thier firing, decimating the Fremen. Suddenly a gigantic worm erupts from the ground, taking several Troopers with it. The fighting is bitter and harsh* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted April 29, 2002 Share Posted April 29, 2002 *Commander Fel, leader of the elite 121st fighter squadron, has seen many a sight, but not such as this! Imperial Firepower proved useless against the new threat, and new orders came though* Beta2: ORders? Fel: Moveing, and penetrate the shields, the apear to be ray only, and destroy them from within. *His TIE Defenders shields glowed with a new impact, and he jerked his ship into a climb, and rolled down, getting the slower and less menuverable inerceptor in his sights, and destroying it* Beta4: are you nuts,a squad against those? Fel: Rebels can do it, so can we, move. *one at a time, the squad souned off a yessir, and moved in, dog fighting thier way to the first carrier. Moving past the shield, a new wave of intereceptors headed thier way.* Fel: Lock on to a srtong energy source, that should be thier main generator, find it and destroy it! beta5: I picked one up, can't shake him! Beta6: I'm on him..... got him beta5:Thanks Ghost. Beta6:No prob 5. *The Interceptors were met with resistance, and Fel and Beta 2 slipped away, on a lead for the power genertator. After a few brief moments, they were on it* Fel: Fire Protons, i'll get Cons, you fire, i'll delay 6 sec. GO! Beta2:Rgr. *Beta 2 speed ahead, and fired his protons, and curved away, on an exit vector, The Prontons, pirced the shielding, and hit square on, but the Generator was still in tact, Fell's Concussion missles also hit, and vaped the reast of the generator* Fel: 121st, we are leaving, vector to the next ship. Command, this is 121st, we've found the weakness, transmitting target data Command: We read you. Hurry up, Fel, our Star Destroyers are having a hard time. Fel: Rgr. *The 121st speed away toward the nxt scarrier, leaving the destroyed one in flames.* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 30, 2002 Author Share Posted April 30, 2002 At last Lord Cracken reveals himself and Zassek sees him rushing towards Deac. Zassek was about to help his close ally when he just stopped and said to himself: "I must not interfere in a Jedi duel, It is the Sacred and Holy for them to lightsaber duel each other without any exterior help, it is the Jedi way and I must respect it" He turns towards Deac: "I suggets you remove your armor for more agility." He walks way with his companions and turns his head back one last time: "Good Luck and hurry, this place is falling a part and everybody is about to evacuate... I'll see ya outside." He headsoff , leading his Fremen and The Protoss Zealots towards the main hangar so they can leave this Destroyer before it becomes mere star dust. A long their progression Zassek and his men leave several bombs in the cleared areas so they can have a garantee that this thing will really blow up once they escape. More Battle rages on as they nearly arrive in the Hangar and more Fremen are lost but at least the Imperial troops are the one who suffer most, they and their blasters seem to be useless againt the mighty Protoss Zealots... Zassek starts giving the orders towards other boarded ships to get the job finished before he can order a full Protoss fleet strike on the Imperial fleet. Zassek sayd to himself: "I hope Deac will get out in time when the time comes..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted April 30, 2002 Author Share Posted April 30, 2002 The Protoss's fleet weakness had been discovered, it was time to change Strategy. The Protoss fleet Executer, who was surprised that such a primitive race and technology could cause him trouble, had started to get things back in order: "En Taro Adun to you Carrier Executer" "En Taro Adun Executer, what is thy biding?" "Proceed to Defensive code sen5 and attack code hesen6. For Adun!" "For Adun!" The Carrier executor orders all carriers to turn their ships in specified directions so that the generators can be the most out of reach from the Imperial fighters as possible. He then proceeded in ordering, for the first time in this battle, to the launching of Scouts, Fast Attack Fighters, leaving the Interceptors that were so far the only ones out their with VERY big help. "To Scout Executor and squadrons Sam, Sa and Shib you have permission to take part in the battle. For Adun!" "This is Scout Executor and leader of Shib squadron, permission received. For Adun!" The mighty Scouts fly into battle and in less than a minute after the first undescriptable unknow "lasers" were fired 9 imperial fighters had already been destroyed. "This is too easy! I pity this race and their ridiculous technology. I gain no Honour in battling against them!" The word Ridiculous was perfect to discribe Imperial fighters compared to the Protoss Scouts "Scout Squadron Sam, insure that the Carriers do not receive anymore projectiles that can harm them. Ignore the Lasers, they have no effects on our Plasma Shields. Squadron Sa Head for those Destroyers, but Only those that are tagged in Red on your Screen, those are the ones who have not been boarded or that have already been unboarded. My Squadron, Take out all fighters! And watch out for those missiles and tropedoes, they are the only thing that can harm our shields, even if they do not cause much harm they can still be dangerous. For Adun!" Squadron Sa had quiclky destroyed their first destroyer but this was because that destroyed was already almost a part because of their lasers that had previously bounced back on them. Sa Squadron were heading towards a second one. The imperial fighters were left hopeless against these Sam squadron scouts that seemed like Death that wanted to reap their souls. The Carriers were all safe and left alone because all Imperial forces had already their hands full with these Scouts that seemed to be everywere in the same time. The imperial fighters were quickly awar that laser had no effect and alas their only hopes, the missiles and torpedos were too slow and not enough. Against the Protoss, the Imperial striking force had only battled against Weaponless Carriers and mere Robotic Interceptors BUT NOW they had met what seemed to be their ultimate doom: The Scouts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted May 1, 2002 Author Share Posted May 1, 2002 It would be completly false to say that the Fremen/Protoss Forces were doing as good in space as on the planet. They could not take any kind of advantage over the evel Harkonnen and Imperial troops for one simple reason: They didn't receive the Protoss's help. They weren't even awar that their Commander had called upon the Protoss, earth/space Communication was jammed. But that didn't stop them from giving Lord Cracken's army a harsh time. The Fremen were thankful for ownning worm callers and Psi-emiters. The SandWorms were their main weapon. Keleyx, Zassek's right arm, proceeded in giving orders after spoting Troopers coming their way: "Let's Try and concentrate those troopers in on the Psi-emtiters so the Worms can take care of them! I'd say that group has about 50 men, if we're lucky the worm can swallow them all in the same time" Four of Keleyx's soldiers proceeded in catching the ennemies attention by fireing upon them: Afterwords they run back and wait. Keylex Observes then slowly smiles: "It Worked. Get Psi-Emitor A324 working now!" The specific Psi-Emitor is activated and they wait. That is when: [Qoting from Cracken's post:] *suddenly a gigantic worm erupts from the ground, taking several Troopers with it*: The scenes of violence became so recurrent that the mear sight of death numb the mind from fearing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deac Posted May 1, 2002 Share Posted May 1, 2002 Ok, on God powers...just my artificial Jedi ones... *Deac actives his sabers* May your blade chip and shattter... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted May 1, 2002 Share Posted May 1, 2002 *The Army scattered, the Space war going badly, the only one appearing to achieve any success is the Sith Lord himself, who has been beating Deac unmercifully. Despite Deac's best attempts, the Sith Lord's power is too much, and on several occasions, his powerful swings has almost knocked Deac over.* You cannot win, you will be dead, and soon i will personally crush your insignifigant rebellion. *Deac, furious at the Lord's taunts, wildy attacks the Dark Lord, and Cracken parries every blow* *In Space, a different story unfolds. The Imperial Navy is being hammered, and quickly runing out of projectile weapons. Another Star Destroyer sacrafises it's burning hull to crash into a Protoss Carrier, taking itself and the Carrier with it. Pilots engage the new fighter threat, but with signifigant losses. The scouts prove most menuverable, and cannot gain signifigant advantages.* Weapons: Sir! Proton and concussion missile reserves are critical, i don't think we can hold position much longer! Admiral: Keep at it, any ship that doesn't have ammunition is to kamakazi the enemy, we can;t let them win! *The Admiral turns to the communications officeer* Call in the Death Star, We'll evacuate the Lord and blow the planet up itself! *The Communications tech relays the order, and the Death Star, floating on the Edge of the system, engages it's hyperspace engines, in moments, it's amist the battle, launching it's fighters and salvo's of missles at the enemy* (Death Star) Officer: Sir, we have begun charging the Superlaser, 14 minutes untill full charge. Permission to fire at will Commender:No, wait until Lord Cracken is off the planet, then fire immediatly. Officer: Sir! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted May 2, 2002 Author Share Posted May 2, 2002 [Hey Cracken since when are you and Deac on the planet?? Zassek and deac have boarded your destroyer, the Yamato, remember?] Zassek and his men reach the main hangar bay and are about to steal some fighters so they can escape the Executor class Star Destroyer that is collapsing from everywhere: "Quickly men! take those Tie Defenders and Advanced, do not take the Tie Fighters, they suck! Watch out for ennemy fire!" As he says this a troopers manages to hit his left shoulder, Zassek falls: "Aaahhh Damn! I'm hit!...Ahhh! Go on without me, It's nothin'! Dogmeat, Attack!" AS he says this, Zassek points at the trooper who shot at him. His vicious dog starts grownling and drooling as he heads for the terrified trooper who is paralyzed in fright. Dogmeat jumps, bites the throat, ripping it a part. The Trooper's agonizing scream is heard from almost everywhere. The Zealot captain helps Zassek to get up: "You must come with us after all your men have evacuated, the Executor wishes to speak with you" "Tell your Executor not to worry. But for now we have more important things to take care of" Zassek continues to fight against some of the remaining trooper as if he wasn't injured and with the help of the Zealots who have no difficulty at all... The Battle also continues outside: "This is Carrier Executor, we have lost Carrier Kzey and Foss due to suicide impact from the ennemies" "How primitive and barbaric, this defines well this specie. They don't even die in honour. You know what to do Carrier Executor. For Adun!" "Yes Executor! To all Arbiter, you have permission to enter battle zone area. Your abjective is to protect all carrier by cloaking them and stopping any desperate ennemy Destroyer trying to collide with them. For Adun!" "Orders received. For Adun!" The Arbiters succesfully cloak the Carriers and all Protoss units located in its perimeter, this causes great confusion within the imperial force who can't understand what is happening. The Arbiter also make use of their Stasis Field to trap Kamikazi destroyers within a field. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted May 2, 2002 Author Share Posted May 2, 2002 Meanwhile, in an other part of space, Protoss observers, the silent cloaked witnesses, spot the Death Star threat and alert the fleet executor: "Significant ennemy target spotted. Transmitting coordinants and data information." The Fleet Executor studies the data: "Yet another primitive weapon. It is no threat to our fleet. But one of the Fleet Executor's advisors warns him that according to the data it is not heading towards the fleet and the probabilities indicate it has 99.99% chance of striking Zassek's planet and it will be ready to fire in exactly 14 seconds... "This is not good, Zassek's planet is the cause of our help. Although this weapon is primitif so are Zassek, his men and the planet. They do not have the proper defenses against this weapon." The Fleet Executor immediatly contacts Elite Aerial Fighters Corsairs, even more horrific than the Scouts, to strike upon the Death Star. "En Taro Adun to you Corsair leader. I need you to Teleport in the following coordinates and render this primitive weapon useless. They will surely not make use of this weapon until their fleet has evacuated the area because the Blast wave of the planet can destroy all of their fleet hence their Lord who is somewhere in there. For Adun!" "En Taro Executor. Coordinates received, Teleport proceedure activated. Teleport succesful. Target spotted, beginning strike. For Adun!" As swift as the desert wind the Corasirs head towards the Death Star. Resistance is useless and eliminated. The powerfull Corsair squadron move in and unleash their terrible never seen before weponry upon the Death Star, ripping it almost apart: ----Corsair Strike----> The Imperial fleet surrounding the Death Star have only begun to realize what had happened, everything occured in only 52 seconds. "Observers indicate the Death Star is still operational at 52% and can still fire. Observers aslo inform that the Weapon's power has been dramatically diminished and can no longer reach it's full potential. Squadron, prepare for sychronized U-turn and second strike" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted May 2, 2002 Share Posted May 2, 2002 *Down on the Planet, the duel rages, lightsabers clashing, suddenly, Deac and Cracken feel a disturbance in the Force, and look sky ward. They can see shards of teh Death Star Raining down upon the planet. With Deac distracted, the Sith Lord maskes his Force aura and slipps away on a shuttle.* *In his shuttle, Lord Cracken issues orders to the Fleet* Cracken: Fire the Death Star At once, and leave this system, we will regroup at said co-ordinates* *The Death Star, now beaten, but still operational, charges up is superlaser, Green Beams collect on the fireing dish, and a large beam strikes the planet. The ensuing laser impact vaporizes the atmosphere, killing millions, destroying both armies completly. The planet, still togeather, undergies mass volcanic eruptions. The Planet now is ripping itself apart!! Deac, using the Force and his supernatural powers, shield his personal shuttle and himself from the Atmosphere depervation, and boards it and leaves to a Protoss Carrier, while the Imperial Fleet withdraws into hyperspace to an unknown location. The Death Star, unable to engage it's hyperdrive, starts on it's self destruct sequence.* *The Planet explosed violently from it's own gravatational forces violently, damaging many of the cloaked Carriers, but none destroyed.* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted May 2, 2002 Author Share Posted May 2, 2002 What happened on the Fremem/Protoss side while all of this occured? This: As the Corsairs were preparing a second strike they realize that the Death Star was charging up: "They are preparing to fire! Observers indicate that we have no time to stop it! Give me the fire potentiel the weapon can reach!" "Optimal weapon potentiel is 43% of its normal total efficiency" "Reveal destruction predictions aftermath and General planet status after strike, now!" "Probabilities indicate that at 43% of weapon's efficiency targeted planet will have 87% of total surface destroyed. 64.0264% of total higher underground destroyed. 35% of total deeper underground destroyed. 3.0127% of core destroyed. Planet will lose 79.86 % of it's total lifeform. Planet will not be destroyed but rendered useless at 77%" "Transmit data to all Executors! May Adun's Gaia have pity on the Fremens's doomed souls!" "Data received. Proceed in teleporting all units located in boarded enemy ships to the Carriers. All Scouts and Corsairs are to get back in Carriers for precaution." "Executor! we might not have enough time to teleport all Zealots back to the carriers!" "Do it, for Adun!" Meanwhile Zassek and his men on several boarded ships realize what is happening thanks to the Zealots: "We are to teleport out of here due to this Death Star fire. You and your men arn't equiped for teleporting so you must..." The Zealot didn't have time to finish his sentence as he was being teleported away. Zassek radios all oh his men: "TO ALL FREMEN! WE MUST EVACUATE NOW! GET ON THOSE FIGHTERS and head towards the Protoss Carriers!!! Be sure to insert the specific Protoss codes I once gave you on the ship's computer or you won't be reconized by Protoss fighters! GO! Get everyone on those Transports! Go go go!" Many are confused as they head towards the Ties and transports and leave the Destroyers, some of them make it some don't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted May 2, 2002 Author Share Posted May 2, 2002 Once Zassek is out, inside a transporter carrying many of his men, he realizes something awful: "WHERE ARE THE CARRIERS!!! HAVE THEY ALL LEFT!!??" "To all Fremen, we are cloaked, head towards coordinates 123:34:08 and our tractor beam will take care of the rest. For Adun! Zassek radios all Fremen: "You heard him! let's go!" Many Fremen are left in Destroyers, unable to escape on time or access the Hangars. All Fremen survivors from the boarding of many Destroyers are about to arrive to the proper coordinates but that is when The Death Star Fires. Only a handfull of escaping Fremen manage to reach the Protoss Teleport Tractor beam on time and live. As for the others, unprotected from the Plasma Shields, they all die due to the blast and shockwaves. The remaining Imperial fleet had already Hyperspaced out of the area, some of the escaping destroyers still had plenty of Fremen inside. "The Cowards! They even leave some of theirs behind to die" All imperial units who were unable to Hyperspace were left to see death coming. "Enemy weapon has activated self destruct mode" "That doesn't stop them from being able to fire once more. One more Shot and the planet will completly be destroyed. To all Corsairs, follow my lead and destroy the weapon! For Adun!" The Corsairs close in and destroy the Death Star. Its blast causes a second devestating Shockwave as the Corsairs teleport back to their Carriers. The planet still stands but after such destruction is it still alive? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr. Cracken Posted May 2, 2002 Share Posted May 2, 2002 *Cracken is brooding at the head of a long table. It is the meeting/briefing room for his Captains and officers of the fleet.* Admiral: ... with 50% loss of all combat fighters, and a 25% losses in our capital ship fleet, we are running on nothing more than a rag tag fleet of ships. We must regroup at Kuat for refits. Our men should be able to store larger quantities of proton and concussion projectiles, and a new space bomb R&D has been developing. Cracken: and what of the Sun Crusher Project at Maw Installation? Admiral : *gulp* sir, Maw has been been terminated by the Republic by the Jedi scum, and the Sun Crusher was thrown into one of the Black holes, as waas our last Death... *Cracken angerly throws his fist down onto the table.* Cracken: Then where are we supposed to get a final fleet to destroy these intruders? That super laser was the only hope of wiping these Protoss out.... what of the Eclipse Class Star Destroyer Akira? Admiral: Final outfits are being done at Kuat Drive Yards. It should be operational by the time we arrive. Cracken: Send a burst transmission, tell them i want another Eclipse Class built immediatly, and put the Yard into full war time production. *Cracken turns to his new General, General Eisenhower, and motions to him to begin* General: My lord, all resistance has been wiped out, thier leader must have escaped before the jump to lightspeed. Our interrogations show tha these Protoss carry personal shield generators, and our blaster fire is ineffective. I've requisitioned older projectile semi-automatic and automatic rifles from Kuat to penetrate the shielding. Sir, if i may, this teleportation technology is rendering any of our vessles ineffective, it is to strech us thin to commit a ground assulkt while defending or naval.. Cracken: I want results. You can have your relics of ancient history. *Cracken gets us and stalks out of the room, brooding on his loss.* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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