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Vader model


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Sweet screen that last one... I'm just hoping someone makes a single player campaign about Vader... This model deserves to be used in every possible way and as much as possible. Can't wait to duel against him/as him... Keep it up!



BTW, did you mention that Vader is taller in SP compared to other models? Or was I dreaming it?

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It might have already been said, but i must have forgotten. Sithlord are you making Vader capable of Being a Bot? That would be really cool. Excellent work on the model. Also, when do you expect to be done


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Man, this just keeps getting better.


So allow me to share some input.


First of all, can we get a recent closeup of Vader's head/face/neck area? It is looking really good so far, but it is hard to get a detailed view on most of the pics.


Now, on to my opinions...


First of all, I like the green bars you put on. They do stand out but they help add balance to an otherwise all black model. Perhaps you could just dull the brightness down?


My second opinion is you should slightly increase the hand size if that is possible. And increase the forearm size too. This way it will accentuate the gloves he is supposed to be wearing. He seems a little limp wristed at this point.


I feel this model should be as useable as possible. In addition to using him in multiplayer, it would be too kool to play as him in singleplayer. I like the idea of spawning Vader bots to fight too. Great for people wanting to make him either a Player Character, or an NPC in custom single player maps/games...


The breather... After reading some of the replies the best idea I have heared is replacing the footsteps with breathing. He NEEDS that sound effect somewhere. The only problem I see with replacing the footsteps is you will only hear his breathing when he is walking/running.


The cape... It would be real nice to see the cape animated. Eventualy it would be nice to see his waist cape/surcoat thing implimented too.


Closing thought... You should perhaps concider releasing Vader in two versions. 1.0 which pretty much has him as he is minus any last minute touchups (breather, model changes, etc), and 1.1 which could include the animated cape and any other addons that come up once we all start running him through the proverbial grinder...

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I was thinking, prowser was quite a tall and thin dude and hence vader was a big fella, it would be cool if the vader model was slightly higher than the other, just like Desann is taller than most of the other

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sorry guys, no new shots right now, been fighting with some stuff the last day here, nothing really new to report

getting a handle on shaders though, i had his helmet looking nice and shiny


so i assume here that the armor shouldn't be too far off now,just gotta play with them alpha channels

getting better

and i found a problem with the mesh - for some reason, right now it does not decapitate. what it DOES do however... is when you do a move that should decap/cut in half the model.... it spawns a new NPC


odd, definitely.


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Will there be team skins to go with this? Or will it just be default for now . :D


If you were to create team skins, I wouldn't make them too bright.. dark red and dark black capes would be good.

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Ah,... hate to say this, but, heck, ... don't know how to put it...


The mesh-model (Vader's HEad/Helmet) by "nls" looks a bit better and more authentic than yours, sith...


*shigh* Did it... <g>


His thread is to be found in this forumpart, why don't you try to contact him and you two work together? Your body and his head (Vader's of course... <g>) would make a perfect model!


Don't be too proud to share or reject (I know, you're not and I hope he isn't too) and work as a team... Well, it sounds like a command, but it's a wish after all, cause I love your work and engagement!

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right, would throw up more work... reassambeling parts, etc.


But, on the other hand you'll have two guys with their time to handle this...


Well, on the other, other hand <g> teamwork always needs to be good coordinated... -> new amount of work and shedule-making... It's hard for "lone wolves" to give up their soloworking procedures and team up with another "lone wolf"...


After all, if they team up, I would very appreciate it,

If they don't...


Well, then, we'll have two great Vader's... <g>

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np guys


i've talked with nls a bit already i believe, if he wanted to share etc it would be up to him, i wouldn't mind - actually adding the head to a body woulnd't be a problem

right now i'm still just gonna work on doing mine, and he'll do his

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First off -- GREAT MODEL!!:)

I used to do modelling for Half Life and understand the hours and fustration that goes into these things.

As far as the suggestions to use that other guy's vader head, my suggestion is this = DON'T:mad:


His head is very high polys.

It would take lots of time to optimize what he has into anything remotely useable ingame. Plus I think what you've got is very stylized. I work as an Art Director at an ad agency now and appreciate other people's takes on universally recognized icons. Yours is your view of how it looks!

If I wanted to play as Darth rendered exactly perfect it might get boring. I know this is what your striving for; and this might sound lame, but I think you are achieving something even better.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. This is mine. I hope you agree Sith Lord II.:vadar:

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