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They record our statistics???


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If you look in your \GameData\base directory, there is a file called "games.log". It keeps a VERY detailed account of the matches that you play, including who killed who, what was used, console commands you use, the model you use, etc.


It's spyware if you ask me, and I have half a mind (not puns please) to delete that file everytime I start a game.


I don't know if or when it gets sent to lucasarts/ravensoft, but there is just too much information there that I don't think they need to know.

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all games keep a log like that, or erm... most do.


anyway the use for it is: if a server wants to put up a statistiks page with a ladder and such things, this is needed.


if an server admin needs to see what realy hapend at one or another time (so he can corectly ban, lift a ban, see if one of the other admins are behaving like a jerk)


that sort of stuff, and no it is not your log that is beeing sent to the server, the server got it's own.


it can also be used by you too se what hapend...

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Besides, what good would it do Raven to collect that information from you?


If they really wanted stats from each user, they'd look for your system information, or your registry (to see if you had a legit copy), but your game stats? I'm sure they could care less, and with the rate some people play, they'd be swamped in files before long.


I wouldn't worry about it. Q3Offline uses the stats to post html pages, for example.

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That's strange, I went to that computer and videogames website, and they have me in there. It is powered by GameSpy. I don't know how they exactly operate, but I assume they watch server activity somehow.


I am not a member of that site, and had never been there before. When I went there, I did a lookup on my name and got some pretty amazingly acurate stats. I know it couldn't be anyone else with my name either because most people don't even know how to spell it correctly, let alone copy me.

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Originally posted by Krazx

That's strange, I went to that computer and videogames website, and they have me in there. It is powered by GameSpy. I don't know how they exactly operate, but I assume they watch server activity somehow.


I am not a member of that site, and had never been there before. When I went there, I did a lookup on my name and got some pretty amazingly acurate stats. I know it couldn't be anyone else with my name either because most people don't even know how to spell it correctly, let alone copy me.


you don't need to be a member of these kind f sites (usualy) to see your stats or to have them listed on thire site, this is how they can keep track of you,


Servers send out info about:

maximum number of users,

number of users curently playing on it,

how long each of the users have played,

the ingame name of the user,

the number of kills of the user,

number of deaths of the user (don't know if they do in jk2 tho),

the pings the diferent users have,

the setings the server have (like fraglimit, pure server and that sort of stuff)


all this info is sent out so that server browsers like the ingame one or The all seeing eye can list properly and show you if a server is ff on, a friend is playing there and all players on it are crap (all got -3 in score) and so on...


now these companys that create the ranking sites just scan all the servers all the time and put all of this info on a site and ranks you, altho these sites are not realy trustable since anyone can just change thire name, get -5000 in score and compleatly wreck your score


for those who could understand me and ignore my spelling misstakes (my first language is not english, not even my second hehe) i hope i shed some light on how they "monitor" your actions.

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Thanks some god, I pretty much assumed that was what they did since they are "powered by GameSpy".


That sheds some light on the subject. Unfortunately, I have used about 20 different names in the game, so my score is not accurate there... but it's neat nonetheless.

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whats funny is if you look at who holds the top ranks.




1 Mon_Mothma

2 Galak

3 Krussk

4 Reelo

5 Reborn

6 Shadowtrooper

7 TK-421

8 Desann

9 Rebel

10 Tavion

11 Jedi

12 Lando

13 Lieutenant_Cabbel

14 Ree-Yees

15 Luke



go bots! (i know its cause the bots get more hours of play in than anyone else, but its still funny as hell)

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Spyware? hehe do you even know what spyware is? The CLQ (http://www.theclq.com) has been doing this for years and been keeping stats from back in the Quake 1 days. They aren't spying on you or anything.


Now that I mention it, I bet alot of you have KAZAA (with all of its lovely spyware) and don't know about it. Yet you claim that stat tracking in a Quake engine game is a breach of your rights. I don't know what to say.

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