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Announcement from the DJC

Darth Maniac

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There is a new clan on the block - a great powerful army ready to take on all comers. Strength in numbers is what makes us the best - Give it up for the DARK JEDI COUNCIL [DJC]!!!! Currently we have two members :D and are growing daily. Yes - entire legions of your best troops cannot stand toe to toe with us.


Anyway - although we are currently overflowing with members we are still looking out for more DJCmaniacs so if anyone wants to join we are usually on the Barrysworld, Jolt, Boomtown or Gamesdomain servers.


Our magnificent clan exists for one reason and one reason only. To use Dark tactics to achieve superiority.


Our tactics:


1) The DJC do not attack other clan members without permission in FFA games, rather choosing to pool resources to whip the butts of everyone on the server.


2) The DJC often hang around drops and use our great skill to pull opponents into the oblivion. The DJC, for example owns the bridges on the deathstar as well as the tower over the drop in Nar Shaddaa Hideout. Combining our pulls together only increases the effect. Ha ha ha!!!!!


3) Our motto is 'If presented with a choice of tactics always pick the least honorable for it is more fun and good is dumb!' Lets face it - skill is overrated!


4) The DJC prefers saber only servers cos guns suck.


5) The 2nd Favourite DJC tactic is for one member to grip an opponent in FFA while the other hacks away. The more people who join the more effective this tactic will be.


6) Above all, the DJC is there to have fun. We play games at our leisure and may never be the type of clan who quit their jobs to practice or take part in tournaments. The idea of the clan is to bond with fellow dark side bullies for a laugh - not to win prizes.


Exceptions to the above philosophy:


1) DJC still adheres to the saber off = leave alone rule, despite our better judgement.


2) DJC members will play honorably on those servers where we will get kicked for not doing so (Lucky most servers have no rules). The NESW server (My Fave) shall always be used with much respect because Big Brother and Co. are gentlemen.


3) DJC Members do not use the word 'NoOb' or any such variant unless under extreme provocation because it is really stupid. Often as a result of our superiority we have been called such lame names but we shall refrain unless the word is used as part of an appropriately witty rebuke eg; 'I am not a NoOb - You are!!!' - or something like that.


So - for those who want to become a part of history - come find us and see if you are good enough to join us!!!!


Yours in the Force -

DARTH MANIAC (And Maniac Richard)


Fear is my ally baby!! Whooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Me and Richard played on a FFA Death Star game yesterday. We stayed on the catwalks all through the game with maniac richard draining and me pulling them into the abyss at the same time. We made our way to the top of the score list to win the game in ten minutes. Neither of us drew our sabers once!!!


Now if that isn't skill I don't know what is.

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Greetings from the Rogue Jedi Clan,



Your tactics sound interesting. Please feel free to head over to Gamespy.com and test your tactics against our Jedi Masters and Knights.


We would be honored by your presence. Your demise would also do us well.





Jedi Master

Rogue Jedi Clan

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