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How do you do the saber spin?

monkey jedi

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one time i saw someone just stand still with the saber "orbiting" around them.. if thats what you mean i have no clue.. BTW, when someone pushed the guy, the saber still circled where he WAS standing, not where he was currently standing... heh weird

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You need Saber Throw Level 3, Throw your Saber and hold primary Fire, and I mean HOLD IT ALL THE TIME, then when the saber comes back strafe a little bit to the side, and dont forgt to hold fire.. If you did it right the saber should spin arround you.


If you taunt now, you can jump away and the saber will still circle at its Place as long as you hold fire.

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Originally posted by Sciron

You need Saber Throw Level 3, Throw your Saber and hold primary Fire, and I mean HOLD IT ALL THE TIME, then when the saber comes back strafe a little bit to the side, and dont forgt to hold fire.. If you did it right the saber should spin arround you.


If you taunt now, you can jump away and the saber will still circle at its Place as long as you hold fire.



What he said :-)

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Originally posted by ninelives

when the saber is about to return to your hand, press strafe left, up, strafe right, down. continune pressing it non-stop.


But sooner or later, your saber will still return in your hand.


What you mean is the N00b-Saber-Spin ;)

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